Flash - Urgent - Online Discussion with Senator Kline in roughly 1 hour.


New member
I dont see a registration requirement, but I have not used this forum on this discussion site before...
We're expected to email questions to the author. These are the three I hope to see posed:

If we're to restrict the rights of citizens to own things, there should be some proof of social utility. What proof do you have that banning certain weapons or magazines will reduce gun violence? There is no evidence that the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban reduced violent crime, and there were several mass shootings while it was law. How can you be sure a new ban would fare any better?

There are between 3 and 10 million AR-15 rifles in private possession in the United States. It is safe to say that they are a weapon "in common use," and therefore protected according to the Supreme Court's decision in DC v. Heller. How do you square a ban on such weapons with the Court's ruling?

The gun control movement in the United States has taken the form of creeping incrementalism. We've repeatedly been forced to accept restrictions without getting anything in return. What is to stop you from enacting even stricter controls if the ones under current consideration fail to stop mass shootings?


New member
Tom - I have submitted two of your three questions so far, but none have been posted in the discussion.

Spats McGee

Up at the top, there's a "comment" button. You can just type in a name, type (or paste) a question and hit submit. No registration required. I'm logged in as Spats.
Kline's not willing to be swayed. Consider this observation:

Chris Raymond --- you are aware Australia never had a right to gun ownership, and that Oz's total crime rate is 7020 per 100k. The number in the US is 3500 per 100k. Violent crime in Oz is about 800 per 100k, in the US it is 350 per 100k.I don't think Oz or the UK which has similar numbers is in ANY WAY a good example for us.

His response?

Yes, I am. The Australian legislature banned assault weapons--that is, a specifically defined set of firearms--and there has not been a mass killing in 17 years. They can still hunt, skeet-shoot, go to firing ranges to practice with long guns and hand guns. They just saved probably hundreds of lives without any more than a minor inconvenience. Which is why it rankles me that the NRA wants to avoid even these minor things like a three-minute wait for a clearance at a gun-show sale, just to keep on allowing guns to be sold to potential criminals.


New member
Chris Raymond --- you are aware Australia never had a right to gun ownership, and that Oz's total crime rate is 7020 per 100k. The number in the US is 3500 per 100k. Violent crime in Oz is about 800 per 100k, in the US it is 350 per 100k.I don't think Oz or the UK which has similar numbers is in ANY WAY a good example for us.

Hey, that's me! :)

He's not responding to anything from me, and a bunch of my stuff is stuck in moderation.


New member
Despite my best efforts, no questions I posted to the moderator were asked of the Senator... Not one... Every question was on topic and to the point... Typical of the Anti-media...

Much thanks to TFL for helping support our rights!


New member
My only goal is to get the senator to explain to me how a pistol grip makes a weapon more deadly. After he said this: "...(2) ban semi-automatics with specific characteristics like pistol-grips, that turn them into much more lethal weapons..." I just have to know now.


New member
My only goal is to get the senator to explain to me how a pistol grip makes a weapon more deadly.

My question for him was... does that include pistols?

One of my comments got in... I must have posted about 20 questions/comments.