Finally ordered a Beretta 92FS


New member
Here are a few quick iPhone snaps of the new kid, freshly cleaned and lubed with 4 factory magazines of 124-grain Speer Gold Dots. I went with standard pressure instead of +p. The 92'a barrel is 5" so I'll get close to +p velocities anyway, and without added strain on the pistol.

Any "spackling" in the image, particularly of the finish in the last shot, isn't due to the gun's finish, but some dust I kicked up cleaning my house just before I took the shots and didn't notice. The finish is flawless.

Taking it out this weekend hopefully to send through a box of the GDHPs and a few hundred rounds cheap Federal Champion.

I absolutely love it already. Elegant, built solidly, and for my big hands the grips are perfect.






New member
Congratulations! I carried the M9 in the Marine Corps and think it's a great gun. It was very accurate and the action very smooth. It always seemed a bit large to me though, and for my own purposes, I would prefer the rarely seen, single-stack variant.


New member
Congratulations! I carried the M9 in the Marine Corps and think it's a great gun. It was very accurate and the action very smooth. It always seemed a bit large to me though, and for my own purposes, I would prefer the rarely seen, single-stack variant.

The 92 Compact Type M is indeed a lovely pistol. Hard to find. I'm fortunate to have big old paws and can point the 92FS like a finger, :) Always glad to hear a serviceman's view. Thank you for your service, Marine.


New member
I have always liked the 92 pattern guns and 'elegant' is an excellent description of them, particularly the early ones. I had a 92G Centurion a few years ago that was just a splendid pistol in every respect. The decocker feature was particularly welcome solution to my only complaint with the 92; its upside down safety.

John Fritz

New member
As Fee Waybill would say, She's A Beauty!

I loves me the 92 platform. Poke around in the safe and you may find an Inox, A1, and a couple Taurus cousins (92AF, AFS and 917CS). Because they're fun too.

I don't think anyone will complain if you post some more pictures. Please? ;)


New member
I bought my Beretta 92FS (new) in 1993. It's kind of the oddball in my family of guns because it was the only one I purchased in the '90's. And I rarely shoot it. Now that I think of it, it is kind of the "red-headed step child" of my collection. I just kind of overlook it and rarely give it much thought. It might have - maybe - 600 rounds through it.

I'm not knocking it - please don't get me wrong.

Every time I get it in my hand (which isn't often), I unexpectedly pause to admire it. Beautiful design. Fit, finish, and craftsmanship are outstanding.

I really should shoot it more often, I suppose.


New member
I should probably add that some of the best shooting I've ever seen--or done--at LE qualifications was with Beretta 92's.



New member
That doesn't surprise me at all Sarge. They're great guns. Easy to shoot. Very manageable recoil. I see them in IDPA quite a bit too.

Between my last post and this one, I've been thinking about my Beretta, and why I don't really shoot it or think about it much. . .

I didn't buy my Beretta with passion, so to speak. I didn't buy it because "I just had to have it." It was more of a utilitarian purchase. I knew California was going to ban >10 round mags, so I decided to grab a high cap 9mm while I still could. When it came to choosing a specific gun model, I figured the one that was good enough for the U.S. military, would be good enough for me - so Beretta 92FS it was (stainless, btw). No passion. And that is the difference between it and all the other guns I've purchased.


New member
I totally get the "passion" thing. This gun purchased warred with a CZ-P01, Sig 229R, and G19 among others. All great guns. But this one was on my all-time "must have" list. Passion! Gotta have it to really love a gun. :)


New member
Passion! Gotta have it to really love a gun.

Yep. Ain't it the truth.

This spring - during the peak of the craziness - A revolver came into a nearby sporting goods store. It was a 7-shot S&W 686, w/ 3" bbl. I already own a couple 686's, and a Python. So this gun didn't really excite me much. But I had some time and the store wasn't busy, so I asked if I could check it out. Yeah, well, the second the gun touched my hands, I absolutely had to have it - felt so "right" in my hand. I told them to get the paperwork started within 10 seconds - literally. Now that's passion.

It's my nightstand gun now.


New member

I was talking to a friend about buying a gun for hd and he took me to a gun show a few days later. I looked at hundreds of guns but when I walked past a 92 I did a double take, picked it up and all other guns disappeared. I never had any real interest in guns at this point but damn did that gun look cool. Then my friend said he loves his so much that he bought his wife and son one too and that it'd make a great hd gun. I couldn't afford it at the time but I got my 92 fs centurion about a month later. I didn't know was about to happen when I took it to the range to practice/ shoot a handgun for the first time. I immediately fell in love with shooting so much so quick that I ended up buying another gun, a 1911, just 2 months later. Then another gun a few months later, then another.. Now after just 11 months after my first purchase I own 9 guns and am thinking about learning to engrave wood and metal as I've a natural talent in art and make a living out of the two things I love most. Def a long term goal but the only one I've seriously considered. And it all started with a beretta 92 fs :cool: View attachment 91996 she's never further than arms reach of me anywhere I'm allowed to have her
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New member
Sorry to revive my own thread as a zombie, but after a very busy semester I was finally able to steal a little time to fire my first shots through the gun.

Fired 120 rounds of Federal Champion 115-grain, and 31 rounds (2 magazines + chambered round) of Speer Gold Dot 124-grain standard pressure.

151 rounds is a small opener, but it was flawless, extremely accurate, and the action was smooth as butter. My Beretta was born in early to mid 2013 and it appears Beretta is still producing quality shootin' irons.