Facebook is against us!


New member
Heard this on the radio today. Apparently someone was using FB to sell one of those "evil" assault weapons.

Gun forums are as close as I get to any social media. Won't touch FB, Twitter etc.


New member
I suspect we’ll see more of this not necessarily because organizations like FaceBook are anti-gun, but because they want to be “politically correct”.

I fear we’ve let the anti-gun crowd shape the debate and define the language. Now, guns are seen as negative items that have no place in the public forum. Pro Second Amendment groups need positive spokespersons that the public will not perceive as “gun nuts”.


New member
National Association for Gun Rights and Guns Save Lives post a lot on Facebook. Guns Save lives posted this today:

As you’ve probably heard, Facebook weighed in today with their plans for ongoing gun sales on the social media site.

Despite pressure from anti-gun groups such as Moms Demand Action and Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Facebook has announced they will not ban gun related pages and won’t even outright ban gun sales on the site between private parties.

Facebook did announce a series of education and enforcement policies they will begin implementing in the near future to better govern legal gun sales and prevent illegal ones.

Of course, the Moms and Mayors are declaring this a win for their side, despite the fact that Facebook isn’t really doing too much of anything.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) weighed in on the decision with an email to their members,


New member
It figures. Gun control seems to be dying a bit so the grabbers are grabbing for straws and trying any avenue they can to advance their agenda.

And I thought I was the only person on the planet that didn't do Facebook.


New member
osbornk is correct.
Politico is twisting the facts for their own benefit. It's damn nearly propaganda that's 180 degrees from reality.

Facebook pretty much told MAIG and Bloomberg to get lost, because Facebook is:
A) Not an e-commerce site, and they are not selling anything.
B) Already enforcing the terms of service when they have posts mentioning illegal activities reported to them (such as gun sales to underage individuals).
And, C) Dependent upon the bill of rights to maintain their customer base. When you start censoring, you lose money.

They did announce the new "educational" program, but that's no different than pretty much any other site that deals with firearms classifieds.


New member
Politico said:
Federal background checks are not required for sellers at gun shows and sales between private citizens and online.

MDA said:
“We are happy these companies listened to American mothers,” said Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts. “And we believe these changes are a major step toward making sure people who buy or sell guns on their platforms know the law, and follow it.

Great, FB is following the law, since Federal Law requires no background check when buying from individuals where state laws allow it. Can you leave us alone now?

I use Facebook, and buy and sell on there somewhat often. I like the easy transfer of information on a local basis, and have gotten some good pieces in recent months. I check ID for age and residency, and meet in safe places. Let me be responsible for following the law, and if I break it, let me pay the price. I expect the same for everyone else. I don't need someone else's mother to play mommy for me- I have a wonderful mother, I don't need anyone else's.


New member
Facebook is against us!
No they aren't.
I read the official press release from Facebook and all they say is that they won't allow illegal activities.

Anyone that's a member of FB can read it here:

The only real sanction is that Facebook won't allow someone to say "No background check" in an ad for a firearm.

Other than that, the only thing of concern is the people and groups given credit for guiding them through making the policy.

It would have been nice to have a few pro gun names on that list.


New member
ITEM: FB wants member so they can sell advertising.
ITEM: if they PO people they lose advertising revenue.
ITEM: FB wants revenue as it is a business.
Do the math.:)


New member
If it wasn't for Facebook the world would not know that I follow Emily Miller and like Colonel Cooper.

That being somewhat sarcastically said, the NRA-ILA response to Facebook was full of Tam levels of snark.
I'm not really sure what all the fuss is about.

The anti groups are smoking something if they think that this is a huge win for them. They wanted a LOT more, and FB told them to pound sand.

To me, this seems almost as if it's FB coming to the realization that "hey, maybe we'd better crack down a little on the one aspect just to cover our butts, but certainly not because some group of busybodies demands it."

This doesn't hurt gunowners at all, and it does absolutely NOTHING of any value for the antis.


Active member
In my opinion, the best thing that could happen is Facebook ban anything and everything about guns. This just creates opportunities for others. Just ask the owners of Gunbroker.


New member
Yeah, this is hardly a win for the anti-gun side. The only thing the pro-gun folks are losing is the ability to directly advertise they want to break applicable laws when they offer a gun for sale.

I rather doubt that anybody we want on our side is actually losing out on this one.


New member
I go to Facebook every day, primarily to see posted pictures of my grandchildren. My kids use Facebook as a primary way to communicate with other family members in a casual way. I personally have posted numerous pro-gun cartoons, or articles or links to pro-gun columns, etc. and never had a problem with the Facebook monitors. I have not, however, tried to use Facebook as a way to buy or sell anything, let alone a firearm.


New member
I wonder if it even passed their minds that I've been actively (& utterly legally) associating with shooters completely separate from anything on FB.:confused:

Sure I talk to people on FB, I talk to them in many ways, letters e-mails, telephones & so on. What's next asking all communications to have some kind of "monitoring" Its utterly stupid & narrow minded.
Thought I had better pull the trigger and sell this on my Facebook page before they really started cracking down....

For sale or trade to most nefarious bidder...

Model 795 Hyper Slaughterator Turbokill Express.

Fires .99 caliber hydrogen-plutonium bullets from an unlimited capacity magazine clip!

Fully automatic single shot manual repeater!

Pistol grip, flash hider, and bayonette mount included to increase the evil quotient!!!

Not just one folding stock, but TWO folding stocks for double that evilness!

Great for shooting through what ails you!

No background check, no foreground check, no questions asked!

Want to subjegate an uppity former satellite state? This is the gun for you!