Exactly whats wrong with the Glock trigger?


New member
It seems to me that if you stick to the fundamentals of trigger control, grip, stance, etc, it dosnt matter what kind of tactile feedback you get from the trigger...

This is 100% correct. With perfect mechanics/technique, you should be able to shoot any gun exactly as accurate as that gun can possibly be. Even a mushy, sloppy, 25-lb trigger with a 4" takeup shouldn't matter if you can pull it straight back with your index finger, moving no other part of your hand or body, maintaining perfect sight alignment and picture.

Me, I can't do that with a lousy trigger, so I go with my 1911.

Honestly, the thing that keeps me from owning a Glock (i.e., the thing that keeps me from shooting one well) is the fat grip. I can't hold the things.

Tom B

New member
I like the Glock trigger better than any handgun out there. The first thing I do is install a Glockmeister competition trigger assembly in my Glock keepers. If you don't like the "sprong" then install a titanium striker. Makes the sprong go any.


New member
Tom B,

If you like the Glock trigger so much, why do you feel the need to modify it first thing? Seems to me you don't like the Glock trigger at all. Seems to me like you like your personally modified/customized Glock trigger. So which is it?


New member
I have never had a problem with factory Glock triggers. I like them just fine. If anything, they get high marks for consistency from one model to the next. NY1 and NY2 triggers I like less, but still they are perfectly manageable.


New member
The first handgun I ever shot was a Glock. It also was the first handgun I bought. After spending two years with it I love the trigger. Holding and shooting a 1911 is very strange to me. Just does not feel right at all. As far as triggers go I like my Glock over any gun I have ever shot only because I know it so well. My mind expects a trigger to feel the way my Glock feels. Thats just what 10's of thousands of rounds and dry fires will do to you. I have heard that if you want to make a habbit of something do it 3,000 times. I'm sure that number is just a very rough guess but the point remains the same. If you do something enough it will feel normal to you. Same goes for a trigger. For those that dislike the feel of the glock and would like to love it as much as me, spend a few months just dryfiring while watching TV. You might piss off the wife as did i while shooting the actors on the Lifetime channel (GRRRRRR) but I bet you will change you tune about the trigger. Happy shooting:)

Tom B

New member

I guess it is the "if enough is enough then more is better" syndrome. If one likes a 1911 trigger with a 5lb pull but lightens it to a 3.5lb pull does that mean that he doesn't like a 1911 trigger? Thats all I do to my Glocks but I have also shot Glocks with 5.5lb triggers for years and liked the triggers better than anything else I have tried (except the 3.5lb). Striving for continued improvement I suppose you could call it. Speaking of Glock triggers is anyone using the Commolli (sp?) trigger with good results? I haven't read any range reports on it.