Everyday expressions with a shooting reference.


New member
"Shotgun shack" - house where front and back doors are arranged so that one could shoot a shotgun into the front door and out the back.

"Shotgun a beer" - piercing the side of the a beer can near the bottom, placing mouth over hole whle can in held vertical, then popping the top - make sure to drink it and not wear it.

"Hotter than a two dollar pistol."

"Slap leather"


New member
5) getting shot down (asking for a date or a raise at work)

When dating , in my case the sorrect term is ALWAYS

"Shot down in flames"

(Also and AWSOME AC/DC tune)


New member
A shot in the dark.(guessing)

Getting out of the line of fire.(the boss is looking for someone to blame it on)

Putting too fine of a bead on it.(over analyzing something)

Shootin the bull.