Evidence or studies on trigger control

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I hope any snark I've displayed can be viewed as witty and hopefully sophisticated, but I find the accusation comming from the slayer of straw men to be amusing, as the straw man is the epitome of assinine snark.

I don't find it witty, no. I've shown how my argument wasn't a straw man argument and was merely a response to an issue brought up by Gats yet you seem unwilling or unable to realize that. You can continue to quote Wikipedia. Your tone was snarky, that's a fact and is both unnecessary and makes me less inclined to engage with you.

By the way, turning an argument to one about tone I have found is one of the last ditch tools in the toolbag of the vacuous debater.

I find using snark to fit this description well.
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New member
Limn... You did straw man some of my points. I will attribute it to me having not expressed clearly enough. It's hard to separate the internal knowledge from the external person we are communicating to. This leads to some points not being completely clear.

Thought experiments are useful in starting ideas, but limited, in that that are not tested and verified in the mind. You can use them to illustrate ideas, not prove hypothesis. You must conduct studies and experiments to find what really is and is not.

Even if you look at glocks as being less safe, that does not automatically rule them out.

By normalized data... I mean other factors are accounted for and the information is adjusted appropriately...

Say you are able to track all the NDs every month. You get the numbers and find that there are 10 NDs with glocks this month, and 1 ND with a DA revolver. These numbers are completely useless at telling you if glocks are more likely to have NDs.

Let's look at pistol population. (Using round numbers as an illustration)

You find that there are 1000 glocks in use, and 100 DA revolvers...

That means a per capita ND rate for glocks of 1% and a ND rate for revolvers of 1%... Meaning glocks are in this scenario are no more likely to have a ND than a DA revolver.

But let's also factor in time actively carried...

Those revolvers are carried on average 10hrs, and the glocks 100 hours. So now you have a ND rate that takes in account population and time in use. In this set of numbers the DA revolver rate is .1% and the glock is .01%

In the end, even if the raw numbers, after things like number of each pistol type, and average amount actively carried, are factored in... If glocks have a higher ND rate then you have a case.

News reports are not a source of data on this.

Even if there is a difference in different action types... I would be willing to stake that the numbers fall to within a point or two at most.

Also willing to bet that the ND rate is way less than 1%

We are arguing over fractions of a percent.

Also know that "how my dad taught me" does not make it the end all be all... Nor even make it right.

Though I think how you were taught was a very safety conscious way of doing things.

And ever stop to think... Maybe all those NDs that happened during the transition phase to glock pistols from DA revolvers... Was caused not due to glocks being less safe, but simply due to the fact that the pistol was new and different. Meaning it was a transitional issue to a new system and not a fault in the system.

For example... Switch from iPhone to android... And there are likely to be problems during the initial phase of the transition.


I'm not responsible for unsafe use of safeties.
And none of us are responsible for the unsafe use of triggers. There, I guess we're all done with this discussion now! :D
I can't think of a startle, or a loss of balance that will defeat a safetied trigger, regardless of pull length or weight.
Assuming the safety is used correctly. If it's not then all bets are off.

And that's sort of the crux of the matter, isn't it.

We examine a gun and find it has a single rule for operating it. "Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire." We decide that people can't manage that because even with training, some users screw up. We decide we need to solve the "problem". So we add a second "trigger" (some call it a manual safety) that, when pressed, enables the first trigger and then we add a second rule on how to use it. "Keep your thumb off the second "trigger" until ready to fire." This lets the user put his finger on the original trigger with impunity.

So did we solve our problem? It's pretty difficult to explain how adding another control and another rule makes it possible to train users to operate the system safely and effectively when it wasn't possible before. If the problem is that training is ineffective on a simple system, making the system, and therefore the training more complicated is likely to provide a less desirable outcome, not a better one. And worst of all, adding the second "trigger"doesn't eliminate the most likely cause of unintentional discharges which is people pulling the trigger intentionally.

Well, let's make the trigger so hard to pull that people won't pull it by accident. That can be done. Then people miss their targets and die because they can't use the gun effectively for self-defense. People miss their targets and hit bystanders because they can't shoot accurately. Is the new system superior? Maybe in some respects--but in others it's obviously inferior. And worst of all, making the trigger pull stiffer doesn't eliminate the most likely cause of unintentional discharges which is people pulling the trigger intentionally.

I know I've said this before, but it's necessary to look at things from a big picture standpoint rather than focusing narrowly on only one specific aspect of gun design if we want to really understand the situation.

In general, designing things effectively is the process of making tradeoff after tradeoff and determining what the proper balance is for each of the tradeoffs.

An easily concealed pistol gives up shooting comfort, recoil control and sight radius in the interest of concealability and light weight. If a person decides that the only important parameter of firearm design is recoil control, he/she might diatribe to everyone willing to listen about how all these small, light, centerfire pistols are obviously flawed designs because they recoil too much.

Reality is that if one focuses exclusively on only one aspect of a particular design, it is possible to argue convincingly that it is flawed because the design tradeoff that formed that aspect of the design almost certainly involved giving up something valuable.

So if a steady hold is the only aspect that's of interest then pistols are flawed because they can't be held as steady as a long gun. If concealability is the only aspect that is focused on then rifles are flawed because they can't be concealed as well as a pistol. If capacity is the only factor that counts then single shot rifles and derringers are flawed because they don't hold as much ammo as guns with high-capacity magazines.

Of course, once we look at the other features and the overall functionality, it becomes apparent that what looks like a flaw if we narrow our focus until we see only one aspect of the design, is simply the result of one of many tradeoffs made in the design process. A person with a slightly different philosophy of firearms operation, or one with a slightly different application may actually see the "flaw" as a desirable feature.

Focusing on one single aspect of a design to the total exclusion of all other features and functionality of the design is not particularly productive.

For those who can't (or won't) understand that, I have the perfect Glock for them. It's a cutaway model. The breechface is solid--no hole for the firing pin. It has no bothersome manual safety, is equipped with a relatively light, short travel trigger and there is absolutely no chance of discharging it unintentionally. Of course, those who think that there are other aspects of firearm functionality that are important might not like the fact that it can't be fired at all... :D


New member
I'm gonna try to look at this issue from a slightly different perspective. Most, if not all, modern handguns are made to be drop safe. That is, the gun shouldn't fire if it's dropped. We can all agree that dropping a gun is user error but most of us insist on carry weapons being drop safe.

If most of us insist upon a mechanical fix for user error in the form of drop safeties, why do we have so much controversy over trigger weight? I think it has to do with certain trade offs.

Drop safeties add a small amount to the cost of a firearm and I think everyone can imagine a situation where they might drop their gun. The big thing about drop safeties on service/carry guns is they don't make the gun more difficult to shoot well.

A higher weight trigger may make the gun less likely to be fired if someone has their finger on the trigger but it also makes the gun more difficult to shoot well. One of the studies I linked suggested that a 12lb trigger was about a third as likely to be inadvertently pulled than a 5 lb trigger when the test subject was required to do certain activities while keeping their finger on the trigger. Some studies showed that about 20% of trained police officers put their finger on the trigger at times they should not so there is a chance that some NDs could be avoided with a 12 lb pull instead of a 5 lb pull. We also know that police sometimes miss their intended targets and hit bystanders. If a police officer has difficulty hitting a bad guy the encounter could last longer than needed endangering the officer and bystanders. Is it more cost effective to train police to keep their fingers off the trigger or to train them to be good with heavy triggers? Are the benefits of a heavier trigger even measurable? Can they be compared to the benefits of a lighter trigger?


New member
It's good to see this thread reopened. I have some catching up to do. First, 44 AMP.

This is where we run into problems with statistical models. Because statistics where a longer, heavier trigger pull prevented an ND simply do not, and cannot exist. We may get a collection of individual anecdotes, but not useful data of any kind, because NO ONE reports an ND that did not happen.

I agree that the kind of direct empirical data that would be ideal to have do not exist, nor will ever exist until technology advances to the point where all guns have the equivalent of a black box embedded in them. I trust I won't live to see that day.

In the absence of perfect data are we powerless to conduct a meaningful analysis? Of course not! Are there any data we can start with? I'm unaware of any civilian data that would not be horribly corrupted precisely because of the fatal flaw you point out -- most citizen NDs are likely not reported, and those that are are not compiled anywhere that I know of.

Police are required to report their NDs, and I assume most do, but I'm sure some are not captured. So a given police department should have data for that department, and that could be a starting point for extrapolating to civilian handgun use.

As far as I know few if any police departments report their NDs to a central authority that compiles and integrates all the data by gun model and trigger pull weight. Someone recently posted a link to a 4-year study of shootings by federal law enforcement agencies, including the number of people shot during enforcement activities (presumably good shootings) and the number shot during non-enforcement activities (from NDs during training or otherwise on the job). My impression was that the fraction of ND-related shootings was awfully high compared to the total, and most of those occurred during training. If I understand what these data represent they are flawed because NDs that don't hit anyone are not included.

As an illustration, lets say you are doing the bad thing, finger on the trigger, and you fall, stumble, get startled, knocked off balance, whatever, and you clench your hand on the gun and on the trigger.

With a DA gun, your accidental pull might only bring the hammer back part way, not firing the gun. When that kind of thing happens the usual response is "wow, got lucky that time" and a resolve to be more careful in the future. And then, it's forgotten. SO, no data for statistics to play with.

The same amount of pull could fire an SA (safety off) and an AD/ND will NOT be forgotten. Not all of these get turned into data, either, but some do, and that is the data you have to work with. It's ..."flawed".

The German study provides an estimate of how often pressure is unintentially applied by a finger resting on the trigger, while performing relevant policing exercises with other limbs, in excess of 5 lb (enough to activate a SA trigger) and in excess of 12 (enough to activate a DA trigger). Not surprisingly, the 5-lb limit was exceeded more often than the 12-lb limit, and with these two data points we can extrapolate to other trigger weights of interest. From what I can tell, the study almost certainly overestimates the rate of the 12-lb trigger pull being exceeded, because only trigger finger pressure was measured, not length of pull. The stock long pull on most DA/SA guns would be expected to reduce the frequency of unintentional pulls based on pressure alone.

I earned a living conducting risk assessments on uncertain systems far more complex than a handgun. Unfortunately, I do not have ready access to my simulation sofware. However, allow me to propose an initial simple model for estimating the ND rate for a generic defensive gun use for a simple SAO handgun:

N = T x S x P


- N is the ND rate (a value between 0 and 1, where a perfectly safe gun, something we all know doesn't exist, would be 0);

- T is the likelihood of one's trigger finger straying, unintentionally and unknowingly, onto the trigger (a value between 0 and 1, and which one of 2damnold's studies gives us an estimate that is closer to 0 than 1, but is clearly greater than 0);

- S is the likelihood of the thumb safety being deactivated (a value between 0 and 1 for which I have no knowledge of any empirical data, but we can agree on a reasonable way to represent this variable); and,

- P is the likelihood of enough pressure being applied to the gun's trigger to unintentially fire the gun (a value between 0 and 1, a couple of data points for which are provided in the German study).

All models are wrong, but some are useful. I propose that this very simple model can be used as a staring point to usefully determine the relative safety (in terms of ND potential) of various handguns.

The model can be exercised deterministically, that is representing each variable with a point estimate and getting a point estimate as a result. But, each variable is obviously highly uncertain, so a probabilistic assessment would be far better, representing each variable by a probability distribution reflecting our state of knowledge, and accounting for any correlations among the variables.

Of course, the model can be made more complex and realistic, if needed.

reading about adopting the shrouded revolver being a way to reduce city liabilities comes from an Ayoob tale. My best guess is NYC, but am not sure as to location.

I'll cover the city in a moment, but first, a short primer on hammer shrouds.
To reduce the risk of snagging the hammer spur in clothing during the draw you have two options, and both have been used. One way is to remove the hammer spur, the other way is to cover it. Cutting the spur off a hammer (and doing nothing else) CAN lead to unreliable ignition. Works, usually, but for reliability "retuning" with different spring tension might be needed.

Interesting. I've never thought about bobbing a hammer resulting in a decrease in ignition reliability, but it makes sense. I assume a heavier hammer spring may be required, at the cost of degrading the gun's precision.

Covering the hammer takes two forms, those that completely cover the hammer (and this includes "hammerless" revolvers) and those that leave a slot so you can still reach the hammer to cock it for SA shooting. "Shroud" generally means it is an after factory add on. Factory guns with "protected" hammer spurs are usually described as "integral hammer shroud".

S&W has made several models of guns with both covered and accessible hammers. One of the models with an "accessible" hammer is the Bodyguard Model 38. Look that one up, you'll see what I am talking about. A good picture is worth a ton of words.

I recall seeing a photo of a slotted shroud. How does one access the hammer to cock it?

Shrouded and "hammerless" revolvers predate liability concerns by generations. If Mas Ayoob was talking about liability, he was talking about what exists today (or then), not about what brought them into being.

Upon further reflection, I seem to recall Ayoob's anecdote being about a shopkeeper getting into trouble by cocking his DA revolver, the NDing it into a guy who was approaching him threateningly. My impression was the shopkeeper's biggest mistake was exclaiming that he didn't intend to shoot. Moving on, I think Ayoob generalized about similar things happening to police and some police departments, as a result, moving to shrouded or DAO revolvers. That said, I wouldn't bet the baby shoe money on my memory being fully accurate, although it comes from reading I've done in the past 3.5 years.

Out of curiosity, which PD is it? How was the modification done? Was the reason to reduce liability exposure?

(I'm going from memory here, so I might get minor details wrong, bear with me, you can look it up in detail at your convenience)

The city was Miami. I think it was the late 60s, or maybe early 70s, when DA revolvers were still standard issue.

The situation resulted from a lawsuit where an officer held a suspect at gunpoint in a video arcade. Gun fired, suspect killed. Lawsuit brought. One side claimed officer cocked his gun, and then it accidently fired. One witness said he saw the gun cocked (SA mode). Officer said he did not, he fired DA, when the suspect "reached for a weapon".

There was an on going issue at the time with officers and SA fire. It was "common knowledge" that street punks were bluffing the cops, not complying with cops orders, even at gunpoint. They would only believe that the cops would shoot them if the cop "proved" he was serious by cocking his revolver. At this point, you should be able to see the problem with that, cocked revolver (SA pull) cop with finger on the trigger ready to fire...

Part of the result of the suit was that the city had the SA notch on the hammer removed, rendering the guns DAO. So an officer could NOT cock the gun and the "risk" of AD/ND from the short, light SA pull was eliminated.

Trying to come to grips with the idea of a cop pointing an uncocked revolver at me not being serious. But, I'd be very compliant long before he reached for his piece.

To be clear, you are referring to a long and heavy DA trigger. There are short and light DA triggers, ala Glock.

Yes, I am referring to the DA trigger as found on typical DA revolvers and semi autos such as the Sig, Beretta, and others.

Glock is not a true DA trigger, and Glock does not refer to it as such. They call it a "safe action trigger" and are talking about more than just the little tab on the front.

The Glock is "partially cocked", and the trigger pull brings it to full cock, and fires it. A "true" DA action starts with the hammer/striker uncocked, brings it to full cock and fires it. A technical difference, more than a practical one, but since GLock says their gun is not a DA trigger, we don't refer to them as such.

I understand that Glock calls their guns something else, but classifying a trigger by what it does seems to be applicable to any gun. Thus, it seems reasonable to regard a Glock as a DAO, and I believe there are SAO striker-fired guns (Springfield XDs?). I consider the use of "Safe Action" to be smart advertizing propaganda; after all, the gun community has bought it. It took brass to call a trigger action that is inherently less safe as a Safe Action, but people have bought more unreasonable claims.


I recall seeing a photo of a slotted shroud. How does one access the hammer to cock it?
A projection of the hammer protrudes through the slot in the shroud sufficiently to allow the user to manipulate it.
I propose that this very simple model can be used as a staring point to usefully determine the relative safety (in terms of ND potential) of various handguns.
Based on the differing values for the variables for various handguns? At least some of which you correctly state are unavailable? The model itself seems reasonable, but without having some reasonably accurate data to feed it, it's hard to see how one could make reasonably accurate comparisons using it.
Of course, the model can be made more complex and realistic, if needed.
I submit that in the absence of accurate data to feed the model, refining it is pointless.
It took brass to call a trigger action that is inherently less safe...
If you're going to keep saying this, at the very least, you need to specify precisely what types of actions you are claiming are safer. It's ridiculous to keep making the claim open-endedly as if it can possibly be true without any qualifications even after it has been pointed out to you that it cannot. Especially when you had to know from the beginning that such a statement needed qualification to have any chance of being accurate.

What do you mean by safer? Are you concerned exclusively with unintentional discharges or are other safety factors integral to the defensive use of firearms also considered? If you are concerned exclusively with unintentional discharges, are you going to consider any type of UDs or are you going to ignore those where the trigger is pulled through to completion intentionally by the user since adding a manual safety or making a trigger heavier or longer can't prevent such a thing? Is the squeeze reflex the only factor you wish to address or are there others?

Are you saying that any hammer fired action is safer regardless of other features involved? Is any action with a manual safety safer regardless of any other features? Are actions with lighter/shorter triggers and no manual safeties safer? Is a heavy trigger automatically safer even if some passive safeties are omitted? What about a heavier trigger that has a shorter throw or a longer trigger with a lighter weight?
I consider the use of "Safe Action" to be smart advertizing propaganda...
When a company/designer comes up with a new system--or at least one that hasn't been officially named before, they're entitled to give it whatever name they choose. It would be pretty foolish to name it something scary.
Thus, it seems reasonable to regard a Glock as a DAO...
No, that wouldn't be reasonable since it does not meet the definition of Double action. The trigger can not do the work of firing the gun unless the slide has already partially cocked the action. In a true DA, pulling the trigger repeatedly cocks and fires the action repeatedly. In the Glock system, the trigger will only operate once unless the slide is operated again. The entire point of the "double action" is that after its invention, a gun so equipped, could be fired exclusively with the trigger--there was no need to operate a slide or cock a hammer to make the trigger work.

In fact, if one looks at the Glock system from the outside, based exclusively on how it functions when manipulated, with no knowledge of how it operates internally, it would be far more reasonable to assume it is a basic SA design. An assumption which would highlight how foolish it is to make assumptions without understanding the topic.

Regardless of how confidently you state it, or even how much you believe it, redefining common terms to fit one's own personal views is not at all reasonable.

You're either supremely arrogant or supremely (over?)confident. You admit to not being a firearms expert but at the same time you have no problems redefining common firearm terms to align with your own personal views. You do not object to being characterized as ignorant about handguns and yet when you disagree with JMB on a handgun design issue, you automatically assume he must be wrong. You demonstrate that you are not fully familiar with the various operating systems of firearms that you claim are "safer" and yet none of this gives you any pause. You repeatedly ignore/fail to address assertions and comments which are problematic to your premise and conceal the omissions in such a flood of fisking that the sheer volume of it is a considerable deterrent to constructive exchange. None of it seems to have any effect on you--you continue to doggedly defend your hypothesis all the same.

A hypothesis can be an important learning tool, but only if one is willing to accept the possibility that it may be flawed and may require reformulation. Otherwise no learning can take place.


New member
I recall seeing a photo of a slotted shroud. How does one access the hammer to cock it?

A projection of the hammer protrudes through the slot in the shroud sufficiently to allow the user to manipulate it.

Thank you. The protrusion must be small, as I do not recall noticing one.

I propose that this very simple model can be used as a staring point to usefully determine the relative safety (in terms of ND potential) of various handguns.

Based on the differing values for the variables for various handguns?

Yes, considering a sufficient state of knowledge available to quantitatively differentiate the variables between guns, or the correlations among variables between guns. Also, some guns may have additional or fewer variables -- eg, a 1911 would have two safety variables, a Glock would have no variables.

At least some of which you correctly state are unavailable?

Just because empirical data are unavailable for a variable doesn't mean we can't quantify our state of knowledge about it. For example, physical constraints on each variable I mentioned require that the lower bound of each be no lower than 0, and the upper bound be no greater than 1. If that's all we know, the most uncertain distribution that reflects our state of knowledge is a continuous uniform distribution between 0 and 1. There are an infinite number of distributions we can select to represent a variable with bounds of 0 and 1, but there is only one distribution that maximizes the uncertainty in terms of informational entropy, and by maximizing the uncertainty for a given set of knowledge contraints we avoid the most dreaded error in risk assessment, overconfidence. The concept was first formally presented by Shannon of Bell Labs is his paper, "A Mathematical Theory of Communication," which was published in 1948; although, informal presentations of simple examples of the concept, called maximum entropy inference, date back to the 1800s.

Allow me to offer a simple example using an abbreviated model:

N = T x S.

Note that if either independent variable goes to 0, the likelihood of an ND, N, is 0.

Let's take two different guns -- a Glock 19, denoted g, and a CZ 75 Compact (carried cocked and locked), denoted c.

Allow me to ignore the study from which we could obtain an estimate of how likely one's trained trigger finger is to stray onto the trigger, and say my state of knowledge is so low as to be confined to the bounds. In this case T(g) = T(c) = U(0, 1), where U(0, 1) denotes a uniform distribution between 0 and 1. Thus, when we run the model, for each trial a gun carrier will be selected at random, with a tyro having a value of T being high (representing a trigger finger that is not very well trained), and a master will have a value of T approaching 0.

For variable S, the Glock has no safety, so S(g) is an exact value of 1. For S(c) I use, as my initial estimate, the variable U(0, 1), admitting that I know little about this variable.

Regardless of correlation between T and S:

N(g) = U(0, 1) x 1 = U(0, 1).

If T and S are independent and, thus, not correlated:

N(c) = U(0, 1) x U(0, 1) = t(0, 0.5, 1)

where t(0, 0.5, 1) denotes a triangular distribution with bounds of 0 and 1 and a mode (peak) at 0.5.

As a risk manager, we want to focus on the high end of the resulting distribution -- say the 95th percentile. Safety demands we be conservative (ie, err on the side of safety), right?

For N(g), the 95th percentile of U(0, 1) is 0.950. Not very safe, but this is our first stab using highly uncertain inputs. For N(c), the 95th percentile of t(0, 0.5, 1) is 0.842. Also nothing to boast about in terms of safety, but as 0.842 is less than 0.950, the CZ is safer. Actually, the proper thing to do to quantify relative safety would be to evaluate N(g) - N(c) and make the risk management decision based on the 95th percentile of the resulting distribution, but the conclusion would be the same.

As I am doing this on a Kindle Fire, I need a break, so I shall return to address the remainder of your reply. In the mean time, realize that the above work is amenable to refinement, which would generate narrower input distributions which, in turn, will yield narrower outputs, which should more realistically be skewed with a lot of low values for N and relatively few high values -- after all, NDs are, thankfully, relatively rare events, but given the potential consequences, are worth minimizing.



New member
N(c) = U(0, 1) x U(0, 1) = t(0, 0.5, 1)

This I don't follow. A triangular distribution is typically used as the average of two uniform distributions (the sum and difference as well). But what you have here is the multiplication of two independent uniform variables over the same range, so one uniform random variable squared.


This gives us a CDF of sqrt(z) from the above link. Setting this equal to your 95th percentile gives us 0.9025. not 0.842. Still less than 0.95 yes, but not the same number. And if you notice it is the same result as if you had just evaluated each of those uniform random variables at the 95th percentile and multiplied, exactly what we would expect from a joint probability distribution if the two variables are independent as you said.


And this is not my attempt at a "straw man", simply a checking of your math. I am not arguing that it doesn't meet the same conclusion, though as you said the real variable we should be testing is the difference between the two and checking it against a null hypothesis of 0 (and the calculated difference has now changed).
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For example, physical constraints on each variable I mentioned require that the lower bound of each be no lower than 0, and the upper bound be no greater than 1.
This is a universal constraint on probabilities. They can not be less probable than 0 (0%) or more probable than 1 (100%). In other words, the constraints you mention are imposed by the intrinsic nature of probabilities and provide no useful insight at all into the problem.

Performing calculations using input data which provides no useful insight generates calculation results which provide equally useless insight.

I admire your motivation as demonstrated by working through the example to demonstrate how it is possible obtain some numbers out of a calculation when the only inputs are the assumptions that the input probabilities follow the most fundamental rule of probability and that all the distributions are the most simple distribution possible.

I also have to admit that it's impressive (takes some brass, as it were) for someone to imply that manipulating such basic data provides anything other a somewhat creative way to pass the time.

The "results" are nothing more than an excessively complicated (one could even say obfuscatory) way to say that a gun with a manual safety is different from one without a manual safety.
...narrower input distributions...
Yes, if we had real data we could use it to generate representative inputs. As you stated, we do not and that is why the inputs are so generic as to render any attempt to refine the model pointless.

That's not a problem with the model, it's a problem with the lack of useful input data.

Ok, here's the deal.

We have a discussion that has devolved into debating a claim that one system is less safe, but in the absence of clarification by the claimant of precisely what the system is less safe than. The claim is meaningless without qualification. It's telling that the clarification has been requested but not forthcoming from a person who today posted "On what specific basis do you deem ... to be very safe? Very safe compared to what?" on another TFL thread/topic. The quote clearly demonstrates that there is no lack of understanding regarding the necessity that a claim be qualified to be meaningful.

The discussion is now focusing on a model (created by a person who admits that there is no data to feed most of the inputs) that is essentially obfuscatory in nature because it can be made to produce numeric results (which are then represented as meaningful) from inputs which are essentially nothing more than assumptions that the fundamental rules of probability apply.

The initial post asked:

"I'm looking to hear which studies these are and where can I read them? Could references be given for them or links provided."

That request was satisfied in the first few posts of the thread.

Therefore I'm going to save everyone a lot of time and potential frustration and close this now.

That doesn't preclude additional discussion in another thread, but the discussion needs to be sufficiently focused to have a reasonable chance of being constructive.
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