Ever discharge a firearm while using a decocker?

Rail Gun

New member
On any gun equipped with a decocker has it ever failed and the gun discharged. I admit I feel a bit unnerved watching the hammer fall on a loaded chamber.


New member
I've never had a gun discharge while using a "Bobbit" lever. SIG Sauer, Smith & Wesson, Beretta, Walther, Ruger, Taurus, Heckler & Koch, none have ever malfunctioned in my use.


I'm willing to bet you will get zero positives to this question. Both the slide and frame type decockers are so redundant in their operation that the chance of firing would be phenomenally low.

If you can't trust a device like a decocker, you shouldn't trust a device like a gun-any gun.


New member
Never had it fire on me, but, have a CZ-52 that will bounce a pencil out of the barrel when using the decocker...and mine is not the only one. So that one never gets decocked using the decocker.

Moral of the story...if it is mechanical, and made by man, sometime, somewhere it will fail.

Always keep your gun pointed in a very safe direction when decocking...downrange is best.

Have never heard of this problem on modern guns, but someday the modern guns will be the old guns.


Brian D.

New member
This was from a gun-rag article so..

...take it with a grain of salt, esp. since I'm relying on a my memory of events from 17+? years ago. I believe that some of the very early Ruger P-85s had to be recalled for that reason. Only about two of them were known to have AD'd--the decocker falied to keep the hammer off the firing pin, so it's hard to think of this as user a induced negigent discharge. And IIRC the guns were both pointed in a safe direction when this happened, so no injuries!


New member
I hate to be the one to break the news but I did have a gun discharge using the decocker. I had rented a Beretta .380 (model 84) at my local indoor range and after inserting a mag, releasing the slide and then pressing the decocker, bam, it happened! The muzzle of course was pointing downrange so no potential for a tragedy but I have to say that it scared the h*** out of me. To say that I am extra cautious in using a decocker these days is a gross understatement although I don't think it will ever happen again, once in a lifetime is enough.


New member
believe that some of the very early Ruger P-85s had to be recalled for that reason.

Good memeory. I should have remembered that one. My P 85 went back to get fixed. It was a broken firing pin that caused the AD when the p85 was decocked. Ruger did an immediate fix on the problem.

Here is a site that lists various firearms recalls, something yo should be familiar with when looking at used guns.

http://www.firearmsid.com/Recalls/Firearm Recall Index.htm



New member
I recall reading years ago that the decocker on WW 2 P-38's was not to be trusted due to work hardning or some such thing..
Never did trust the things,decocker,anyway..


New member
Not me.

I have heard that the CZ-52 had some guns that were recalled due to them firing while being decocked.

James K

Member In Memoriam
I have never had it happen to me, and it is very rare, but wartime P.38's have been known to break the safety and fire when decocked using the safety. When that happens, they go full auto and empty the magazine. I heard that that happened to an agent in an office of one of our better known federal LE agencies. He was, for some reason, carrying a P.38, and when he loaded it and dropped the hammer, a series of loud noises ensued, followed by a deep silence. Luckily, no one was injured.



New member
The big "NO" from the squid corner. No problems with either of my decocker-equipped CZ 75s. I don't know anyone who's had a decocker fail.


New member

I _do not_ let the hammer fall on metal.
I let it down in the same way as on a handgun with has no decocker..

george miller

New member
nope. did see something that looked painful.was at a range some time ago and heard several bangs followed by a scrill holler.seems some idiot tried releasing the hammer on a apparant live one-with his cocking thumb.