Euphemisms: Ya better read and understand!

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
This website is for enhancement of the Right To Keep And Bear Arms. It is a place where your friends and enemies read what we say, and this includes the distaff side of the population.

It is not a place where the use of serious profanity is allowed. It is not a place where obscenity is allowed. And I will not tolerate egregious use of "$$" within a word. I will not tolerate spelling-games with the present participle of a four-letter copulative verb.

There are numerous ways of expressing displeasure or sarcasm without betraying one's lack of an adequate vocabulary.

In other words, don't aggravate my Grammaw.

:), Art


New member


New member
LOL (again). Keep us straight, Art, profanity is no excuse for lack of mental effort...just an easy path of least resistance.:D


New member
Thanks Art. ' Forgot exactly where, but I recall seeing a post elsewhere here earlier tonight where I felt a moderator needed to jump on 'em with both feet. :(


New member
My mom must be like your Grammaw. I have said only two cuss words in front of her in my life. Both were accidents when I was somewhat younger and luckily, the smack on the back of the head didn't knock out any fillings and the hearing did return after a day or so.

PS Did have to look up "distaff" in the dictionary. Don't you smart people speak normal English?:)

Steve Smith

New member
Hey Art...

I'm quizzing myself here....knowing I'm prone to give a piece of my mind, I'm wondering if I did and didn't even notice...did I offend?

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Aw, Steve, not lately...:D :D

buford1, nuthin' worth worryin' about, really. Sometimes folks forget that posting here is sorta like being in the dining room, not in the outhouse.

Lord knows I don't like "nicey-nice", but I much prefer to assume that we're all polite company, and are grownups...

:), Art


New member
The cry of censorship on an internet forum is immature and ignorant.

This is not suddenly your back yard because you have four whole posts to your credit. It is private property with rules posted at the gate. If you don't like the rules, walk on by.

Navy joe

New member
user... :rolleyes:

I'd tell you what I think of your impertinent attitude but Art told us to play nice. would maybe suit you then, it's full of people with no basic social skills.


New member
If there is something I hate more than a

god$@%@% Mo%342 A@%234 Sonof@%%@@^@ low#^@#%@ Life %^##%%!@# Censoring$$@%@#%

I don't know what it is.

Just kidding. Sorry if I have ever offended. I really am edumacated, I's even has a degee or two. :D

The problem with posting on these forums is I just get lazy and don't double check for typos and the like.



New member

How does the elimination of slang restrict your freedom to expouse your ideas? I always thought that censorship involved the repression of a person's rights to express ideas and beliefs.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
user, "censorship" is control of what is said. It is in no wise censorship to control how things are said. It is in no wise censorship to call for polite and courteous phrasings when one disagrees with somebody else's opinion or idea.

"Attack ideas, not people." When one takes the approach of "Dear Sir: You cur!", one changes no mind, changes no views, and certainly destroys one's own credibility.

It's just part of being a grownup as opposed to those puling twits with no command of the language...

:), Art


New member
Art, thank you

My daughter reads over my shoulder sometimes when I'm at the computer. She's twelve and is still learning about the importance of the RKBA. I don't want to have to shut the browser down when she comes in the room. She finds some of the threads (and the user names) amusing as well as enlightening.

She is intrigued by the posts from female users and likes to read them. Please keep up the postings giving the feminine point of view of self defense and the RKBA.

Regards to all and again to Art a great big thank you.

Mike Ledbetter