Euphemisms: Ya better read and understand!


New member
From the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary:
Censor: to examine in order to suppress or delete anything considered objectionable.

So yeah, it's censorship. And saying "you can write what you want, just not like that" is a bit like a gun grabber saying "you can own a gun, just not THAT gun." Let's be honest...we are definitely restricting what is said.

HOWEVER...having lurked around a few other boards whose moderators (if they exist) seem uninterested in actually moderating, I've decided I can easily live with the restrictions here at TFL. The foul language, topic wandering, and endless flaming on other boards is just plain obnoxious.

So I come here instead. I like the atmosphere and it's where I spend my time. No different from picking a nice brewpub over a bikerbar/slaughterhouse to have a beer. I guess what I'm saying is to think of TFL as a club. We don't walk through a clubhouse door, but there are still a few rules to abide by. The upsides far outweigh the down...

Jeez...that was long.


New member
Does this mean that I can't say BLEEP!! the next time I drop my front windage rest on my foot while getting it out of my van?

Which was then followed by a rather interesting and enlightening rendition of the "Oh Bleep!" chant and one-legged redfaced dance. I may someday demonstrate it at my local community college's cultural affairs and dance symposium... It'll be at least as good as some of the stuff...

Chuck Dye

New member
Ignorance verbalized?

The floggings shall continue until morale improves!

Now, about the difference between the dorsal posterior location of the gluteus maximus and an equine critter noted in metaphor for being dull, and intransigent...


New member
Good work, Art. Keep it up! And if I slip up, in the heat of argument, delete my post and send me an E-mail. When I cool down, I will thank you for it!

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Well, I reckon I know most all the bad words and the combinations thereof--and in several languages. I really enjoy "those" jokes, and more than once I've won a Dirty Limerick contest...:D

I just don't think it's really the height of coolth to stand up in church and yell, "Hey, bottom this, bleep-bleep!" Or in polite company such as TFL is s'posed to be.

Which is why I use the "my Grammaw" bit.




I have to throw in a note of contention:

Just as the RKBA is part of our foundation as a nation and our break from British rule, so to is our particularly American use of the English language. There is no English speaking people in the world who so succinctly define themselves through the everyday overuse of curse words.

It is not, therefore, just a freedom. Nay, swearing is one of our foundations as a nation. I would no sooner give up being able to inform others what they can kiss, than give up the firearms that safeguard my family after I've drunkenly insulted strangers with my rude language.

There is even historical evidense that we wouldn't have even beat the British had it not been for their prissy aversion to our forefathers foul mouths. It took that (plus the always offensive French, and shooting from behind rocks) to chase their tyranny back across the Atlantic.

I can think of nothing more patriotic than flipping some old lady the bird in traffic, or informing a fellow TFLer just how pigheaded he's being with the vocabulary designed for the job. Are we not all patriots?

Hot dogs, apple pie, Chevrolet, assualt rifles and the F word! God protect America.


New member
In public, you can use whatever language you want and say anything under your 1st Amendment Rights.

Call it what you want, but this board is owned and operated by Art Eatman. He has graciously allowed the general public to use this board. In doing so, he has set rules regarding how you do use the board. Those rules are:

1) All Topics and Posts must be related to firearms, accessories or civil liberties issues. Multiple Registrations Prohibited.
2) Language that would be inappropriate in the polite company of strangers is quite unwelcome here.
3) No spamming, trolling, flaming or other personal attacks, be they acrimonious or veiled in humor. If you take issue with a Member's position, by all means speak your mind. If you have a problem with a Member's religion, creed, national origin, sex, politics, associations or personal hygiene, take it to email.
4) As we can never convey a philosophy through a few rules, we reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to edit or delete posts and/or to revoke Membership. No Second Chances; No Argument; No Trial; No Way. At best you will receive one warning.

It is fairly simple in the English language to find some word to convey your meaning without using profanity. It comes down to one thing, follow the rules or you're history.

EDIT: Ooops.....sorry..... Rich Lucibella owns the board.:D Everything else applies.

Call it what you want, but this board is owned and operated by Art Eatman. He has graciously allowed the general public to use this board. In doing so, he has set rules regarding how you do use the board.

Well said.

I thought it was owned by Rich. Who knows. Who cares.

Someone or "someones" own this board and he/she/they have rules. I just don't see why people make a big fuss about the rules. If you don't like them, then don't play.

Ed Brunner

New member
Art is right...

and I agree. I have been guilty and I will stop. Is makes sense that if I am as smart as I think I am, I can express myself without offending anybody's child or Gramma.


New member
Gosh, Art, I guess I have let my mouth(fingers?) get away from me from time to time here, and I guess I have used some rather harsh language in the past.

In my defense, I'm pleading a misspent youth in the service of my country. In the Corps, we used profanity like punctuation. No sentence was complete without it! I guess I just got in the habit and stayed there.

I do think I can clean up my act, though, and not just here. I'm making a real effort to cut back on my profanity. Today's word was "applesauce". As in"Look where you're driving, applesauce for brains!" Or, "What the applesauce were you thinking, dude?" Or, my favorite of today, "Looks like applesauce to me, Chief!"

Applesauce, I had more fun today than in a real long time! This was a real riot(ever wonder what the ambulance crew was thinking when they went by laughing?) and the other guys really got into it. What a riot! OK, OK, it was a slow day!:D


New member
In public, you can use whatever language you want and say anything under your 1st Amendment Rights.

Sorry, but this is simply not true. Go too far and it qualifies as disorderly it in front of a police officer and find your rump in the pokey.

I think Art is simply asking us not to go too far so we don't fall into that "disorderly conduct" category.

I cuss way too much, but there are certain places that it just isn't appropriate.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Naw, Rich Lucibella is the guy whose brain thought up TFL, and whose billfold pays for it.

I reckon I'm just sort of a den-mother. :D

I figure TFL is a place to teach and to learn, to kick ideas around and even occasionally come to some consensus. I've done a whole bunch of learning since I've been reading all these posts, and every now and then I can pass along some of the stuff I've picked up through the years.

So folks know where I stand. Folks also know what are the rules of this house. Those who object to my position or to the rules of the house need not feel obligated to stay. :) For those who really feel put upon, about all I can say is, "As you slide down the bannister of life, remember me as a razor blade in your career."

:), Art


New member
Interesting. I seldom run into people in California who strenuously object to profanity. Slight culture change from West Texas, where I grew up.


I certainly can swear like a drunk sailor when I put my mind to it, and probably more often than I should.:eek:

When it comes to writing, though, I like to try to hold myself to a higher standard. Conceivably, scholars could be reading this a thousand years from now, and I like my name attached to things that are well crafted.

A couple months ago I had to make some notes for the company, documenting a conversation - profanity and all. It just plain felt funny writing some of the words.