End run around the 2nd amendment, EPA lead ban.


New member
The Brady campaign announced they will be petitioning the EPA to ban all lead ammo. In the past the EPA had enough Republican influence and internal 2A backers that they refused to consider it.

Now FNC reports that is changing. Pro 2A EPA officials might be getting nervous about their jobs.

Anyhow, just a heads up that a lead ban might be coming, as it requires no Congressional action.

BATF is also looking at micro stamping ammo again. I'm sure the new BATF chief just appointed by Obama is not pro 2A.

I'm going to continue to stock up.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
It really doesn't have anything to do with the EPAs opinion or influence of any politician.

The law specifically denies the EPAs regulation of ammunition and bullets under TCSA 3(2)(B)(v).


New member
As mentioned the EPA lacks the authority. On another note the banning of all lead ammo would have a tough time in the courts. Firearms are useless without ammo and lead ammo "is overwhelming chosen by law abiding citizens" for every lawful purpose for which they use firearms.


New member
If lead were toxic once in the ground, then most of the state of Virginia would be a uninhabitable. Pretty sure the Civil War deposit a pound or two in some concentrated areas...


New member
How in the world has our system devolved so much that an entire mineral can be banned without due process?

This sounds as though you are suggesting a mineral has constitutional rights :D
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New member
Zinc only has 60% of the density of lead. Zinc and Iron have similar densities.

You can use copper, tungsten, bismuth, etc.. but they all are considerably rarer and more costly than lead.


New member
The good news is that if they banned lead use for bullets all the inner city gangs would obey the law and there would be no crimes using guns.


New member
Lead came from the ground and we are just putting it back in. What is their problem! this is not some lab made chemical!!!!!!!!! :mad::mad::eek::confused:


New member
It really doesn't have anything to do with the EPAs opinion or influence of any politician.

The law specifically denies the EPAs regulation of ammunition and bullets under TCSA 3(2)(B)(v).
Well that's good news, thanks.
Guess Fox news had that one wrong.


New member
Lead ban is like the Executive Order or UN Treaty urban ledgend, a good sales pitch or forum post, but no basis in reality.


New member
Im in NJ where we have specific laws regarding Pinelands in addition to wetlands, etc... The Pineland commission has attempted to block expansion and shut the club down altogether over lead contamination. Our backstops are steel with a plastic liner under sand. The lead has to be collected and disposed of periodically. My range will through you out if your caught purposely not reaching the lead traps, no scatter guns allowed.
Is what Im saying is that lead may be difficult to ban as a whole but they can take it away a little at a time. Think waterfowl hunting. No more lead shot.


New member
There is a definite chain of events in leadshot in wetlands. And leadshot is not in and of itself banned. I realize you can make a slippery slope chipping away at a right argument here, but I don't think it has enough wing area to actually fly. At least as far as the leadshot/wetlands argument.