Fatal shooting at indoor range in FL.


shorts, not to sidtrack the thread, but i thought texas already had open carry...:confused:

BTW was hubby stationed at ft lewis? my last duty station....


New member
Tough thing to deal with. I unfortunately took a call from the Leo's while at work about a co-workers' husband who had been found at an outdoor range on Xmas eve no less. All I can say is that my respect for this woman has only grown since. She is able to still be a happy person. Amazing to me. I can only wish well to anyone who has experienced it first hand. I have been personally lucky.


New member
Same thing happened at the Bullet Hole in Overland Park, Kansas when I was a member there. Guy walked in cool as a cucumber and rented a gun and bought a box of ammo then put one in his head. You can't really do anything to stop it when they show no signs of being unstable. Just a hazard of the job. :(

I only shoot outdoors and for free with people I know and trust now.


New member
Wild Horse, I'm sorry. That's a tragedy.
Bi-polar depression can be a very dangerous thing. One of my mother's good friends commited suicide while suffering from bi-polar disorder and postpartum depression. The police found her car near a river, shortly before finding the body. That was a very tough time for that family, to say the least.


New member
WildHorse, please accept my deepest sympathy. Having children of my own, I cannot even imagine the pain that you and your family must be going though.


New member
Nice mugshot on the OP's subject. Looks like a real loser. Probably saved us some tax money from future incarceration.

I live in Tampa area, never heard anything on Wild Horse's story. Nothing on Google either with similar. Shens?


New member
How do you spot something like that coming, or is there a way?

Mostly you don't, there are times when a friend or family will see it coming but most don't.
Depression is a powerful sickness, and suicide is a very selfish act. Many friends and family's struggle to understand "Why". It will give closer for many to understand the "why".

Wild Horse,
We share in your loss. You and Yours will be in my prayers.


New member
Wild Horse, I'm sorry for your loss. I'll have a good thought for your daughter.

The best comment, IMO, after being in the news media for many years, is to say that "...while the incident is under police investigation, there isn't too much they can say..."

Saying no comment off camera, via phone or written message to reporters is a big mistake.


First, to Wild Horse, my condolences. Whichever idiot said suicide is painless did not take into account the pain of those left behind......... I know from experience. There are questions that can't be anwered in this life, as the only one with the answers is not here to answer them......

I had an aquaintance who did this same thing at the The Bullet Hole in La Vista (Omaha) Nebraska.......... walked in, rented a gun, shot most of the bullets, and put the gun under his chin............

....why? He was having problems in his marriage.......... this guy was a member of Mensa and had a job most of us could only dream of having, for Pete's sake........... we'll never know.


New member
We had the some thing happen here in Northern VA at Shooters Paradise. I lady came in rented a gun bought ammo walked out on to the range and offed herself. Then Shortly after the place caught fire and burrned to the ground.

River Rat

New member
I'm a bit late to this thread and the spotlight may be off, but if you want to prevent people from thinking the worst of your establishement, "no comment" is not the path to take. That will only reinforce to those on the other side that something is being hidden, or the establishment feels it must cover it's six to cover up acts or omissions. The WORST thing the establishment can do, from a PR perspective, is have itself go on record for "no comment", not respond to press inquiries at all, or the absolute worst, lie.

If you are asked a question, there is nothing that says you must answer it directly. For example, if asked "Do you feel the range is responsible for what happened?" say something positive, like "This range has been in business for XX years and serves XXXX customers each year. Our hearts go out to the family of the victim of this personal tragedy. It's hard to understand how someone can reach a point that they feel the only way out is to end their life."

In this manner, all they have are positive statements to choose from. If they want to slant their story to paint guns and ranges in a bad light, they'll have to make it up on their own.
Wild horse, I'm sorry to read of your circumstances. Please accept my condolences.