Fair and balanced in the SF Chronicle...


Bush is letting the rope get longer to hang himself with.......

With all the nonsense the Bush-bashers have throw around, that rope is about 20 miles long by now.

Every time one of these made-up crisis hits, the left gets all excited for the big impeachment hearings to start. And each one fizzles, it turns out the accusation was all lies and deceit, and the left goes searching for a new "crisis" to get themselves back into a self-righteous frenzy all over again.

Cindy Sheehan is just the latest fizzle in a long line of fizzles. The fact that the MSM had to hang their hat on the grief of an obviously disturbed woman shows their desperation to hurt Bush. Now that she's been discredited, look for them to bring back some oldies-but-goodies like Rovegate or HalliburtonHalliburtonHalliburton!!!


New member
If you don't like Bush, then don't vote for him next time. Loads of people have disagreed with him since 2000 - he stil is there - whether you agree or not - doing whatever it is he does.

As for Sheehan, she has as a right to say whatever it is she wants, as much right as does anyone who doesn't agree with her. She lost me at "this country is not worth dying for..." We KNOW where she stands. Being out spoken, no matter how ridiculously, doesn't give her the right to a private meeting with the president - she just is NOT that special.