Expert Info Please!

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Your requirements may be different however I am compelled to recommend what I carry as if it is good enough for me it should be good enough for you LOL. Its not about loyalty to product but defense of my choice.

That's LOGIC:) Not the odd, almost rabid, brand loyalty I was speaking of. I expect anyone to "defend" their personal choice. I expect people to have a preference. However, if I were to say (for the sake of argument) "Glocks are the worst gun ever made." Why in the world does ANYONE who doesn't work for Glock REALLY care? Sure, defend your choice, explain your reasoning, even say something like "I have to disagree, I don't think your opinion is based on any facts." Why though the personal attacks (not from you specifically, in general). Why the anger? I just don't get why anyone cares about anyone elses choice of gun. Yep, offer advice when asked (I've asked several times and thank everyone for their advice). Even let someone know that you believe choosing this or that gun could get them killed but man some people get just plain nasty.
BTW, I'm leaning STRONGLY toward the Sig P229.
The Sig P229 is an amazing gun. It is accurate and reliable and the DA/SA platform with the decocker is the ultimate setup in my opinion. It is the most useable and versatile trigger system available. The gunis a bit on the thick and heavy side but can be carried comfortably with a proper holster. I use a Binchi Carry-Lok.




If someone says "the Glock is the worst pistol ever" they have just stomped on my hangy down things since as discussed earlier it is my choice. Basically they just said I suck at choosing a weapon LOL. I don't get angry but I do "debate"/defend my choice vigorously.

BTW, I'm leaning STRONGLY toward the Sig P229

I made the same mistake........I mean decision in my selection process years ago only it was between the 226 and the 17. Once I gave Glock a chance it easily pushed the Sig out the door and out as my carry gun.

The sig was slightly more accurate (not enough to matter much) and much prettier (not on my list of needs for a DG). With the important stuff Glock had the edge. Good thing is the resale on the sig is great. So you will be in good shape when you are ready to come to the dark side.

One thing I would suggest. If you are okay with the size of the P229 I would highly suggest checking out the Glock 29. It is a good sized gun but still smaller and lighter than the Sig. It is also ten rounds of 10mm power. I am more impressed with the 10mm than I have been with any other round since I discovered the .45colt revolver.



PBP, You love long heavy trigger pulls followed by short and light trigger pulls? "Ultimate" setup LOL.

I'm a short, light, and consistent trigger pull man myself.
PBP, You love long heavy trigger pulls followed by short and light trigger pulls? "Ultimate" setup LOL.

I'm a short, light, and consistent trigger pull man myself.
You can have a long solid pull or you can simply thumb cock it and have a light and accurate SA pull for long range shots. You can also have a long solid pull followed by a quick light and accurate pull for fast follow up shots. With DA/SA you have an option fit every scenario. I am all about options. :)


Options when different can and do cause misses when under duress. The DA/SA transition when under higher stress levels causes a high and low hit effect in many people (myself included).

Anyway what bonus does the option of long and heavy give you?

Light, short, and consistent covers every scenario as well.
Options when different can and do cause misses when under duress.
Speculation at best. You can only judge yourself on your performance and training. :)

PS: I have fired my weapon under duress and I am still here. :D


Speculation at best. You can only judge yourself on your performance and training.

This problem was experienced by a number of very good competition shooters. It was happening to me with my beretta 92 but I thought it was me. Well it was me but the discussion of several great shooters explained what was happening to me.....the DA/SA transition. It stopped with them when they switched to the 1911 and with me when I switched to Glock. It could be speculation but I am convinced.

PS: I have fired my weapon under duress and I am still here.

Never said you would lose a gunfight. Even my problem with DA/SA transition would have still mostly amounted to hits on a real badguy. Just not hits like a 1911 or my glock or smith ppc gun would allow.

BTW, You been in an armed confrontation?
This problem was experienced by a number of very good competition shooters. It was happening to me with my beretta 92 but I thought it was me. Well it was me but the discussion of several great shooters explained what was happening to me.....the DA/SA transition. It stopped with them when they switched to the 1911 and with me when I switched to Glock. It could be speculation but I am convinced.
Competitive shooting and defensive shooting have little in common. :)
Never said you would lose a gunfight. Even my problem with DA/SA transition would have still mostly amounted to hits on a real badguy. Just not hits like a 1911 or my glock or smith ppc gun would allow.
I bet you there are many situations where my DA/SA option would allow me more success than either SAO or a DAO.
BTW, You been in an armed confrontation?
Only in the line of duty.


I bet you there are many situations where my DA/SA option would allow me more success than either SAO or a DAO.

Please explain a few.

Competitive shooting and defensive shooting have little in common

They do? I thought they had much in common except the pressure level.

Military service.

So you used your handgun in some of these firefights?


New member
The Sig P229 is an amazing gun. It is accurate and reliable and the DA/SA platform with the decocker is the ultimate setup in my opinion. It is the most useable and versatile trigger system available. The gun is a bit on the thick and heavy side but can be carried comfortably with a proper holster.

+1 to PBP's comments

Now as to the heavy pull/light pull of a DA/SA trigger, some folks never get used to it, others (like me) hardly even notice so that one is personal preference.

As for your "uniform" and how I'd carry if dressed that way, hrmmm, I think I'd carry strongside and have a larger apron tied loosely to conceal.
Please explain a few.
In a situation where one draws a weapon in the line of duty or in defense a solid DA pull can prevent negligent/premature discharge under stress much better than a light SA pull. In a situation where a long range shot is required, a light SA pull is superior accuracy wise to a DA or LDA pull. In a situation where fast follow up shots are important the super light SA pull is better than an LDA or DA pull. If you are limited to only one trigger option you loose versatility in the other situation.
They do? I thought they had much in common except the pressure level.
The pressure level is what makes all the difference. Everything changes in a true fight or flight situation and that cannot be simulated well in training.
Come on now... surely you have some ideas? I'm thinking IWB about 4:30
I really hate IWB carry but it would probable work well in your situation. The apron can help alot. I would not want to try and move around alot with a big gun in there though. You might want to consider a PPS or something if you have to carry IWB.