First time Rabbit huntin in the morn.


New member
Evening Fluffy,

your barrel is too tight a choke.

Is the barrel a fixed choke or has removable tubes?

If removable then try for a "SK" skeet or "IC" improved cylinder for rabbit, as they normally ( sometimes) hold tight and you have jump-start them out or are at FULL SPEED down the field.

Look at some of the auction site as sometimes you can be a shorter barrel that takes the tubes.

THe barrel you have is good for late early season pheasants or pass shooting for ducks /geese.


I gave up rabbit hunting after an event over 30 years ago. I had been out in the Maine woods hunting snow shoe rabbits. I saw one about 10 feet away trying to hide from me. I raised my 410 single shot shotgun and hit him well. Instead of dying immediately, the rabbit looked directly in my eyes and screamed a high pitched death cry that still sends shivers up and down my back when I think about it.

Call me a wimp, but it was the most pitiful sound I have ever heard in my life. So rabbit hunting, lots of fun till one looks you in the eyes and screams in agony. Sorry, didn't mean to spoil everyone's fun, but wow, I still remember that till today. Give me a goose, a duck, a deer, elk, or bear over that little rabbit.


New member
Thanks for the info jrothWA.

I thought it might not be the best fit, that's why I asked. It's a fixed choke barrel, so replacing it is the only way to change the setup. The gun belonged to my late grandfather, who was a bird hunter, so it sounds about right.

Is the problem that it will group too tight for rabbit? What kind of spread does one look for when rabbit hunting?

Once I get some money, I'll be looking at acquiring another shotgun, and will surely get one with a removable choke tube.

Dr. Strangelove

New member
Once I get some money, I'll be looking at acquiring another shotgun, and will surely get one with a removable choke tube.

You can get a replacement barrel with choke tubes fairly cheaply for that Mossberg 500A.