Facebook is against us!

44 AMP

Seems the usual,"what is being reported and reality are somewhat different".

Last night, my TV news reported that Facebook is now requiring the laws covering gun sales to be posted on any page where you are selling a gun.

And if you don't, they will cancel your page.

I don't see any real problem here...


New member
Facebook is now requiring the laws covering gun sales to be posted on any page where you are selling a gun
You mean actual chapter & verse of all the applicable laws? WOW! That's going to be some HUGE pages.:eek:

44 AMP

Facebook is now requiring the laws covering gun sales to be posted on any page where you are selling a gun

You mean actual chapter & verse of all the applicable laws? WOW! That's going to be some HUGE pages

I have no idea what the reality of it is, or will be, I was stating what I heard a talking head on the nightly news say last night.
From what I've gathered, it will be a generic nag message reminding users to obey relevant state and federal laws. So, yay. And stuff.

Say Mike, do you still have that Deathlord Murderboss .650 for sale? I've got...a few things to take care of, and I don't want a whole lot of questions. If not, anything that takes those half-second 30-caliber magazine clips. I've got needs. ;)


New member
Say Mike, do you still have that Deathlord Murderboss .650 for sale? I've got...a few things to take care of, and I don't want a whole lot of questions. If not, anything that takes those half-second 30-caliber magazine clips. I've got needs.
If he doesn't still have it, I have some unregistered, untraceable Ghost Guns that fire radioactive Cobalt 60 bullet tips from their 30 magazine bullet clips, at 800 rounds per second.
"Deathlord Murderboss .650"

Oh come on, you know I hate small caliber stainless steel guns!

And no, I won't part with my 2.75 Soul Reaver Skull Sploosher.
Oh, I forgot to mention, the Model 795 Hyper Slaughterator Turbokill Express does NOT come with the barrel shroud.

It blew off and took out a busload of nuns, and I couldn't get all of the penguin parts out of the cooling holes...


Active member
And no, I won't part with my 2.75 Soul Reaver Skull Sploosher.

You guys are way over the top. I'm just decided to sell the following on Facebook:

For Sale: AK-97. This is the modified full-auto, bolt action version of the AK-16. Caliber: .45mm with .22BMG conversion kit included. Three position, speed-action auto-trigger was professional installed by Huzh Gunz. Screw-on silencer compatible with Killzone's titanium filled silencers. Dual pistol grip and bi-lateral folding stock included.


Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I used to have an electromagnetic rail gun like Arnold S. shot in that movie but when I shot it, it wiped out my credit cards and made the iron based cells in my blood heat up along with my tattoos.

Can I sell it on Facebook?