First CCW purchase, any problems?


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Hello TFL Community,

(Semi-automatic question follows, but since this is my first post, a bit of background). Skip to the bottom for my Semi-auto question.

Background: I've been following this forum for several months now and just registered today. Following it to gain insight and knowledge on firearms, because I am realtively new to firearms, and have recently begun frequenting a shooting range not far from my rural home, and a strong interest in pursuing a CCW license. I reside in Wisconsin, and we are the 2nd last, as I understand, state to adopt this.

Two reasons I will be purchasing several guns in the near future:

1. First purchase will be a CCW. Although I reside in a safe, rural area, I will be making numerous trips into Milwaukee in the future, and the neighborhood I will be travelling in has changed for the worse .

2. I live about 12 minutes away from an outdoor shooting range, and having recently gone there with my 21 y/o son and shot skeet & targets, we've both taken a keen interest in shooting. Good clean fun. We both want to target practice on weekends together for sheer enjoyment. (We're both going to buy 22/10's soon)

Question: Based on research here, and talking with the folks at the gun store, I'm looking to purchase the Ruger SR9C, HC. Now, one thing I've learned here is that, like everything else in the world, firearms are a personal thing. Asking for the "best" is going to get you that person’s opinion. So, I'm not asking for your personal favorite to buy instead of this Ruger. Instead, I'm mostly interested in learning if there are any major known problems, or otherwise reasons why this gun is to be avoided.

I hope this makes sense, and I appreciate your guidance. Thank you.
other than being a ruger and looking like a little kid's toy, i'm sure it shoots like any other gun. ruger semi autos aren't known for their reliability over all. this one, however, does seem to be the exception from what i have heard.

but if you ask me, i would rather buy a gun from a company with a reputation for good handguns than a company that happened to get one right for once.


New member
This pistol has a good reputation and, just as importantly, Ruger has an excellent reputation for customer service should you need it. Other posters will insist on trying to get you to purchase what they like but it seems you have made a solid choice, so ignore them. I say this as someone who chose something different than you. As you say, it's often just personal choice.

ruger semi autos aren't known for their reliability over all.
I'm sorry but this is pure B.S.


New member
Welcome to the forums! Rugers have a good reputation, I don't think you made a bad choice. Just remember to carry it everywhere, everyday and be safe.


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The vast majority agree Rugers are reliable, whether they like them or not. The P series were definitely a big chunky, but the SR series seem better. Most of the major manufacturers make good stuff. Some better in some ways than others.

I looked at that same pistol. For me it is bigger than I want to CC. I liked the gun though a lot. However for CC I like true pocket pistols. If I were going to carry IWB instead, I would probably have the SR40C. You have a plan/setup/clothing to CC?

Congrats on WI finally getting CC!

Re: Milwaukee: I was amazed at some of the bad neighborhoods there!


New member
All of the people that I know that own this gun really like it. Also, despite one post to the contrary, Ruger autos have a reputation of reliability and the company is second to none in Customer Service.


New member
Google around for reviews and recalls. The SR9C is probably just fine if you can stand the trigger. I'd look into getting the trigger tuned.

Also buy a bunch of extra magazines. Consider magazines to be expendable items that wear out. Many people become attached to their expensive magazines.


New member
buying a gun is a personal decission and no 2 people or situations are alike. size, caliber, capacity, even color and cost are personal choices. you have alot to narrow down. people can only tell you what they like or what works for them. personally i like the numbers 1911 and the caliber 45 but your hat size may be different.


New member

But there certainly are objective differences to determine/discuss as well.

A Toyota is without doubt a more RELIABLE car than a "insert lesser car here", BUT for your circumstance...the BMW/Hummer/Peterbilt... may make more sense.

I do would love to read some factual numbers comparative to the auto world's actual reliability and longevity studies.

I have a european car, it's not that reliable, but it has ran forever so long as I repair it. It's just a fact, most japanese cars are more reliable, but I wanted this car for other reasons, that to me, made it better over all.

Then again, I'm kind of stats junkie. Do like the military's reliability, durability tests, but they only test a tiny percentage of civilian weapons.

Geek mode = off!


New member
Welcome to TFL...

...and sorry your first response was as KyJim said, "pure BS".

Although my ccw's are not Rugers, they DO have a reputation of being reliable and has also been said, on of the best warranty and customer service reputations in the industry.

We're both going to buy 22/10's soon

The 10/22 is a very good rifle. May I also suggest the Ruger MK series 22 pistol. IMO, one of the best 22 semi auto's ever built.

Hope you enjoy every minute shooting with your son.;)


New member
I would have to agree that the SR9c would be a good choice. I've not heard any negatives about them. The SR series has a very good reputation for quality & accuracy. They're easy to maintain, accessories are popping up everywhere now, & parts (if you ever need them) are easy to come by. My SR9 has been 100% reliable with over 3,000 rounds so far without a failure of any kind. Good luck. :)


New member
many LE agencies still use ruger semis 4 their reliability but that hits is "opinion"

this guy has a lot of good reads sometimes

thank you for your explnantory OP and WELCOME TO TFL!

*you did say you were going to buy several and I thought you said you were going to provide reasons but I probably read it wrong. At any rate, you should do fine and you do have some reasons to buy a bunch so have fun: examples, CCW, rifle reason mentioned, maybe a shotgun for HD and another handgun for backup or HD also, etc,etc


New member
I think you have made a great choice as well. I have never shot a ruger semi auto, but my father has an sp101 and its awesome. Have fun shooting with your son as others have said. I'm 23, and me and my father go shooting all the time. It is TRUE bonding time. Welcome to TFL, and enjoy shooting sir.


New member
My current cc firearm is a SR-9C and I flat love it. I did swap out the stock sights for "Big Dot" sights, as my 57 year old eyes aren't quite as good as when I was younger. Granted, using the "Big Dot's" takes some getting used to as well, at least for me they did. I found I have to aim just slightly higher to hit POA using those sights.

I think you made a great choice! I'm looking to pick up Ruger's entry into the 1911 market as soon as I can find one locally.


Ruger semi autos may be ugly, but they are built very well. Your choice is a good one. I plan on carrying my S&W M&P 9c when I get my Wisconsin ccl. I am also looking to add a Colt Defender for ccw. Now you have me thinking about the SR40c.

Good luck.
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If the gun fits your hand and points naturally, I see no reason not to go for it. I've had extensive experience with the model, both first and second hand, and it's a reliable and accurate gun.

I can verify what the others said regarding reliability. Ruger has always been known to make solid products, and the SR9 is no exception.

chris in va

New member
Don't really see a problem with the Ruger, but word of a few if you can. I made the mistake of buying a CC gun without trying it out first and sold it a few months later once I realized it just wasn't working out.


New member
If it's at all possible, find a "rental" range near you and arrange an outing for you and your son to "try" several makes and models... maybe even a couple of different calibers.

I just got into pistol shooting in the past year. In just that short amount of time I've bought several different pistols and enjoy each of them for different reasons. There is just no substitute for "hands on" experience. You may decide you would prefer a SA/DA semi over a striker fired or vice versa.

It may cost you a few dollars to try some, but it may save you hundreds if you buy wrong (I'm not referring to the Ruger) change later. Besides, it just fun to shoot with your kids!

Ed Jaws

New member
Congrat on Wisconsin for passing the CCW.

I wouldn't worry about the trigger for the SR9C. Check out the the 3 youtube videos Hickok45 posted on the SR9C and how much he was raving about the light, crisp trigger.

Hope this helps ease your mind on the Ruger. Enjoy.

BTW, the 10/22 is really a fun gun to shoot but pick up some large capacity magazines. You won't regret it.
