Election day?

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New member
A friend and I are going to vote first thing in the morning (Tuesday) then off to the range, a celebration of sorts.
Thinking of making it a yearly thing, any like minded people out there?

Don H

New member
Nope, no range trip for me. I do make it a point to carry while voting at the school just down the street and would probably open carry while voting if I didn't have mobility issues that interferred.


New member
I do make it a point to carry while voting at the school just down the street and would probably open carry while voting if I didn't have mobility issues that interferred.

what's the point of open carrying while voting? :confused:


Active member
I don't carry when I vote. Never found any reason to. The problem is that sometimes I vote in a public library, other times in a church. If I'm in doubt as to whether or not I can carry, I just leave the gun behind.


New member
I'm off work tomorrow and planning on going to the range with my dad (he wants to shoot a new-to-him S&W M29) anyway, so I'll probably stop and vote on my way (the polling place is at the county fairgrounds less than a mile from my house). I was planning on voting either late in the morning or early in the afternoon because I figure the polls will be least crowded then (lots of people vote before and after work in my town).


New member
I early voted a while back, so I'm just going to go to bowling like normal and sit on the couch and watch the false prediction come in until I run out of PBR and then go to bed.

Grant D

New member
I'll shoot tomorrow at lunch,and vote when I get home.
Our polling place is at our communtiy center which is on the property next to mine, so all I have to do is park in my driveway and walk over.

It originaly was a Confederate military base during the civil war.


New member
Polling places are one of the places that are prohibited from carry by Florida law. No good reason that I know of, and yes I know concealed is concealed, but law is law, too.

And I cast my ballot a little over a week ago in early voting. I feel a lot like the little Colorado girl who burst into tears of frustration at being so "tired of Bronco Bama Mitt Romney."


New member
Tuesday is a work day for me

I'll be at work from 6am to 3.30pm, go check my PO box, go vote and then go home and eat.
Polling places are one of the places that are prohibited from carry by Florida law. No good reason that I know of
There's history of intimidation and physical violence at polling places. Sure, we all know that banning guns from a certain location doesn't prevent violence, but that's the logic behind many of the prohibitions.


New member
A group of us pro-gun friends are going to vote, then shoot at the NRA range, then drink some good wine. I hope it's a celebration and not a lamentation. LOL


New member
A friend and I are going to vote first thing in the morning (Tuesday) then off to the range, a celebration of sorts.
Thinking of making it a yearly thing, any like minded people out there?

I was thinking the same thing today. Sounds like a great tradition to start.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2

Mr. James

New member
A group of us pro-gun friends are going to vote, then shoot at the NRA range, then drink some good wine. I hope it's a celebration and not a lamentation. LOL

Well, the answer won't be known until, oh, January, but I applaud your spunk! Sorry, but I see a tableau of massive fraud. Strap in, boys, this is going to be a rough landing.


New member
Can't get out to the range Tuesday, but sounds like a fine way to spend some time on a national election day. Have fun and enjoy the camaraderie whilst some us slave away to keep the engines of commerce grinding along. :D


New member
Arizona law prohibits firearms at polling places (one of the few places we're prohibited by state law), so I will not be carrying while I vote. My plan is to wait for the wife to get off work, then we both head to the polling place, vote, then off the mall to grab a bite to eat and pick up my copy of Halo 4 (sorry, I'm a sucker for the series), go home, pray that one particulaR candidate over the other gets elected, then go to sleep. Hopefully my prayers will be answered when I wake up. :)
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