Easiest Semi-Auto to Maintain


New member
1. three way tie, Glock is damn easy but it's disasemmbly process is less safe than Beretta 92-series or SIG P-series.

2. 1911, Glock or Beretta 92 (locking block takes most of the punishment, it's good for about 100,000 rounds and if something bad happens it can still function with a broken locking block and it only costs 50 bucks to replace).


New member
I just can't believe all the JUMP RIGHT UP AND SAY "GLOCK". Have you people ever see the insides of a Kel-Tec? It a super simplified Glock that you can also throw into the washing machine to clean. Far fewer parts, and very easy to understand and DETAIL strip if needed. All parts are available cheaply from the factory and any part you feel is not up to spec. you get free.



New member
Gotta agree with Redlg155.

Glock, followed by HK. No-brainer disassembly, and fewer nooks and crannies to scrub out.

Been so spoiled by both, my Sig looks complicated, and it's not!


New member
Never took a Glock apart but.....

My KelTec P11 was like a tinker toy. You could take the various components apart with ease. A good inexpensive semi-auto to get into basic gun function and maintenance.


New member
Do you guys really think the mainspring on a Kel-Tec P-11 is easier to remove than ANY part on a Glock, or the firing pin and extractor on a Kel-Tec come out as easy as they do on a Glock?

They sure don't on mine... perhaps my Kel-Tecs are defective? :D


Staff Alumnus
BHP is the simplest to take apart and clean that I've ever owned.

Then again I know ove guy that brags that he's NEVER cleaned his Glock. He's an idiot. :D

juliet charley

New member
There are several handguns that are significantly easier to field strip than Glocks including Sigs, Berettas and maybe even the P35. Once you have them field stripped, cleaning is cleaning.

Glocks seem to have a disproportionate share of accidental discharges during field stripping.

I would say field stripping in one of Glocks' weaker points (and let's not even mention trying to disassemble a Glock magazine).

If you think Glocks are the easiest to field strip, you either deluding yourself, or don't have a lot of experience with some of the other systems available. (After all, theoretically, a bad guy can field strip a loaded Beretta while a cop has it pointed at him! ;) )


New member
Three of the parts you mentioned on the Kel-tec are held in by exactly one pin or screw now what could be easier than that.

The mainspring is not hard at all to remove, it's held in by two pins, but somehow you picked the part that is buried in the middle of the frame.

The firing pin on the kel-tec could actually be removed while the rest of the gun is completely assembled. On the kel-tec the firing pin assembly in total consists of (pin, spring and screw) that's three parts compared to Glock's 11 or 12 part firing pin assembly - last I looked.

There is a reason for the existance of Glock "armorers courses".

Taking the 15 pieces of the Kel-Tec's frame apart is 3 minutes work. The slide is even easier - only seven parts - nine if you count the sights.

I not saying Glocks aren't simple they are, but Kel-Tec does away with ALL the SAFETY crap entirely (LOL). - no letters please! remember we were addressing ease of cleaning etc. not comparing features.



New member
For field stripping: SIGs and HKs.

For detail stripping: Glocks, Kel-Tec.

For finding someone else to work on your gun: 1911s, Glocks, HKs (in that order).


New member
Have to agree, Glock for cleaning/Maint.

10 years ago I would have said the 1911 was easiest to repair. But I think the nod has to go to the Glock on this one since there are Armorers every where.

Just last week I saw a fellow with a "Will fix Glocks for food" sign on a busy street corner.


New member
I being the mindless drone vote for Glock on both accounts as well. Don't know about SIG or Beretta or Kel-Tec. I mean if Kel-Tecs have far fewer parts than a Glock there would almost be no parts. Removing the slide stop lever on the USP is a PITA sometimes.

Thing that clues me into Glock is that the armorer's course is a whole 1 day affair.


New member
RAE: the barrel on a Mak is very often a PITA. A barrel press, or 250 lb. wife is often required.



New member
Makarov- chrome-lined bore doesn't need cleaning. Cleaning the firing pin doesn't require take down tools.
HK USP - no need for repair, lube, or accessory. Just ammo.


New member
I have to agree with CWL

The Glock is the easiest semi-auto to maintain.

The 1911 is the easiest semi-auto to get parts for.