Ever buy a firearm because of a movie or TV show?


New member
I remember growing up and my mom would watch Magnum P.I. I wanted a Ferrari 308 GTS so bad. Well, I decided to save a bit of money and bought a 1911 .45 ACP instead. It would be some years later before I got my chance to buy the 1911 but that show sparked my interest.

So, name the movie or show that inspired your gun purchase and, of course, name the gun.


New member
Trust me, you did better getting the 1911 than going for the Ferrari 308, they drive like a piece of junk. Ergonomics are designed to fit a 125 pound wimpy Italian with tiny feet. I'm sure Tom Seleck's was extensively modified for his size.

Can't point to a particular movie or show, many featured them being used by various characters....but the Luger always struck me as something I just had to have. (Now own two)

Amin Parker

New member
Oh ya,

One Thursday evening i watched the movie Assassins with Sly and Antonio. The next morning at 9am i was in a gun shop buying one.

As soon as my licence was approved i got myself the integral suppressor.

I was literally up all night lol.

Gr8 thread topic.


New member
Years ago after watching "The Terminator" for the umpteenth time the ship I was stationed on pulled into Genoa, Italy. I got permission from the Weapons Officer and the C.O. and went and bought a Franchi SPAS-12 (hey they didn't have Phased plasma rifle's in the 40-watt range).

Excellent price for it because I payed in Dollars not Lira, also helped that I speak a little Italian. Didn't have a chance to shoot it till I came back to the States 4 months later, piece of crap, violated every K.I.S.S. principle and was a Jamomatic in semi mode. Ended up selling it for about 4 times what I paid for it though.:D


New member
Me? No, but was tempted once. I wanted a Grizzly in .45 mag in the worst way. The price turned me off. Then I saw Sam Elliott toting one in Shakedown and it reminded me how much I wanted one. Again, the price shot me down.:D

A buddy of mine had to have a Beretta 92 after seeing Lethal Weapon. He already had a Colt Python and a Gold Cup. He was greatly disappointed in the accuracy of the new weapon (Guess it couldn't really make smiley faces) and voiced his displeasure to the salesman at the gun shop. I loved the salesman's response; Whaddya expect, it's not a Gold Cup!:D


New member
Many years ago I used to watch a documentary series about naval ships. I thought I might want a 16" gun but could never find one at an Army Navy Surplus Store.


The very first gun I bought was a Walther PPK/S (S&W version) thanks to James Bond. I sold it to a friend, wish I had kept it :-(


New member
Nearly all of them, almost. But then most guns have shown up in movies at one time or another. And there's a long list of guns I haven't had yet that I've seen in the movies and still want, mainly for that reason.

357 Python

New member
Back in the 1970s there was a cop show (decade of the cop show it seems). The show was "Starsky & Hutch". David Soul played Ken "Hutch" Hutchinson. Hutch carried 3 different guns during the series. He started out with a 2" 38 Special. Then in the next 7 episodes he carried a 4" Colt Python. The gun most folks remember him carrying was the 6" Colt Python. How can you tell the difference with looking at the barrels? The 4" had the standard wooden stocks and the 6" had Pachmayr Presentation grips. Now in some episodes Hutch carried one Python at the beginning of a scene the at the end he had the other Python. This show inspired me to get a 6" Colt Python when I could. On my first job as an armed security officer my dad helped me with get my first handgun, a 6" Colt Python. That was 1979. I still have that Python.


New member
How about a video game? My first gun I bought as an adult was a 357 magnum with a 6" barrel because of Half-Life. Though, I've been a total revolver bigot my whole life because of my grandfather, so it made sense for other reasons as well ;).

If Mal's gun in Firefly wasn't fictional, I'd buy it.

It's my understanding that Jo's gun in Eureka is a modified Anaconda. I could go for one of those :cool:.


New member
Hm, the first gun I bought was a rimfire PPK (it made me feel like James Bond). I got it for $800, only to discover a few years later that there were only about a thousand of them ever made and that I should have paid closer to $2500 for it. Especially when one considers that it can hit bullseyes at 100 yards. :D


New member
lets see josey>black powder pistol, jeramiah>hawken, dirty harry smith and wesson, chuck conners>winchester. big bad mamma> win 97 along with untochables.....in no particular order....bobn


Not really, but kind of...when Last Man Standing came out I already had a 1911, but I didn't have a table full of mags like he had. That was a great scene him sitting there loading up all those mags full of hardball. So I splurged for some extra Mags.

Dr. Strangelove

New member
Always wanted a Beretta 92 because of "Lethal Weapon". Had one for a while, just too big for my small hands.

I remember growing up and my mom would watch Magnum P.I. I wanted a Ferrari 308 GTS so bad.

Ohh, me too. They're actually in the nice bass boat price range now, if you still want one...


I can't claim a particular movie inspired me personally to want a particular gun, although Magnum, P.I. and The Wild Bunch do figure into my fascination with the Colt Gov't Model and 1911s in general.

But I'll bet "Dirty Harry" really heightened the demand for S&W Model 29 .44 Magnums. And Eastwood's Sudden Impact, that featured an (AMT?) Automag, and Charles Bronson's use of a .475 Wildey Magnum in Death Wish III probably boosted sales of those guns.
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