Flying Backwards

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Being stuck at home for awhile, I watched Mythbusters rerun. It had a test of the idea that a shot will make you fly back. Might be old news to you if you saw the show before.

So they had a human sized dummy with appropriate weight balanced lightly on a frame. They shot it with a 12 gauge and a 50 BMG. In each case, the dummy was just knocked off its balance point and fell to the ground, no flying back!

We still get folks denying Newton's laws and babbling about foot pounds in our firearms forums every once in awhile. But this is a nice test.

Don P

New member
Jezz and I thought rasslin was real too.:eek: I wonder why the shooter doesn't fly back after the discharge of said weapon?:confused:

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
Never saw Mythbusters but I do know a couple of people who do special effects and an ex-stunt woman. They giggle hysterically when they hear youngsters talking about being knocked into the middle of the street from X gun or X caliber. They know how much work it takes to do that.

My marine cousin with a purple heart and two stars awarded never mentioned being knocked down by the 2 gun shots, just the bomb that tore his shower apart.


New member
Even if a cartridge is powerful, their surface area is not enough to catch, lift and carry the body backwards; they punch through. I can see how they can "start" a backwards momentum until the victim falls, but that's about it.


New member
9mm rounds just stun the target. .45 ACP, hit anywhere on the body, will instantly open up a space-time disturbance and send pieces of the target flying everywhere, some into the mini-black hole and never found again.




Glenn E. Meyer

New member
On the show, they mentioned that until the flying rigs were invented (the ones that pull you for a shot or an explosion effect), folks just crumpled when they were shot.

They showed a whole bunch of Western clips where hit supposedly by a 45 Colt, the cowboy just fell down.


New member
On the show, they mentioned that until the flying rigs were invented (the ones that pull you for a shot or an explosion effect), folks just crumpled when they were shot.

They showed a whole bunch of Western clips where hit supposedly by a 45 Colt, the cowboy just fell down.

Are you a fan of 1940s-60s B Westerns by the way? :D

I am and I watched so many of these classics! Usually they have a fancy ray-gun ricochet sound when a round hits and the guy just falls down. On some movies they even make a cloud of dust to show impact.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Hey, on the Midway gun show on Wed., it was stated that a 45 ACP hit in the pinky will spin you around and knock you down.

My favorite Westerns were Have Gun Will Travel and Yancy Derringer.


You only fly bakcwards if you are hit with a .45acp fired out of a Glock

WildineverlikedwesternstoophoneyAlaska ™©2002-2011


New member
They showed a whole bunch of Western clips where hit supposedly by a 45 Colt, the cowboy just fell down.

True, I was thinking the same when I watched The Magnificent Seven a while back. I really enjoyed the lack of idiot effects :p


New member
Geeze Glenn you ruined it for me.I bought my 1911 because of the way Bruce Willis' knocked those guys into next week in Last Man Standing.:D

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
The most powerfui effect of the 1911 is causing you to buy drapes. When I bought my SW 1911Sc - my wife said if you could afford that, you can afford new drapes for the living room.

NOW, that knocked me over! :eek:

I've mentioned before that two big strong guys told me that in the army they shot a 1911 and it near tore their arm off.


Active member
I know for a fact that a .44 magnum will blow a man's head clean off....

If Clint Eastwood said it, it must be so.:D


New member
The most powerful effect of the 1911 is causing you to buy drapes. When I bought my SW 1911Sc - my wife said if you could afford that, you can afford new drapes for the living room.

Didn't see that coming. Nor did I see a very expensive patio set under a similar circumstance. I wasn't knocked back but as similar to being hit in the pinky, a direct hit to the wallet sent me reeling.


New member
I've got all three seasons of Have Gun Will Travel on CD- man, that's some good entertainment!

Even on the more modern shows, they never show folks getting blown clean off their horses- they usually just kinda slump and slide off whereas if they are unfortunate enough to be caught on the ground or a rooftop they get blown to neighboring galaxies. If I ever get shot by Clint or any of these newer western guys- I well hope to be on a horse!

Does anyone remember what Paladin said his trigger pull was set at on that custom built pistol of his? Always seemed to be spooky kinda light to me.


I've seen video's of people be shot with an AK47, they didn't even move, but they did start to cry, as this was the end.


New member
45 ACP, hit anywhere on the body, will instantly open up a space-time disturbance and send pieces of the target flying everywhere, some into the mini-black hole and never found again.

That explains an experience I had. I took a shot at a squirrel with my 1911. I assumed I had missed because there was not a dead squirrel laying there, but obviously I knocked it in to another dimension.