Florida Concealed Carry License question


New member

I agree with you, that's what it says and I have seen it before. But it is someone's summation of the law, not the law itself. Whether this person is correct or not, I do not know. I do know that in the full text of 790, which this references, there is no statement to that effect. 790 specifically states that the only thing any local government can do is set zoning ordnances for businesses and that the counties can decide independent of the state if they want to enact a 3 day waiting period.


New member

I went to the Florida CCL web site and clicked through to the statues themselves. The link a couple of messages above is an offical state web site of the statutes. If you go there, check out Subsection (2) Paragraph 3. It reads as I stated before.

I'm not saying I agree with Criminal Empowerment Zones (gun free zones). And as I said, I don't know how many school districts actually have such published policies, but it is the law.

Interestingly, a permit holder may "drive through" such a parking lot because the school district can only create "parking" restrictions under this law. People without a permit can't legally get closer than 1000 ft to a school.



New member
The only way to tell the difference is that your address on the permit will indicate that you are from another state.
Which can be a biggie if you are in a state other than the issuing or your residence state.

Obvious that it is a non resident license.

Seems that it would be up to the third party state whether to honor it, and not up to Florida.



New member

Guess that's why you gotta be a lawyer to understand this stuff. They can't make anything easy to understand. Hopefully, neither of us will be the test case for this part of the law. I have parked in school parking lots numerous times over the years and left my handgun in the car. Last time was a few weeks ago, at the local college campus, when my step-brother graduated from the police academy. The place was packed with cops and most of them knew I carry a gun. Would have sucked to find out it was against the law by getting busted by one of them. :)


It is up to the third party state as to whether or not they take the "out-of-state" license. The Florida Dept. of State still recommends checking with each individual state you are going to visit and not rely on Florida's website for who accepts it and who does not. Seems to change on a daily basis.


New member
I'm from Miss and recently got my FL license...Only took 43 days...If you have served in the military you should have recieved a form DD214 upon discharge...A copy of this form can be used to fulfill the firearms qualification requirement....

Larry Wright

New member
Sam, I just submitted my application last week. $117, a passport size color glossy photo, a fingerprint card and prove of competency (the application cites examples of which DD214 is one) and the application has to be notarized. I'm glad to hear it's relatively quick as somewhere on the application it says allow up to 90 days.


New member
Just sent in mine as well. You can request the forms online. I
received them in the mail in a few days. For proof of firearms
training, I used my 1988 Kansas Hunters Education certificate - I
emailed and asked if this would be acceptable and was told yes.

The literature they sent includes the following message, which I
found very refreshing compared to the attitude here in California:

A Message from the Secretary of State
The right to bear arms is a fundamental right guaranteed by the
Constitution of the United States. In 1987, this right was
extended under Florida law to allow citizens to carry a concealed
weapon or firearm for lawful self-defense. I hope that citizens
who elect to carry a concealed weapon or firearm will take the
time to learn and understand the law. The burden of
responsibility that an armed citizen has cannot be overestimated.
It is my sincere hope that you will exercise your lawful right to
carry a concealed weapon or firearm responsibly, properly and
safely. Katherine Harris, Secretary of State.


New member
I just turned 23 so I will be applying for OK CCW soon. But do you have the address handy for getting online forms? Might be easier to get both at about the same time just get two copies of everything.



New member
Guess that's why you gotta be a lawyer to understand this stuff.
Don't bet on that either!

There are endless disputes among lawyers about what various laws mean. Sometimes those disputes are called trials....

Cases before the various supreme courts are about what laws mean and whether or not they conflict with the constitutions.

Now would Congress or various legislatures pass laws they know are unconstitutional given that most of those critters are lawyers? :rolleyes:

Tom C.

New member
What ever happened to the Constitution.
Article. IV.
Section. 1.
Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.
My drivers licence, and every other piece of paper is good in 50 states. How do they get away with not honoring a CCW?


I sent away for my Florida Concealed Carry information packet after reading this thread, thanks for inspiring me...:)