Ever bought two(or more) at once?


New member
I think I've purchased one long arm along with a HG, but never two HGs at one time. I know that FFLs must report such a transaction to the ATF. Have any of you ever been contacted by them after such a purchase? If so, what was the gist of their inquiry?


New member
Never 2 in the same day, but I have purchased a few in the same dros period....It was cool, for a while, I was picking up a gun every day! :D


New member
I bought two handguns and five rifles in one transaction.

It was pretty funny when I said, "oh, and I need ammo for all of them too."

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
How about 5 in one day?

Back in Oct. of 98 I bought the following handgun's from my
FFL dealer here locally: a) Ruger MK-II KMK-512, b) Browning
Hi-Power "Practical" 9m/m, c) Smith & Wesson model 60 .38
Special, d) NAA .22 magnum, and e) a NAA .22 LR. No problem,
just do the necessary paperwork; and you are good to go.:D

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
Oh man, I hate reading this kind of stuff

it chafes me no end that living out here (CA) limits me to one handgun every 30 days. Just recently picked up another Kimber, along with a long arm, so now am counting down the 30 days until I can pick up my new Ruger w/Birds-Head grip in 45 Colt. Internet dealer is holding it for me until I ask him to ship. :(


New member
When I was doing the paperwork for my Beretta 96, I bought a Kel-Tec P-32 because it was just so d*mn cute in its little blue belt case.

That was when I decided I need to join some kind of group. I just can't decide if I want to join a group "fer 'em" or "agin 'em." :p



New member
Yep. There is alread a file on you even if you don't buy two or more. Just one more thing for F Troop to put in my file (along with my pretty pictures in D.C. [which the females agents no doubt copy and keep at their desks;)]).

Adjust foil hat and work hard to buy more guns.


New member
I bought a Baur .25 auto and a Colt Cobra the same day a few years ago. It was from different dealers so no forms went in to DC, as I understand it.
More recently I bought a .308 and a .41 Magnum from the same guy. in a private transaction.
Usually I buy em one at at time, but some days are other days.


New member
Yes, I was buying a Walther P-99. I went to pick it up at the end of the five day waiting period and saw this Para-Ordnance LDA. It caught my eye, so I went home with both of them.


New member
Two or more at the same time?
Yup. A few times. Sellers are generally more willing to shave a few extra bucks off to move 2 or even three items in one transaction. I give the seller the "can't make up my mind" line between two that I really like, then offer a "how much if I take both". Works like a champ,,,,usually. Once in a while I get skunked though.

I asked the local dealer the first time I did this if it raised any red flags at NICS, and he told me it didn't. So far nobody has bothered to ask about it.

Marko Kloos

New member
I've bought plenty of pairs and triples. Most handguns on one 4473 were four, on more than one occasion. Never been contacted by ATF, FBI or TBI.


New member
I bought 2 handguns and a rifle on the same day two years ago. No problems. Just to check, I pulled the receipts and noticed for the first time they were dated a day apart. Any reason the dealer would have an incentive not to submit the sales at the same time?

If you're curious whether the feds have a file on you, you can always do a Freedom of Information request. Of course, the conventional wisdom is that if they didn't have a file on you before, they'll start one after your request...


New member
I ussually by mine Two at a time , I just can't make up my mind sometimes , no special forms don't kno why and atf was in there doing there thing aweek ago , and the store is still open , as for the pictures so I found out who replaced me on the the girls desks at ATF !!! FREEMAN!!!!!!:mad: :barf: