Finally - a 25 straight.


New member
I guess that I am a slow learner because it took a while.
I shot my first 25 straight yesterday - in the rain.
The irony - if there is one - is that I shot it with a field gun, a Model 59 Winchester, because I didn't want to take the Trap gun out into the wet.
I followed it up with an 18. Go figure.


New member
some times the moon is just right,you were good to small animals,or the gods just smiled in your direction, at our last trap season closing, i shot a 22,25,25 and a 23 for a 95 out of a hundred and i know i,m not that good at trap and so do my friends,go figure. eastbank.


New member
Congratulations, my friend! Sometimes it takes something out of the ordinary to get you past a milestone. With the rain, you were probably concerned keeping you gun and ammo as dry as possible, so you mind was occupied and wasn't over-thinking your shooting. Many shooters look back and think, "That wasn't so hard, why did it take me so long to accomplish it?"


New member
Congratulations. As stated earlier they come a lot easier now and more often. Just realize that now you have shot, at some point and at every station, every bird that evil machine can throw at you. So now it's all about setting up a pre-shot routine, focus, follow through, and watch the smoke clear.

Addictive lil game isn't it?:D


New member
Well a lot of people never make it to 25. I got my first about two months ago. The real challenge is getting it again. I almost had another one and then blew it on the 7 square. I get 24 all the time but 25 is hard to get.


New member
blew it on the 7 square
What is a 7 square -- are you talking about Skeet's Station-7 (the easiest station on the field)? Pete (darkgael) got his first 25-straight in trap.


New member
Olddrum, my friend, I thought the 17-yard line was for women, children and the disabled. Actually I don't think I've ever seen anyone shoot from there; but, I guess it defines "short yardage" handicap.


New member
I remember my first 25 straight in both trap and skeet. What I remember the most about each experience was how I felt after breaking the 24th target!!!

So, tell us all how bad the butterflies in your stomach were after breaking the 24th!!



New member
Nice job! One day maybe I can post the same. Best I have done so far is 23. I see guys that will break 23 and 24 all the time, but that 25th is certainly a tough one!


New member

So, tell us all how bad the butterflies in your stomach were after breaking the 24th!

Twice before this, I have shot 24 straight and butterflied the last shot (both hard right handers from station 5).....had to laugh at myself.
This time....between the rain and working to keep that Winlite barrel moving, I didn't think much about it and the butterflies stayed away.
I am wondering also whether the more open modified choke of the Model 59 was a helpful factor. Usually, I have a Full choked gun.


New member
Kudo's to you darkgael.

I'd say the MC over a FC was a helpful factor also.

But it also shows you were getting on your targets quickly with accuracy as well.

Great job!