Emergency responders: Cell phone ICE files- yea or nay?

Just make an entry in your contacts/phonebook on the phone in all capitals that says "ICE" instead of "Mom", "George B.", "Stumpy", etc.

The phone number that goes with it is the person you want someone to call (I)in (C)ase of (E)mergency - medical, accident, you're unconscious or dead. Hopefully not the latter of the scenarios....:D
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New member
From the standpoint of a paid EMS person, a DNR in the wallet would be good, but that is not our first place to look when we pull up on scene. If nobody is around to indicate a signed copy of DNR is available, cpr is in place. If there is a signed copy, CPR is in progress until that signed copy is presented to me.


New member
I wouldn't want anyone going through my cellphone while I'm unconcious. My phone is a mini PC and has alot of important things on it(and is hard to use for people who don't have experience with them).


New member
I've had "ICE" 1,2, and 3 in my phone for about a year now. Did it after I read an article suggesting we do that. I like the idea above about also putting in "wife, son, mother, etc in as well. Hopefully it will help if ever needed.