First Community in Nation to Address Illegal Aliens


New member
If you out and out hate a race so much, and anyone of that race for no real reason, then you are a racist.
That's bigotry. Racism is the belief that your race is superior to others


New member
Here is my solution to illegal immigration. Please read it all the way through before you label me a lefty commie bastard :D

Pay illegal immigrants the same as regular Americans. People claim they steal jobs from Americans because they are willing to work for less money. So if employers were forced to pay illegals the same as regular Americans, the incentive to hire illegals over Americans would be gone. :)


New member
People claim they steal jobs from Americans because they are willing to work for less money. So if employers were forced to pay illegals the same as regular Americans, the incentive to hire illegals over Americans would be gone.
When I was 13 and 14 I was doing these jobs that Americans supposedly won't do.
Start hiring 14 year olds to cut grass and pick fruit and carry 2x4s for the carpenters again and you won't need an illegal work force.

If I made my kid to do the things we did for fun in the 70s social services would take him away for child abuse

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Don H wrote:
Just curious. The 2004 election blue-red county map shows 2 states with no blue counties and Idaho appears to have at least one blue county. So I was curious as to the grounds for your statement.
Um, Blaine county. Home Of Sun Valley, Ketchum and Hailey. AKA - Hollyweird North. California mught claim them, but we sure don't!


New member
when my fourteen year old daughter got a summer job with a local business , and personally know the "boss" she had to provide 3 forms of id, including social security card, and at least one photo id
I did office work for a family farm up the road from us, for a couple of years.

My experience? None of the people who we knew were legal citizens had their ID when they first came in, and usually had a terrible time getting their papers together.

The folks who barely spoke English, or spoke it not at all, always had their paperwork together and had no problem presenting however many forms of ID we asked for.

Heh. Well, there was one guy whose SS card appeared to have been printed off a poorly-inked computer and was misspelled in a couple of places. His Driver's License had his photo, yes, but the photo was simply taped onto the back so it would show through a window he'd cut into it. Him, we told to go away ... but the others? They all had green cards which appeared to be valid.

Which brings me to Rich's first post:
Now, if you want .gov to begin issuing "Work Papers" based on things like background checks, biometrics and RealID, that's your choice. But be careful what you ask for. In a generation such "Work Papers" might be considered a Privilege rather than a Right....a Privilege to be renewed every time you change employers.
At least one person on the thread has straight-up said that doesn't bother him. That he'd rather have security than freedom. There are no words to express how disgusted I am with such a boot-licking, cowardly, pusillanimous attitude!


If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose that too. -- W. Somerset Maugham


New member
I'm surprised none of ya'll put this quote yet:

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin.

... And who can forget the common quote from so many WWII war flicks?

"Papers, please."


New member
There are no words to express how disgusted I am with such a boot-licking, cowardly, pusillanimous attitude!
Now ain't that so redundantly HighRoady.
Disagree with someone, tell him how sickening his opinion is.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Pax spat the following reply:
At least one person on the thread has straight-up said that doesn't bother him. That he'd rather have security than freedom. There are no words to express how disgusted I am with such a boot-licking, cowardly, pusillanimous attitude!
Would that person be me? Since I started the thread and am generally the only person who likes what this County Commission is doing, I can only assume that you do in fact mean myself.

Well then, instead of spewing your bile all over the keyboard, how about coming up with an alternative means? In other words, Get Off Your Behind And Do Something Constructive.

To date, we have all heard and/or spoken out about the problem of illegal immigrants, yet I have not to date seen another actual solution. At least in this instant case, something IS being done. Right, Wrong or Indifferent.

As to what Rich said, Pax? Get real. We Already Live In This World. We have ever since the Feds mandated proof of ID in order to work. Ever Since the SCOTUS ruled in favor of the State of Nevada over Hiibel. Or take the case of Ilinois v Cabellas. Raich? Kelo? Oh hell, I could go on for pages, listing the abuses of power. Where was the call to arms then? Or Now? ...And by your own statements, you are as much of the problem as Rich makes it out that I am.

Hang your head, dear lady. You are the Pot, calling the kettle black.

coyote mak

I don't no what part of Washington you live in, the only time i here that type of stupidity and outright bad mouthing of another board member(which you are famous for kicking people off you the high road for doing the same thing or less) are people that live down in Seattle or came from a state that was notorious for its residents not liking anyone that wasn't white. what the others say is true, it has been a law for over 10 years that you had to prove you were a legal citizen. so they are right, it is already here. as for you job dealing with farm workers with green cards, i bet you knew a lot of them were fake and still looked the other way. in all ways you are a person with some problems and like calling the kettle black. so i would go back to the high road were you seem to be ruling so heavy handed and either continue to do so or lighten up and join the human race. Evey one has the right to speak out and say what they think even if you do not agree with it and before you go calling someone a troll check your facts first.

:cool: :cool: :cool: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: