Explain this logic to me


New member
AR's are Barbie Dolls for boys(or so I have been told)Picattinny rail is the firearms equivalent of Uni-Strut(TM).
Nice thing about it,he does not have to drill and tap holes.clamps on,comes off.
I have a YHM folding forward grip on mine.I don't use it as it was intended.Folded,standing and sitting,it rests on my hand like an old palm rest .I get a better bone stack in my position.
When I fold it down,its a monopod in my fist.I get low,in a sort of Hawkins position.It is 300 yd prairie dog steady.
I have a 10X Pride Fowler 800 yd rapid reticle scope.Can't see anything in the dark.Got an invitation to watch over a dead cow at night last winter.Put a 200 lumen surefire in a Leu QRW scope ring .I don't leave it on the rifle,I can stick it on when I need it.I also stuck a low profile Unimax laser beneath the scope tube,in front of the front ring.It shoots out under the scope.I can see a nice red dot in my scope right at 150 yds on my reticle.
I aim and squeeze one shot at a time.No budda-budda-budda.I do not play computer games,and I have too much respect for our military,and what they experience,to play the fantasy game.I'm a comfortable,safe civilian.(thanks to those who serve)
I just enjoy my AR as a rifle.
And on Cowboy Action Shooting...A whole lot of folks have a single action wheel gun.I did my CAS experience with a Ruger Super Blackhawk.I had a Win 97 with a 20 in bbl.Santa brought a Browning 92 one year.So,there is a game to get them out,shoot,and have fun.
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Flashlight? I have seen flashlights taped to .22s and all sorts of other calibers for varmit hunting over the last couple decades.

Dad and us Brothers were taping flashlights to our 22's back in the 70's when we would go rattin' at the river. I can run my dog into the wall with my laser so stuff like that is ok. I don't want any of you guys having green colored cars though. :rolleyes::D


New member
I'm in my 20s and......

I love firearms. I hunt and shoot as often as I get the chance. I carry for protection. I have a "tactical" shotgun for home defense. My extension of tactical is a black 18.5 inch smoothbore with a sleeve on the stock for extra shells.

I do not kick down doors for a living and I don't pretend to on the internet. I have family members that do kick down doors for a living and even their personal firearms are not all tatcicooled out.

I keep a nice flashlight in my truck and one on my night stand.

My personal opinion is all tactical gear in the world won't make a dam bit of difference compared to having a good head on your shoulders and knowing how to operate the weapon you do have.



New member
I have a $700 AR that has an inexpensive sight that would do a pretty damned good job of defending me in most of the situations that I might find myself in.....

there's inexpensive and there's cheap. and also there's any actual situation you might find yourself in and there's guys who expect a bottom end rifle to go through hell and back with a $25 red dot, a $9 vertical grip, and the like. my AR15 is a used DPMS lower with a $275 upper and it runs fine and would save my butt if I needed it too in any likely scenario, but I don't expect it to run hard through a weekend carbine course without incident.

and since the guy the OP is referencing doesn't sound like one of those guys and has reasonable expectations out of his I see his possible future purchase totally justified. like a step up from an airsoft gun.

TX Hunter

New member
I dont know, but I would like to have the light and lazer on my .22 that I coon hunt with. But its a regular .22 and that stuff wont fit.:confused:


New member
and since the guy the OP is referencing doesn't sound like one of those guys and has reasonable expectations out of his I see his possible future purchase totally justified. like a step up from an airsoft gun

You are probably spot on with that thought.....


New member
it's his money. if he wants to buy a .22 clone just to hang stuff on and look cool and then go out and dump rounds through it, what's wrong with that? it's still fun. at least he's not trying to buy a cheap AR then buy cheap accessories he doesn't need and then think he can use it as an actual defensive tool. it's just a range toy and that's all he expects out of it.

Exactly....unless the person is making you pay for it, why get your self all worried about it?

Agreed-and agreed. Let the guy have a little fun on his own terms. What's the harm in that?


New member
Thats the great thing about America is that we have the right (As of Now Anyway) to spend our money on whatever we want in the pursuit of happiness..........aint it great:)
10-22's that are duded up

Personally I don't see the use in a bull barrel, thumbhole stock, aftermarket trigger etc for a 10-22. But if that trips your trigger, by all means go for it. I love to shoot prairie dogs with a 22-250. Some people don't see the sense in it. Guess we all have our things that make us smile. :D


New member
I spent $40 to get my trigger on my 10/22 down to ~2.5 lbs and then threw some tech-sights on it. I also have a savage MKII TR, the one that looks like a sniper rifle. I wanted an accurate .22 just for fun and figured I might as well get the coolest looking one on the market. not every gun needs to have a practical application.