Ever discharge a firearm while using a decocker?


New member
I almost totally trust the decockers on my guns. Almost. I make sure the gun is pointed in a safe direction while decoking ... just in case. Anything mechanical CAN and WILL eventually fail.

However, I have never personally had a discharge from using the decocker.


New member
IIRC, the original Ruger P89 Mark I had occasional failures until Ruger fixed the problem....but my memory could be wrong....its not as good these days as it once was.

Anyway, I've never seen this failure, period. I trust all of my decocker pistols 100%. The key, as always, is GUN SAFETY. Keep it pointed in a safe direction, and if gosh-forbid a decocker fails at least no one gets hurt.


New member
Is it safe to 'ride the hammer' while de-cocking?

I know I'm ressurecting and oldie, but this paticular issue hasn't come up in the thread.

I know you're not supposed to ride the hammer while pulling the trigger to de-cock.


What about riding the hammer when using the decocking lever? As in a Sig 226?

Is that safer?


New member

I own several Walther P99's, all with decockers. I like to practice in DA as well as SA mode at the range, so it's not unusual for me to decock the pistol dozens of times during a session. I've never had a gun to fire in several years of range visits.

Mal H

Since a decocker is a mechanical device and all mechanical devices can fail at some time, I suppose it might be marginally safer.

No matter what, you should always have the pistol pointed in a safe direction when decocking - no ifs ands or buts.


New member
3 decocker guns - 2 CZs and a Firestorm .380, and the decockers have always worked fine, but as others have said, always decock while pointing in a safe direction.


Supposedly, some CZ52s can do this. Otherwise, no way. So if you have a CZ52, don't rely on the decocker unless you are at the range, with the gun pointed downrange.

I know you're not supposed to ride the hammer while pulling the trigger to de-cock.

Huh? If you didn't, it would fire.

But sure, you could ride the hammer during a decock using the decocker as an added measure of redundant safety.


New member
Never. I've never had any discharge from using the decocker. Nor have I ever heard from anybody who's had any problems.

If watching the hammer fall makes you nervious, you can alway stick your finger/thumb in front of it and ease it down like a 1911.


New member
Never with my Taurus PT-92 and any Beretta I used with on. You guys got me nervous now. I'm going to start riding the hammer like a 1911. Ironically I was going to post this question before I saw this thread. Does leaving your gun Decocked and Locked for long periods cause any extra strain or wear to the pistol?


New member
I think the CZ-75BD and like models use a firing pin block the second the decock lever is moved.
Never happened on my POLICE model.


New member
I own, and have handled/fired many SiGs, H&Ks, S&Ws, Berettas and CZs never had a decocker fail to work as designed.