Encounter In Wal-Mart parking lot

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New member
Well done Sparks!

That increased respiration/adrenaline dump? That was a good thing. If you'd gotten in a fight, you would have been wanting that O2!

Requisite Monday morning quarterbacking: - and this is something I'm trying to ingrain in myself - go ahead and get that flashlight on him right away. I think you were right in not clearing leather yet, but I think we are all a little to worried about being "rude" and lighting a questionable petitioner up. We should all have "tactical" grade flashlights, and should put them in play as soon as things start to deviate from Baseline Mayberry Standard.

I don't think we'll find too much dissension that once the gun comes out, the cops need to be called, but lighting somebody up hasn't gotten to that point yet. I was in an almost identical "interview" a while back and kick myself for not getting the light on him right away. Make a vow with me to make it a habit to get that flashlight out at the first sign of hink.

You done good there Family Man!

Say your piece tomorrow to the Big Guy and have a great holiday knowing that your wife and child are in good hands.



New member
Reschedule your shopping time??

What the hell is wrong with this country anyway. I will shop anytime I need something and will not be bullied into "daylight hours only" to go to the store.
If this same thing happened to me, I would do just like he did and end the confrontation before something bad has to go down. The predators out there are counting on you to fear them and obey their demands. That doesn't mean you have to attack anyone for asking you a question but at that time of night and the manor in which he was approching the man and his wife, its best to meet the threat face to face than have them come up behind you and take you down. No telling what happens then. Either way, its best that you tell the story.

vox rationis

New member
At this point I see the gentleman stop and really look hard at where my hands are at.

great job, and I'm obviously glad that your family is safe :)...but, honestly, somehow I don't think that you were dealing with a gentleman ;)


New member
Good job! It's always smart to take a quick look behind you during a social encounter. Often the real danger from predators comes from behind.


New member
Glad it all worked out for the better. Situations like that can go sour rather quickly.

We have had a couple of incidents at our local Wally World, one was a stabbing, the other was shots fired, but not in the direction of people. We have a gang problem in that neighborhood, which is awful because the DPS isnt even 1/2 a mile down the freeway. I usually stop there a few times during the week to pick up odds and ends, and its always at night/early morning hours because of my work schedule. I unfortunately dont have my CCW, but do always carry a firearm in my vehicle (thank God and the State of Texas for HB 823). But when I am there at night, I still have my trusty AO knife. Better than nothing right? :D


New member
mstuhr wrote:
I dont know what you did was right or wrong. I was not there.
I dont think I would have reacted in the same way from what you have told us.

mstuhr, you are a textbook victim. Good luck to you, you will need it.

Sparks2112, thanks for the warning. I do business in the area you speak of, and I am now better informed.


New member
Just a thought

Hi all,
For the sake of argument lets say Spark's wife's water breaks. "Oh crap" I need to call 911 and dont have a phone. He jumps from the car and looks around a noisy parking lot hoping to find someone who can make the call for paramedics. "There's a guy" "Hey buddy, can I talk to you?" In the noisy lot he approaches the fellow looking for help after not hearing his reply from such a distance. At somewhere around 75 feet out he sees that the fellow is standing with a hand on a gun and he decides he will drive his wife to the hospital himself, hops in his car and takes off.
Well? Who knows? Does anyone know what this fellow wanted?
I dont see where they do, other than a lot of speculation.
As far as me being a textbook victim, I dont live in fear. I expect I'd be the last person in the world to shoot someone who does not need it but just might be the first if the situation calls for it.
Again, I dont know what Sparks did was right or wrong. Had it been me I would have let the fellow come forward some and things might have ended tragically for one of us. However, he may have been a person just like Sparky but in need of info, help or who knows what other ligit bussiness.
At 75 feet out I dont feel threatened by the guys actions. To let him come closer under the circumstances is not an invitation to victimize me either. Again, does anyone know what he wanted or what his intentions were? No.
Did this man threaten anyone other than approaching to 75 feet out?
Sorry guys. I still dont see the threat.
You all can climb on and I'll let you have the last word on this. The above is just my opinion and you all are sure to have yours.
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For the sake of argument lets say Spark's wife's water breaks. "Oh crap" I need to call 911 and dont have a phone. He jumps from the car and looks around a noisy parking lot hoping to find someone who can make the call for paramedics. "There's a guy" "Hey buddy, can I talk to you?"

Okay...just for argument's sake.

If this guy really was having an emergency, why would he NOT say something right from the start like: "Help, my wife's water just broke and I need to use a cell phone to call 911!"?

As far as me being a textbook victim, I dont live in fear.

Neither do we I am sure. We live our lives hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.


New member
This is ridiculous. The OP didn't even pull his gun. If I was the man approaching, and I had that kind of legitimate emergency, and I observed a man feeling threatened (he put down his bags and placed his hands as if to pull a gun) I would have put my hands out palms facing the OP, and said something to the effect of yo- hold up, my wife is having a baby can you call 911 for me? But, in reality, since I am not stupid, I wouldn't be wandering around a parking lot looking for help I would already be at a payphone, in the store, or driving to the hospital (or on a plane like Palin ;) ).

Stop picking on the OP, he didn't do anything wrong, he did everything right, and seems to me the OP gave the other guy more credit than the OP is getting from you.


New member
Oh, and BTW, I have two kids, and managed to have em both without ever calling 911. :rolleyes:

Although I gotta say, I find it humorous to be surrounded virtually by armed men who are seriously discussing calling 911 for water breaking. lol!


New member
GOOD GOD MAN! You were in Colerain after dark??? The area alone is reason enopugh for me to shop at the WM in Lawrenceburg IN. It's an even split on the mileage from my house. Glad everything worked out for you.


New member
That's really heartbreaking that you have to be that aware everywhere you go now.

Glad you dealt with the sirtuation the way you did.

Wal Marts are now criminals playgrounds sadly as are most shopping malls parking lots.

I have a friend whose wife was pregnant and was at Marumsco Plaza in Woodbridge,Va. almost twenty years ago and she had to deal with a guy that tried to carjack her without a gun.

She is an astionshingly beautiful woman and she dresses that way so she was wearing high heeled shoes which she had to lean back in her car,because this guy approached her as soon as she got in her car,she leaned back in the drivers seat across the console and kicked this guy three times in the chest and face,full force with her high heels.

The third time,with her screaming,the dirtbag gave up the attempt and she drove off as fast as she could.

Hell yes,we went back there looking for the guy but how would we know what he looked like?

Totally unexpected behavior there because this attack happened in mid afternoon about 1:30 p.m.

We are all grateful that she fought with all the might she could and got this guy to stop trying to essentially abduct her.

You have to be aware always.

And people I do not know better act like they don't know me or we could have a problem.


New member
Thank God for ccw laws so you could protect your family.

That says a lot. Yes, thank God we have the right to protect our families and ourselves.


vox rationis

New member
I am rather curious what the guy really had to ask.... May be he just wanted a beer!

A suspect looking total stranger approaching you in a parking lot wanting to "ask you something", especially at 11:30pm, should look somewhere else if they "just want a beer".

Parking lots are common hunting grounds for criminals and since most criminals choose their victims largely based on the would be victim's response to the "interview" ("Hey man, do you have the time/can I use your cell phone/do you have change for a 20/etc/etc), it is best to not take part in any potential interview.

Therefore, being curious about what the guy wants is curiosity that is best disposed of; especially with one's pregnant wife at your side.

If our "thirsty" stranger needed assistance, well he could have just gone into the store and asked for assistance.

As far as I'm concerned, a stranger approaching you in the parking lot is a scam or even a potential mugging until proven otherwise...and I am not interested in playing along to prove that its not.


New member
Good show

Great job Sparks! I know Colerain well as I used to work at one of those large shopping areas in Colerain. I too am glad you were with the wife and would encourage her not to shop alone after dark in that neck of the woods. It seems to be getting worse there.

Forget all the second guessing here, your awareness, and most remarkably your wife's, was great. You reacted reasonably and intelligently, letting the would be BG know you were not going to be his next victim.:)


New member
..and a *much* more common hunting groung for the garden variety panhandler. "Hey man, can I get some gas money?..."
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