Dry Firing at TV w/o Annoying Wife


Now, what I would do is.

Ask her if she ever played with Mattel "Hot wheels"when she was a little girl. You might be able to get a new Corvette,if she did..:D


New member
For shame. I was a little worried about the responses from the other degenerates around here .... but not from a refined lady like yourself. :D :D Actually it didn't hit me until after I hit the submit reply button.


New member
Oh, come on now, Mike. Beth can be plenty refined. You just have to watch what you say otherwise she yells, and hits. And she pokes you with sharp objects, and tries to set you on fire. Or the boiling. I do so not like the boiling.

It's almost as bad as the SEARING PAIN I'm in right now....


New member
Can't do the TV dryfire thing....

The personal weapon is always loaded, by definition, of course, and, were I to allow myself in the same room as the boss when she does her favorite program, "LEFT WING", I'd be forced to fire for effect.

And I'd have to replace the tube, patch the walls, etc.

Mike in VA

New member
I feel much bettter, I thought it was just me/mine.

Dry firing at wife or cat would result in 'most severe consequences', not that I would even consider such a thing. The laser pointer (aka fat boy's cat exerciser), though is a regular source of comic relief with said cat.

70-101 - she already has a 3-series bimmer, does not care for the harsh ride or foot roasting inherent with 'Vettes.

I was thinking of starting another thread for those who do indulge in TV dry-firing, as in "who do you like to 'shoot' at", but figured that might be incriminating or too personal. Me, I'll just say the only reason I miss all the political ads is . . . :D :D :D


New member
I love to dry fire at the TV. Especially when a liberal comes on the screen. When I start to dry fire the wife gets all pissy and goes into the den to watch something on Wife Time channel.