First Community in Nation to Address Illegal Aliens

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
From the most Republican State in the Union, hopefully soon to come to a state near you:

Canyon County sues over immigrant hiring
Commissioners use RICO Act to challenge hiring

Rebecca Boone
The Associated Press

Canyon County commissioners sued four major agricultural companies and the nonprofit Idaho Migrant Council Wednesday, accusing them of conspiring to hire and harbor undocumented workers.

The lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court contends the four companies — Syngenta Seeds, Sorrento Lactalis, Swift Beef Co. and Harris Moran Seed Co. — and the nonprofit Idaho Migrant Council — have violated the federal Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, which was designed to target the mafia.

And who is the County Commissioner upstart pushing for this lawsuit? Robert Vasquez, grandson of legal Mexican immigrants and running for the 1st District Congressional seat being vacated by Butch Otter.

I'm simply shocked, I tell ya! What's to become of poor Idaho, if this succeeds? Who would want ot move to such a racist State?... Me?, I'm staying put. Seems there is light at the end of the tunnel!

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
I have said all along, that we will not be able to get a "handle" on this problem unless or until we put significant pressure on the businesses that employ these illegal aliens.

It appears that I am not alone in this thinking. I suspect that should the County prevail, it will balloon out to the rest of Idaho, if not the nation as a whole. It is pretty much a fact that the Feds will not take control of our borders, so it is left up to local governmental units to do what they can.

I think it will be a factor in all of this, that a man of Mexican decent is spearheading this effort. This should preclude the librals from using the race card as a sound bite against this action. Instead, they will be forced to use his political aspirations against him. Don't know how that will play.

What I do know is that even the lawful immigrants and 2nd and 3rd generation Americans, here in Idaho, have been losing their jobs to the illegals and they don't like it.


A lot of people will agree walmart is one of the biggest RETAIL violators of hiring illegal immigrants. I dont even call it walmart anymore. I just call it mexico.

I have no issues with legal immigrants. I dont even have an issue with people that came here legally but ended up staying. But those that risk their and their childrens lives do not have my respect. Patience is virtue. There are ways to get here legally somewhat quickly.

BTW its not just mexicans. I always say mexicans but ill rephrase it from mexicans to South Americans. That way nobody gets offended.


New member

Just when did Mexican or "Hispanic" in general become a race? They throw that term around in an attempt to intimidate reasonable people. Well, I'm not a racist and I'm furious the Feds are allowing hoards of illegals to pour into my Country. I applaud the Canyon County commissioners.
I just want to remind people that many employers, especially the large ones like WalMart, are hardly hiring these people "under the table" fact the same goes for the farmers and sugar growers here in S. Florida. Valid Social Security numbers are presented and the Government gets its cut. When papers are not in order, the employer gets dinged, even though he's complied with the paperwork and paid the toll.

Now, if you want .gov to begin issuing "Work Papers" based on things like background checks, biometrics and RealID, that's your choice. But be careful what you ask for. In a generation such "Work Papers" might be considered a Privilege rather than a Right....a Privilege to be renewed every time you change employers.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
I agree in principle, Rich. But in practice, here's what we have going on in Idaho.

Company hires man. Fills out Form I-99 (you know, that Federal Form that gives you the right to work, if your papers are in order). Presents a SS card for one of the "valid" forms of ID.

Next man comes in and does the same.

Finally, 64 men are hired... Problem is that they are all using the same SSN! :eek: Can any employer stand up and tell me that they didn't suspect these guys were all illegals?

Or the farmer that hires 16 men?

Now if the SSN's are all different, it might escape notice. But it's standard practice in this state that all the illegals hired at the same time, generally present a SS card with the same number, but different names. I might excuse the farmer, who generally isn't as computer literate as the Corps that were sued, but then the farmers accountant should have picked up on it the moment payroll was processed.

And yes, the State Taxing agency and the IRS are to blame here also. One would think multiple persons using the same SSN would red flag in a New York Minute!

Give me a valid birth certificate, your green card (resident alien), your pink card (legal alien worker) or your passport. Don't have those? I won't hire you.

I-99's are a joke!
I honestly wasn't aware that was common practice. If so, I agree, the employer should be held accountable. Though I don't understand why one would take the risk.....employer pays the matching taxes, legal or illegal.

Was that the reason why WalMart got dinged a few months back? Identical SSN's?

ps: As I think about it, I don't understand your solution. Birth certificates are more easily obtained than SSN's. Besides, wouldn't you then have to collect the same papers from Citizens also, just to prove they're citizens.

No, it seems to me that the govt is the one that should be checking such items....they cash the monthly withholding checks right fast. It'd take me about 15 minutes to provide them a logic routine to spit out every SSN being used by more than one or two names.


Im not stating they arent good workers. My mother has had some work for her before and most were caught stealing. They also wanted a raise's that werent earned. Its not that companies hire people UNDER THE TABLE. But some companies hire immigrants when its obvious they are not legal.

I would personally not mind giving up a little pivacy to have a safer country. In my opinion we would still be one of the most free countries in the world.

Have any of you actually seen how many crimes a year are commited by illegal immigrants? Its outrageous and whats even more sad is its harder for feds to catch up with them.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Reasonable Diligence: Birth certificates, even duplicates, have a notary stamp on them that is easily recognizable... At least everyone that I've ever seen that dates from 1974 onward. Granted, even that can be forged, but as an employer, I don't have to take Due Diligence, just reasonable diligence.

As for SSN's, pretty easy DB setup to flag dups. My employee DB does this if I try and enter a SSN that matches one that's already on file, regardless of the Name on its face.
I can order a certified Birth Cert for anyone I'd like. All I need is the name, DOB and Town of Birth. For your purposes, I then become that person. What am I missing?


New member
been a while since you looked for job ;) They do require the same papers from citizens.
even out here in "the middle of nowhere",Nebraska - pop. 1500, when my fourteen year old daughter got a summer job with a local business , and personally know the "boss" she had to provide 3 forms of id, including social security card, and at least one photo id (what the heck does a fourteen year old have for a photo id - no drivers license or learners permit and only about 300 students in grades 7-12 they don't have photo school id's. Yeah, we have traveled some, but S. Dak., CO, and IA don't require a passport.



New member
This does not have to be turned into a big deal with more legislation. Again common sense was all that was required for this particular situation - more then one person using the same SS# at the same place of employment.

Another place this could have been noticed would be the Social Security department. Honestly when the same employer is put in x number of dollars for ss#abc-de-fghi and that number is 66 times higher then most of the others that could indicate a problem. I dunno maybe a slight code change would show the issue.

Heck this could be an oportunity for a private company to make some money. As many financial transactions between business and government are done by 3rd parties, the 3rd party could offer as a service to the .gov to evaluate the money coming in - effectivly audit it and notice things like - this ss# is being reported by several different employees, or maybe offer it as a service to the employer to protect them. 3rd party could report back to the employer - watch out you got 43 people reporting the same SS#, its possible its a mistake, this gives the employer a chance to fix it before the gubmint gets involved.


Rich Lucibella
I can order a certified Birth Cert for anyone I'd like. All I need is the name, DOB and Town of Birth. For your purposes, I then become that person. What am I missing?
You are missing tight controls on the issue of duplicate birth certificates - and an end to this mining and passing around of private personal data by hordes of public/private commercial institutions.

But aside from what Antipitas has said; gov at both fed and all state levels ought to be detaining for positive verification anyone they come across who come up as a "mismatch" with any paperwork they present be it with an employer, university, traffic stop etc.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Don H wrote:
Most Republican state? What was the criteria for making that assertion?
Oh, just anecdotal things like its overall voting record for the last 20 years; the makeup of its legislature for the last 20 years; many and sundry newspaper articles and of course, its biggest promoter: VPC and the Brady Center.

Should I have written: "From Idaho, arguably the most Republican State in the Union?"

Don H

New member
Just curious. The 2004 election blue-red county map shows 2 states with no blue counties and Idaho appears to have at least one blue county. So I was curious as to the grounds for your statement.

Coincidentally, my wife and I may be in Rupert on the 14th. Her great-great-grandfather was a minister at the Methodist(?) church there and they will be having an open-house celebrating their founding 100 years ago. Small world, isn't it?


New member
Prejudiced, not racist

An African-American co-worker made a statement that I thought qualified as "racist" about Hispanics. I jokingly said that he was racist for saying it. (Having come from the L.A. area a few years ago, I remember reading and seeing things in the media about any person was "racist" for speaking out against anything dealing with immigration, especially illegal immigration. This came from so-called immigration-rights groups who wanted to bend the immigration laws any way they can. I was anti-illegal immigration then, as well as now, and just kept my mouth shut in order not to be labeled a "racist.") My co-worker enlightened me. He said that he wasn't racist, but rather prejudiced. He said that when we criticize people due to their race, and our criticism is pretty much on-target, we are at worst, prejudiced. If you out and out hate a race so much, and anyone of that race for no real reason, then you are a racist. I had to agree, and felt the weight of thousands, no, millions of illegal immigrants lifted off my shoulder!