FBI goes GLOCK again/still? (Contract award)


New member
Well the Govt contracting site "Fed Biz Ops" announced a contract award today not to exceed $85M to Glock for the new FBI handgun.

The interesting part is this is not going to be an off the shelf current pistol. The RFP stated "no finger grooves on the frame". The current Glocks Gen 3&4 all have finger grooves.

One wonders what else Glock changed to land the contract...
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New member
Didn't they use Sig before?

I thought they were going in a direction other than Glock.

If they make a special version for the FBI minus the finger grooves... I will be getting one if they make it available for sale to the public.

I have one Glock, a 17, and I would trade it toward a smooth front strap model in a heartbeat.


New member

No need to trade in yours. A dremel with a sanding wheel and you can remove the finger groves and refinish the grip nicely in a cpl hours.

Get her done...


New member
Rumor is Glock made a pistol specifically for the contract. Honestly it makes the most sense IMO. There should be some savings in not having to retrain armorers and getting new holsters, plus the agents are already familiar with Glocks.

Jim Watson

New member
Wonder what they will do with the current crop of .40s.
Not to mention the SA .45s.

Scrap them, most likely, can't have us Mere Commoners getting our hands on Government Guns.


New member
$85M. That's ALOT of plastic guns~ 100K if this was only for weapons.
(I heard Mattel had a better price and Hasbro wouldn't remove the groves) :D


New member
I'm not the only one that dislikes the finger grooves (protrusions).
Next thing they will want is a steel striker and extractor. ;)


New member
I thought about removing the finger groves on mine, but That would leave spots on the front strap without any grip texturing. The stippling I have seen people put on their pistols, feels strange in my hand on the ones I have picked up.

So I will wait for a factory option... If it never comes, I can live with the grooves as is.


New member
There's a link to the specifications here:

The specification requires full size and compact models, so it looks like we'll be seeing something resembling Gen4 Glock 17's and 19's with night sights and no finger grooves.

I wonder whether they will have an external safety (not the trigger dingus) on them?
Nope. The specifications say manual external safeties aren't allowed, only passive ones like the trigger dingus.


New member
I wonder if they went Glock due to all the ND's? Should help their retirement and long term medical costs!:eek:


Wonder what they will do with the current crop of .40s.
Already seeing them turn up for sale on the used market...
What if Glock convinced FBI not to mess with perfection and convinced them to keep the grooves?
If you place a big enough order, Glock will make you a pistol virtually any way you want it made. They're in business to make money. Rumor has it that they even made a batch with manual safeties for one contract outside the U.S.


New member
As a happy G26 and G17 owner, I find the FBI choice funny and satisfying.
For months, the Glock haters have opined upon this or that pistol being so much better, so much more advanced than the Glock.
Yet after looking at the alternatives, the FBI went with Glock...just like the SEALs, the British military, numerous other spec ops groups, and oh so many police.
It should be noted that the FBI contract is written in such a way that it opens up the possibility of many other Federal agencies to get their own Glocks.
The last chance for the haters to celebrate is the possible replacement of the Beretta M9.


New member
I think Glock pistols is just as "advanced" as any other polymer pistols out there. After all, they all fire the same old technology (over 100 years old) with primer, powder and bullet in a brass cartridge.

It is the delivery system that possibly could be more advanced. Glock's system is still the format to beat and has been since they first came to the market.

The Gen 3 and 4 finger grooves don't bother me at all but to fit everyones hands the FBI apparently does not want them.