ever shot an animal with your carry gun...

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and been seriously underwhelmed? I shot a Canadian Goose from "combat distance" with a .380 hollowpoint, dead center mass, and he ran around and quacked for 30 seconds before expiring. Shot an armandillo with a .38 +P out of a 6" Smith and he ran 20 yards back in his hole. When I pulled him out, the round had blown out most of his off side. Never shot anything with a bigger handgun round, but do .40, .45, or .10 seem to drop most field animals? Maybe my expectations are too high, but they are both <20 lb animals.


New member
i have shot many armadillos they hardly ever just fall over. i have shot one from a deer stand w/ 45acp 185gr hp and watched him flop for 30 seconds with a fist sized hole all the way through him. as far as the goose its 380 prob cant expect much more than that.


Shot a rabbit with my Taurus .22 revolver, loaded with CCI Stingers.

Definite THWAK sound, bunny didn't move, you can see his nose twitching. Another, THWAK, bunny still doesn't move. Red circle growing in chest. Another, THWAK, bunny takes off like, well, a bunny.

He ran about 20 yards and stopped, and I shot again. By now, about 45 seconds have gone by and I'm feeling bad that it's taking this long to put the critter down. I aim again, miss the first shot from the change in distance, then fire another into the rabbit and it starts thrashing. I'm feeling awful at this point, so I put two more into its head to finish it quickly.

Looking at the body afterwards, each and every one of the Stingers went straight through like a needle. Rabbits I've shot with cheap Fedchester HP's go down usually with one shot. I don't hunt bunnies with Stingers anymore.

Scattergun Bob

New member

I have shot many medium and large animals in the body cavity with .45 ACP, ,45 LC, 38/357 and in most cases have been "disappointed" with the results. Even tearing out the heart of a large feral dog with a .45 200 grain Speer "Flying Ashtray" did not put him down for about 15 yrds.

Animals feel pain, but are not conditioned by TV to fall down when shot like people. With large game, like Elk and cattle head shots from the side are quite effective and I would not hesitate to shoot there if the opportunity arose.

So far, this summer and fall the amount of feral or wild dog population seems to be in check, that is really good news. Last year this time there were several PACKS of abandoned dogs in the hills around me, did not like having to deal with them.

Good Luck & Be Safe


I shot a squirrel with a CCI stinger (although through a rifle) it removed the fur on its belly from behind the front legs to in front of the back legs. Guts were exposed and squirrel died as close to instantly as I have seen on a body shot.

I'm surprised that the bunny needed more than one.

I shot a small hog with a 9mm silver tip in the head to finish it off and it worked.


Even though it goes against the code of ethics inside most hunters we are sometimes forced to kill animals for other than dinner reasons. They do it to dogs and cats........so dillo's, crow's, and other vermin are no different.

Scattergun Bob

New member

I am very much a live and let live type. However, here in the outlying areas of Spokane, folks think it is OK to dump there unwanted pets off at the local park, most die a horrible death of starving or becoming prey for the local predators. A few end up packing tougher and becoming SUPER predators, and since they do not have a fear of man, they come to our homes looking for there next meal.

2AM in the morning when the horses or dog are going off, or the chickens are on alert, I am not a very forgiving fellow. Occasionally Elk, Deer and a occasional "jail break" cow are impacted by vehicles on the main road and the humane thing to do is dispatch them. And of course there are the norwegian rats that just love the hay barn, I war with them frequently. So, some animals I do shoot and will not eat.

As a backwoods peace officer I ran into frequent occasions to dispatch wounded, feral, or aggressive animals, GLAD I don't have to do that any more. This is where most of my data on handgun performance came from.

Good Luck & Be Safe

Good Luck & Be Safe


New member
I don't know. I don't kill it unless I eat it. Anything else just seems less than sporting.
Critters in the garden are "varmints" and get no quarter. What they do get is a CCI .17HMR and the results are dramatic. Wouldnt be much left to eat even if I wanted to eat wormy rabbits. :)

ya a rabid racoon
Me too. A couple of three or so shaky looking coons over the years. .45 ACP 230 grain Hydra Shoks. Damage wasnt anything spectacular and they were graveyard dead without any dramatics. Lots quicker (and less messy) than beating them dead with a 3' oak stake. :)


New member
Had to put down a large deer struck by a vehicle while on duty. Two shots in the heart with Ferderal .40 Cal Hydra Shoks (Glock 23) and it still took a minute or two to competely expire.


New member
About 20 years ago, I shot a ferrel dog that was mercilessly chasing our horses. It looked half wolf but I am not certain of it. I used my fathers 41 magnum dan wesson. It was loaded with semi wad cutters. It was a single shot to the dogs neck just behind the skull. It was a direct hit severing the spine and the exit would was shocking. I was pretty pleased with the shot that I pulled off because I ran about 100 yards to get close enough to take the shot which was about 15 to 20 yards.


New member
Shot a duck with .45 ball once. He was tasty:D

Drew my piece on an aggressive dog once. His response indicated he had been shot at before. He went from charge to maximum speed retreat in the span of a heartbeat.


I don't kill it unless I eat it. Anything else just seems less than sporting.

Around here there's a whole hell of a lot of pest control that needs doing and I don't plan on eating coons, possums, ground hogs, armadillos, skunks, foxes or coyotes. "Sporting" has nothing to do with it.


2AM in the morning when the horses or dog are going off, or the chickens are on alert, I am not a very forgiving fellow.

me neither!
possum raided the chicken coop. even my dogs backed away from it.
head shot with my PM9 ended all the excitement.

I've been to spokane, in the summer its alot like kansas!:)


New member
I agree with NAKing , unless you aim to eat it, it seems a might bit un-natural and un-sporstmanslike.

I understand that some animals need to be dispatched for various reasons other than hunting. Got no problem with it. Shooting a goose on the other hand with a .380 doesn't fall into any of those reasons.
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