Elbow in the air


New member
Well, Ive been shooting for at least a couple of years now. Started somewhere in the mid 50's. Ive discovered that my stance isnt quite as square as they use now adays and my elbow seems to just naturally raise just short of 90 degrees. For some strange reason I find that if I square off or lower my elbow my 300WM seems to start leaving red lines on my sholder area where the seam in my t-shirt is, but if I go back to the 30-50 degree angle of target and raise my elbow, my shooting is much more accurate and the rifle stops beating me. What works well for some may not work well for others. Bottom line is that you must be comfortable in order to shoot acurately. Perhaps this old method might help some of those that are "recoil sensitive".


New member
Well, having never been taught either way I grabbed a couple of my rifles, and for me the elbow comes up nearly 90 degrees in my "natural" hold when leaning forward to catch recoil. The only time I shoot with tucked elbow is small bore with the off-hand elbow stabilized against the belly.