Exploding flashlight


New member
ammo cook-offs arent particularly harmful (unless a chambered round cooks off), but man, exploding batteries and fire? i'm glad nobody was injured and nothing else caught on fire! i'd be very very mad if the whole house burned down on account of some chinese batteries :eek:


New member
I am happy to report The Battery Station and LAPG have stood up, and offerred to make good on all losses. I publicly thank them for this effort. Thank you, gentlemen.


Aforementioned Japan incident. LiIons can be scary.



New member
I guess it's a good thing you were'nt carrying the flashlight in a Thunderwear holster at the time of the explosion!:eek:


New member
Doggieman, I have a thread going there, too. It's over, as soon as the replacement stuff arrives.
FM12, that was PAINFUL imaging....ouch...


New member
Got a gut feeling that black stuff is not particularly "healthy". Might want to do a careful cleanup

Just as a FYI the "black stuff" you are talkin about is used in one of the many recipes for crystal meth. Yeah people are using lithium battery paste as an ingredent in the making of a drug for human ingestion:eek::barf:

Found this out at a Walmart. I had just bought $200.00 worth of ammo in the sporting goods section in the back and on the way out picked up 3 packs of lithium batteries to send to a medic in Afghanastan. The store would not sell me 3 packs of lithium batteries. When I talked to the store assistant manager she would not budge on selling me more than 2 packs. I asked her to look at the receipt for the items in my cart that I had already paid for. When she read the receipt her eyes got wide and looked in the cart and I smiled and said " you can trust me with all this ammo but not 3 packs of batteries"



New member
The lithium-powered Xenon bulb flashlights are a fire hazard if they activate inside a pocket, fanny pack, drawer, glovebox, etc. The heat generated by the bulb can ignite/melt some materials, especially those in contact. The lithium batteries do heat up if used constantly for 10-minutes or more and this may induce failure of the power cell.

I have a 100% polyester pullover that has a melted spot from forgetting a Surefire 6P in the back pocket while driving for about 5 minutes.

In the event of a Lithium battery fire avoid using water to extinguish the fire. Lithium gets very violently angry when exposed to water and the battery may explode all at once if the lithium compound is exposed by a ruptured case. Also, do not use CO2. Dry chem may work, but keep your distance and use it to contiain the fire. For Lithium fires, a Lith-X filled extinguisher or a Type-2 Class-D fire extinguisher with copper powder is recommended.


New member
The same exact thing happened to me, only with a Streamlight Scorpion and cheapo CR123's. Had it in a belt holster and then boom...shot like a rocket straight down, tearing right through the nylon holster and hitting my boot. What was scary is I had it in my mouth while working not 5 minutes before that incident. I now carry a new Scorpion, but only use top of the line batteries. Glad your wife is safe as well.


New member
All I can say is holy crap! I mean I knew that batteries could get kinda warm, I knew that intense bulbs can get very hot, but batteries up and exploding like that? :eek:

Top name batteries have always been in my lights and sights but just by accident. I didn't realize that the off brand names and the ones from China in particular were such potential hazards. I know better now and better late than never.

I'm glad the OP didn't have his bed/house catch on fire and I think they were lucky in that regard. It could have been very different if no one was around to hear the bang and investigate. I'm also glad he brought this to everyone's attention.


New member
Surefire is awesome and so are there lights through all my combat tours I never had to replace mine. As for the batteries thats just cheap lithiums for you. A leaking lithium battery is a fire waiting to happen good thing nothing else was damaged or better yet the bedroom didnt burndown. You also have to be carefull on the large lithiums of off gassing if there cases are cracked or not sealed properly.