Fatal Shooting at the Range


New member
Four people who died for absolutely NO REASON.

What a tragedy.

Makes me feel very safe when I visit the gun stores here in Northern Virgina and every person behind the counter is carrying.

The police did get their man though after the fact.

Good job there fellas.


New member
A good reason to have a BUG handy when shooting in isolated areas.My new S&W 40-1 loaded with the Remington 158gr LSWCHP+p is just the ticket.


New member
yeah, have had a situation once when the range was cold and was walking back from checking my target at the 200yd rifle range and came upon some idiot messing with one of my target rigs and fiddling with my scope. I yelled at him and he took off towards the pistol range. I caught up to him (he was over weight and i am a former 400meter runner so you do the math and figure out who can run farther and faster) and proceded to stop him by kicking his feet out from under him. Got the attention of the RO and we found my turret covers in his pockets. He got arrested and from then on out I always sling my rifle over my shoulder when I walk down to inspect my targets. I just slip in one of the safety flags with the action open so everyone knows it's safed . Have had a few people ask why I do htis and I retell the story. Also, I always carry concealed in a pocket or ankle rig while at the range and never bring out the concealed gun to shoot (could advertise that you are concealed and where).



New member
At The Range

I'm often at the range alone and weapons' security has become an issue with me (although there are no known episodes of any kind at this particular range). Each time I go down range I put the rifle in the bed of the pickup and lock the tailgate (generally I'm able to backup within a few feet of the bench I'm using). Our range rules are pretty rigid: no firearms past the firing line. More than once it has occurred to me that I'm vulnerable when I'm downrange checking/clearing a target; may be time to do the CCW thing -- and seek forgiveness if caught.


New member
All I can say to anyone that is reading this is -

Don't come to a Northern Virginia range and try to commit any crime.

You Will Die.

And You will Deserve to Die.


New member
Closest range to my house is miles out in the middle of the woods. If there's trustworthy fellow shooters there, we check targets in shifts. If there's questionable people there, I don't go downrange till they're gone. If I'm alone, I carry a loaded rifle downrange with me. Paranoid? Maybe. But I'd rather assume the worst and be wrong than hope for the best and be wrong.
the range I shoot at is located in remote area of Up-State S. Carolina and this sort of thing happening - well, it has crossed my mind since I go there alone. there has been so much vandalism there that a group of concerned NRA members who put some time and $$ into upkeep of the range have evidently placed remote surveillance cameras. this is National Fst. range open to the public. I'm uncertain about the legality (after all if you cannot open carry at a shooting range - where can you?) but I always have a sidearm locked and loaded on my person.


Wow, the US Army sure must be scrapping the bottom of the barrel these days when it comes to recruiting troops.

This is very sad news that US Servicemen could do such a terrible crime.
