Ever owned the exact same gun more than once?


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A couple years ago, I lost my job and had to sell off a bunch of my firearms to pay bills and keep food on the table. Well, I've got to where I can build up a little bit of a collection again. I used to have a Ruger 22/45 and really enjoyed it so I've been looking to replace it. Seen a guy on a local forum selling one so I called, we met up last night and as soon as he pulled it outta the case I knew it was my exact one I used to own. Apparently it's been through at least 2 other owners and has gotten several new "character marks" on it but it's back in good hands now and I look at this as a sign never to get rid of this one. Oh and I got it back for $50 less than what I sold it for. :cool:



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I work with Panhandlehunter (from AGO) so that ought to speak volmes about how often firearms go from living at his place and mine or vicey versey.:D


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I can't prove it, but I believe I did. Years ago I had a Dan Wesson 22 revolver. Traded it off for something else. About 20 years later, I bought another one, from a dealer about ten miles away from where I had traded the first one off. I'd lost my old records, but the second gun looked so much like the first one, right down to a slight blemish in the blue that I'm convinced it was the same gun.

I traded it off again, too. :D


New member
So far nope, however I would like to if I am able to. I bought a Bersa Thunder .380 and a Beretta 9000S in 9mm the same trip to the gunshow. Something came up shortly afterward and I had to get rid of one. I figured the Beretta was the better one to keep because of the brand. Got rid of the Bersa, boy was I wrong. That Beretta was a LEMON. Got rid of it about a year ago.

I would love to have that Bersa back... Regret is a terrible thing..


New member
No but given half a chance, I probably would. I did, however, always try to avoid buying back something I'd traded in. Bad form, you know.

On the other hand, I did happen to speak to someone and we discovered that we had both owned at one time a certain pre-war Registered .357 Magnum revolver. It had a barrel that was on the outside near the muzzle in very bad condition and easy to describe. No doubt someone else here has owned that same revolver.


New member

Yeah firearms on AGO gets passed around as much as Miss Emily (Em now)....

I sold a LCP on there and several months later I bought one from Dennis (Dink)....I'd actually forgotten he was the one I sold it to. Guess I just loaned it to him for a couple months. :rolleyes:


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I had a Super Blackhawk come back to me, not once, but twice. Figured it was karma, so didn't try and sell it again.

44 AMP


Bought, sold, and bought the same Arisaka, from and to and from the same guy.

Been a few years now, I've still got it....

There are quite a few now that I wish I could get back. And I don't mean just a replacement, I mean that specific gun.


New member
One happy occasion when I "loaned" a guy a Dan Wesson .357 and "forgot" about it. He needed it, didn’t have the bucks, was a good guy. A few years later, when he was doing better financially, he brought it back along with 3 brand new barrels in different lengths and a couple boxes of ammo. :)
Other unhappy occasions when sales or gifts to buddies came back because the family thought I should have the gun. Nice sentiment, but I’d rather not see the gun back.

A little off-topic, but a buddy once owned a jeep 7 times ! The last time he owned it, several of us got together, sanded it down, painted it a copper color, and named it Penny:D…. It hasn’t come back … yet;).


My first shotgun.

.410 single shot, POS Japanese copy of a Winchester model 37 ..... left it at parents house when I joined the Army and went overseas ..... years later, after the death of my Mother and then her husband, I got it at the Estate sale ....a shame when you have to buy your own stuff back. :mad:


New member
Needed a new truck (old one blew the head) and had to sell my Sig 229. Hence the name, haven't bought another yet but, I bought a FNX-40 and cerakoted it OD Green. Then got an OD Green mosquito. I still miss my 229 but I absolutely LOVE my FNX! She's my EDC, and my baby. :)

Sent from my DROIDX


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Back in the early 90s, a friend of mine bought a .357 Redhawk. He moved to Springfield, Missouri for 2 years with his job...got tight for money...and sold it. He moved back to home turf when his assignment was done, and 3 years after he got back, he asked me to BOLO for another .357 Redhawk. A month later, I spotted one and called him. He hustled on down to the shop, and bought it. He said there was something familiar about the gun, so he checked his serial number list. It was the same gun...and it was in the same shop that he bought it originally.

What are the chances?


My brother bought a shotgun, a Sears 200 (Winny 1200) and gave it to my dad who then gave it to me. I kept it for a few more years and traded it for an Impala and then sold the car for 400 dollars. Fast forward 17 years and I run into the guy and ask about the sg. It's in the closet. His buddy told him it would blow up if he shot slugs through it so he was scared of it and sold it back to me for 50 bucks and prolly felt like he ripped me off. I got my sling and slugs back too.


New member
Nope, never. I did once trade away a certain .308 semi-auto rifle that I often think I should try and buy back in the off chance the guy I sold it to still has it.


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It was on sale for 109.95,,,
So I bought a Mossberg 702 on a whim,,,
It's a nice enough little shooter so I decided to keep it.

Then a friend of mine shot it and fell instantly in love,,,
So I sold it to him and took a $10.00 loss.

A few weeks later he shot a Henry .22 rifle,,,
Then he said that he wanted to sell the 702 back to me,,,
I said okay but only if he was truly going to buy the Henry rifle.

He had thrown away the box and the manual,,,
So I only gave him $80.00 back for it.




New member
Not the exact same guns, but twice I've bought the exact same model a 2nd time that I had previously traded in.
Both were .22LR's, one was a pistol and the other a rifle.
And both times I paid more to reaquire each in used condition than what I received when I had traded them in.
Both of the original guns were purchased new but quite frankly, I was glad that the replacement pistol wasn't the exact same gun and I don't regret taking the monetary loss. :)
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A friend of mine has been better than a pawn shop. When I was laid off a few years ago, I sold most of my guns to him, and when the time came back around, and had enough money to get them back, he sold them back to me with no interest. He still owns my G22 and XD45 Tactical, but at least I know where they are...



New member
With me it has been S&W M41's. I think over time I have turned 3-4 of them. Another is Colt Pythons, again three of them. Sure wish I would have hung onto one of those.