First Target/Range pistol


all 4 of those are great

I lean to the CZ and the SR9 first
both great shooters,ones striker fired and ones DA/SA fire
pick your poison


New member
From the list, it would either be the Beretta 92 or the CZ 75 whichever one fits your hand better.

I would also consider the following:
1. EAA witness match.
2. Sig 226, 228, 229 (Used).
3. STI Spartan 1911 ( but you already have a 1911).


New member
Just an update for anyone who cares.

I found a NIB Beretta M9A1 at a gunshow and picked it up for only $525. Added a TLR-1

Looking forward to going to the range.

Well I care and am interested but find it odd that the thread momentum keeps going without pause or acknowledgment even when you have made your purchase.

I hope you enjoy the gun!


New member
Well I care and am interested but find it odd that the thread momentum keeps going without pause or acknowledgment even when you have made your purchase.

I hope you enjoy the gun!

That is because most post to a tread and never read any of the replies!


Congrats on your new Beretta. Good choice!

Let us know how you like it.


New member
Enjoy your Beretta. They seem to be fine guns. Some disagree, but that is true on ANY issue/choice.:D


New member
You are going to enjoy that Beretta. It is a bit of a classic, and a nice shooting pistol. I personally think they are one of the better values out there from the standpoint of price versus quality.

Consider a .22 soon though - the savings on ammo costs pays for a decent .22 pretty fast.


New member
Sadly I have yet to take it out. :(
Pheasant season is winding down here in Kansas so I been using all the extra time I got to take out the ol' 870 and try and bag some birds.

Season ends tommorrow so I should get a chance to take the Beretta out this weekend.


New member
Good choice with the Beretta. I own all the guns you listed (and then some) with the exception of the SR9. My 92fs is one of my favorites.


New member
maybe throw the PPQ into the mix...i have not shot one myself, but i have yet to see a bad review regarding them...the trigger is the thing that narrowed it down for me...ill be buyin a PPQ once my tax return comes in


Out of what you listed I would definitely go with either the CZ75B or the Beretta 92/M9, whichever fits your hand better. They have very good reputations and they're steel frame, which I think is better. Plus since the only 2 pistols you have are steel frame you'd probably adapt faster then you would with a polymer gun. I love Glocks but it's nice to see a steel frame once in a while. If you haven't ever shot a .40 I have to give you a fair warning that it's definitely a handful. Maybe it's just my pistol, but I think it feels like 2 or 3 times the recoil of a 9mm and close to 2 times a 357 Magnum(with factory loads). The ballistics are impressive but if I could do it all over I would have just gotten the 9mm. It's cheaper, more plentiful, and can do anything you need it to.

EDIT: Nevermind lol, you already got the Beretta. Nice choice. Let us know how you like it when you get a chance to shoot it.
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New member
I know this is way overdue but I finally got a chance to take out the new M9A1 and all I can say is WOW!

I didn't really have any complaints: I love the size of it (I'm a big guy some of the other 9mm I looked at, the SR9 in partcular just seemed kinda small really) and the sights from the factory were very accurate. I put 200 rounds through it and had zero FTF or FTE. Another bonus that I didn't realize at first was that the 2 mags that came with it have some sort of special coating on them and the mags alone retail for about $55 apiece.
Lastly,I prefer having a hammer instead of a striker fired pistol; though this came down to nothing more than nostalgia of some kind...

My only two very minor complaints with it are:
1. It came with a plastic guide rod... ***?:confused:
but this is easily fixed with an order to Beretta
2. I put a TLR-1 on it and it is now (very slightly) barrel heavy. This is remedied with practice I suppose.

Anyway I think I got a great firearm at a great price and I woudn't hesitate to buy another. Thanks to all those that contributed!


New member
Thought you would like it.

Don't worry about the plastic guide rod - they hold up fine by all reports. If you want to change it, fine, but you probably should consider it to be a cosmetic change rather than a functional one.