Federal appeals court overturns DC's "Good Reason" restriction


New member
FYI DC is waiving app fees on prior applications. There is a one page resubmittal form you fill out if you were denied on insufficient cause. Also processing applications already in before Racine's announcement which applicant left all sections regarding "good cause" blank after the july decision.

There is some question about applicants' whose training was more than two years ago as to whether they will waive two year expiry. It looks like they will and simply subject them in two years to the standing "refresher course" requirement at the two year renewal.

First time CCL is 16 hours plus 2 range, renewal is 4+2.

Some of you may have seen John Lott's map on prohibited areas. Professor Lott does excellent work, but whether that map reflects an exclusion zone or simply an enhanced penalty zone is another thing. if you call MPD and ask for a read out of areas where you cannot carry with your CCL you are refered to more narrow § 7-2509.07 and not wider DC code § 22–4502.01 which Lott used.

I expect one of the certified DC instructors is going to be formally and on the record asking that soon.


New member
FYI actual processing is running 60 days. Helped a friend with a class from end September and they all have received CCL by early Dec. That was after panel but before DC decision to forgo full court appeal. There is a large number now stacked up from huge increase in classes after that early October decision.

Obviously without good cause print based check should be 0-3 days, but perhaps they are also working off of mental health or domestic order databases that take longer. Still obviously the longest time would have been checking and certifying "good cause." So there is clearly some administrative foot dragging but at least not full 90 days or 90+90 technically allowed.