Dry Firing at TV w/o Annoying Wife

Mike in VA

New member
My wife doesn't like me dry firing at the TV. I, OTOH, like to practice rapid sight acquisition and targeting, and the TV is good for this.

I finally figured out how to get her off my case - I explained it was a childhood carry-over from when we all used to gather `round the tube with our Fanner 50's and Matel-o-matics to help Roy/Hoppy/Red Rider shoot the bad guys. Since she used to do the same thing (still has her cap guns in her sewing basket), it shut her up. Works foir me . . .

Kentucky Rifle

New member
I load up with "A-Zooms"...

..and can snap away at the television about 36 times before the wife get's mad. (So, I usually do it about 75 times--just to make SURE she's mad. :D (Been fightin' like "cats and dogs" for more than 25 years.)



New member
Guys, please don't dry fire at the TV, or anything else that would be expensive or impossible to replace or repair. It is just really bad habit, even if you never do end up putting a .45 caliber hole in your picture tube. Walls are easy to patch, TV's are not.


New member
Good Topic, I went to the range the other day with a LAPD officer, who shot my H&K USP better than me :rolleyes: Anyway, he mentioned getting snap caps or inserting an empty shell casing to inprove grip and improve concentration. Placing a quarter on the rear sight while dry firing will also help develop good technique, which I need.....:)



New member
No wife -no problem :D
don't watch much TV.
unload and check firearm, re-check each time I pick it up,
mag and ammo separated from Dry fire gun, sand filled bucket , snap caps...and just practice what I teach, was taught.


New member
Wasn't it Col. Cooper who advised dry firing using the television (or, 'televisor' as he correctly called it)? When asked if this was in violation of Rule 2, he stated that he was perfectly willing to place said electronic appliance in peril if it would help him obtain better skills/faster reflexes. :)

IIRC its from Art of the Rifle.



New member
I'm with SlackO

Time Crisis 2 is easily the best "gun game" I've ever played. I only play it in the arcade, though. It has two-player co-operative mode with two separate screens, and you each have a little foot pedal that lets you use cover. I find myself ignoring the sights and point-shooting when there are more than four or so bad guys on the screen, but I'm getting better at focusing on that front site. My average accuracy for the whole game (about twenty minutes long, if you skip the cut scenes) is up from 60% to about 76%. That's including those little guys on boats. I hate those guys.

As for dry-firing at the TV, I wonder what would happen to certain shows' ratings if everybody stopped dry-firing at them? How difficult would it be to get a FATS-style system for the tv that would put a little dot on the screen where you were hitting? Besides making the process safer with the laser projector filling the chamber, I would think it would be far more satisfying to pepper your favorite talk show/sitcom/John Woo flick with little green dots. What I really want to do is play Duck Hunt or Hogan's Alley with my USP! That would be awesome. Hmm... Quick, Robin! To the Half-Bakery!
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New member
i discovered that in duckhunt there is no real "accuracy". your shots are part aiming, and part timing. there is a brief second just when the ducks emerge that will always generate a hit when the trigger is pulled. just have to aim at the tv, not necessarily the duck.

but the game 'gotcha' is designed for accuracy.


New member

Cooper said he would wait for the letter "O" to appear on the screen and shoot it out as quickly as possible.



New member
Walls are easy to patch, TV's are not.

True, however, there is the fact that one's televisor is quite likely to stop a negligently discharged round, while the average wall might not... and dryfire practice on an image of PeterDanJenningsRather in the midst of blather is rather satisfying at times.
I found that it caused much less damage if I just gave my husband a basket of rolled up socks to chuck at the TV.

I hide the guns whenever:

A. the Tennessee Titans are losing

B. There is some program on featuring the latest in military avionics

C. Some leftist pundit is on one of the cable news networks blasting American foreign policy

D. Anytime Hillary is on for any reason

That big screen TV was expensive, and I refuse to let him use it as a target.

Well, you could always try dry firing at the wife...

She'd probably see the logic of dryfiring at the TV pretty quickly...

