Final decision.


New member
Medium and fine polishing of metal done.........looks like chrome. Installed a new buffing wheel and will do final buffing tomorrow after cleaning hot tanks and adding salts to blueing tank. Ordered Harris Bi-Pod today.


New member
I'm familiar with the .338 LM, .338 WM, and .338 Edge, .338 Allen Mag...
Never heard of .338 Palma... info?

If I read the specs right, there's 45 minutes of elevation adjustment on the Zeiss which (if correct) surprises me as being very light for a long range scope. Granted, your drop is going to be amazingly small compared to more mortal rounds, but still over 50 minutes at 1500 yards.

Will the Zeiss suffice without a down angle base?


New member
Scope and bi pod are here. Impressed with the quality of the glass. Low and High magnification very clear. Waiting on stock from Richards.


New member
UPS delivered stock this morning. Beautiful well figured walnut and no flaws. Action is a bit tight but correct. Barrel channel will have to be opened up to match taper of barrel. It will take a while, but I will pillar bed and then bed the action to front of chamber area.


New member
stock has been inletted and pillars have been installed. Will let steel/slow epoxy mix set for a couple of days and then will bed to front of chamber area of barrel.

I use fresh clean shavings from brake drums or rotors to mix with epoxy. Small slow cuts provide an almost powder. Then mix with slow curing epoxy until a thick putty consistency is achieved. Makes for an extremely hard and solid material that can be molded.


New member
Applied bedding material to stock and pulled down snug with floor plate and screws. Cleaned up excess and removed masking tape from edges of stock.

BTW. For "modeling clay" to protect areas you don't want filled, you can go to hobby store or you can make your own using vegetable oil and flower. Do not use water or mixture will dry, shrink, and crack. Be sure to mix thoroughly. Start thin and thicken by adding flower a little bit at a time until mixture is that of clay. It won't take much oil.
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New member
Bedding complete. Will start sanding with 400 grit and then 600 and finally with 1200. Will mask and spray clear enamel on inside of stock and then Tru-Oil outside. 4 thin coats should do it with 0000 steel wool between coats.


New member
Inside of stock is sealed. 400 and 600 grit sanding is done and now starting with 1200. Using surgical gloves to keep oils from hands off of wood.


New member
porche man I think I'll speak freely,,,,, I don't think your are building anything.:eek: And if it meant that much to someone it seems to me they would take pictures,(and post them here) and document their trials and tribulations.:rolleyes: What I have gotten from this thread is only one mans recipe for do-it-hiself, "play-by-play" kind of script..... Thanks for the blow-by-blow commentations, but I'm ready for some dang photo's, even if it's just a picture of A HORSE! (it's all monotone conundrums).:p