Election day?

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Don P

New member
Standing in line to vote this morning I was wearing a t-shirt from one of our local AR manufactures and this is what is printed on the back. Many folks liked the writing and wrote it down while in line,

Ineptocracy ( in-ep-toc'-ra-cy)

A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for be the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

Folks waiting to vote liked the definition and no one had the chutzpah to refute it.:D

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Definitely is in Texas. See results in the slammer.

Anyway, if Don P of the Chutzpah Pistol Association has it correct, I think I'll watch the Cooking Channel tonight.
In Georgia, it's illegal. We're also one of the states that outlaws usage of cameras in polling stations, at least in the "enclosed" part.

Not that it would matter. Turnout at my station was abysmal.


New member
Heck in my county in GA, you can't buy any sort of booze until after the polls close.

Turnout down here has ben pretty high, and something like 10% of the studnt population did early voting on campus, which I think is prtty good considering that many students don't register down here or even care.


New member
Already voted and will be shooting tonight just because it Tuesday. Trap is almost every Tuesday night.


New member
There's history of intimidation and physical violence at polling places. Sure, we all know that banning guns from a certain location doesn't prevent violence, but that's the logic behind many of the prohibitions.

Yeah, Tom, I suppose that is it, although I think of that as a historic problem rather than a current one.

It hasn't been too long ago, though, that I was greeted in a parking lot by a fellow with a clipboard who identified himself as a poll worker and checked my name on his clipboard before telling me that I wasn't registered to vote. I got a good enough glimpse at his clipboard to see that it was a list of people registered as a member of his party and went ahead inside, but he was obviously trying to turn members of the other party away from voting. I reported it to the authorities, but nothing came of my report. I found it highly objectionable, and would have been completely comfortable with an arrest and prosecution. I wasn't tempted to shoot him, though. ;)


New member

You are correct, I guess that I will simulate my new tradition for the next three years, while waiting for the next big one.:)

At the range I shot about everything I own. Found a problem with my hunting rifle and corrected it, advanced my load development to the next level for a .223, practice with two handguns and talked to a lot of good people. GOOD DAY!:D


New member
Yeah, Tom, I suppose that is it, although I think of that as a historic problem rather than a current one.

I'd disagree. Although I don't think it's as widespread as it might have historically been, there is certainly some voter intimidation going on. However, it's not lawful CCW holders doing the intimidation...


They were also there in 2008 brandishing a club of some sort. Although I don't think there were any altercations in either 2008 or 2012, this may make someone re-think their vote, or turn away altogether.

Mr. James

New member
Another word for the day

In addition to ineptocracy, a brilliant word, I offer you one that will be increasingly prominent in our lives, given the victory of the . . . okay, I'll refrain myself . . . in the late election.

Krytarchy, from the Greek, from the Hebrew root. Meaning rule of judges. The man who gave us Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, who both perjured themselves in their confirmation hearings (hell, I was present for the wise Latina's perjury), and both voted against the Second Amendment as an individual right, will in all likelihood give us three just like them, and countless district and appellate federal judges.

So much for Heller and McDonald. Nice while it lasted.

No matter what you think of Justices Thomas and Scalia, you'd better pray for their longevity. And pray they stay away from Fort Marcy.
The election has come and gone. Whether or not your guy won, we don't do pure politics here, so I'm closing this one before it goes there.
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