Dropped the hammer on a pink rifle today!


New member
I may not have been her Dad for the first five years, but I'll be that man the rest of her life.

I did the same as you :) adopted her too which had its own problems with the parental release stuff. She dont hunt tho, my 7 year old son does tho. Daughter is now 22 and almost a college grad :) the time will fly so enjoy every minute.

Gonna get a cricket for the son in a couple weeks. He wants a blue one.


New member
MWM thanks for the link I'll consider it, would rather just do a barrel though either on my Encore or one of my H&R's.

markj, I'd love to adopt her just isn't ever going to happen. Her Father is still in the picture a couple times a year and isn't a terrible guy. Just two tours in Iraq and some PTSD issues, and he didn't want to be married or around anymore. Her Father doesn't see her much as he works in Yemen most of the time for the Government since he speaks several different Arabic languages. It is his loss and my gain if he is going to put career first and not spend any time with his kid. I just hope for that he will wake before it is too late and his daughter doesn't want anything to do with him.


New member
Little off topic but for Easter my 4yr old nephew finally told Grandma (my mother) he wanted "army guy stuff". Me and my brother (his father) are big into shooting and hunting... my sister in law... no so much.

Grandma got him walkie talkies and Bino's, but me being me, and his youngest uncle... I bought him his first Class 3 weapon :rolleyes: It may only shoot foam nerf darts, but its a fully automatic 20round tommy gun style. I waited on easter to give it to him until after he opened everything else and to say the least he was very excited.

We took him out in the yard with it and he goes "Now I can hunt moose." LOL.....:D


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My dad was that way but he didnt have a job he just didnt give a crap about us kids. We call our step father dad and our real dad by his name. Its sad but thats the way some people are. Now that I'm 19 going on 20 he wants to get back into my life and he doesnt understand that I really dont want anything to do with him now. This may make me sound like a butthead but he didnt even show up at any of my school stuff including my graduation.

LongRifles Inc.

New member
If she's ever ready for a "ladies pink" gun gimme a call! I built this in 2004

Cathy Winstead's world championship Silhouette rifle:




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LongRifles, that is one sweet .22! I'll keep that in mind. Don't know if she will ever want to shoot that style but I'll help her all I can if she does.


New member
Well she had a blast yesterday shooting he little Pink rifle. Graybird's pink case was a big hit as well. It was definatly a fun day for me as well.

Getting a little instruction on how to use the sites.

Talking her through a few shots.

Letting her do it, but keeping a watchful eye.

Mangaged to slip in some miature bass fishing as well.

Very good day!
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Pink Rifles

I Actually baught a cricket, pink plastic, for my girlfriend as her V-Day present. She was in the NRA Eagle program as a kid, but when I asked her the basics of sight alignment, sight picture, trigger control and so on she kinda fumbled through it so I figured a smaller single would be good to bring the basics back upto the front of her brain again. When she is done I will box it back up and my Daughter, who is only 4 right now, will learn the skills as well in a couple of years!!
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New member
Im glad that so many dads out there are taking an interest in bringing their daughters into shooting sports. I raised three and brought them up on shooting and hunting. They learned on 22's and eventually worked up. When they each turned twelve, we got their license and I gave them each a custom rifle in their favorite cartridge. Two were built off of mauser 98k actions and one from the ariska t-38. They also reload and have their own reloading equipment courtesy of dad. Two of them still live in California and one in New Mexico.

Surprise, I now have an 8 year old daughter that is enjoying shooting and can hardly wait untill she is allowed to hunt. Looks like its going to be 4 for 4.

To be honest, I dont know who enjoyed it more, me or my daughters, but we sure spent a lot of time being together shooting and reloading. Its a great way to bond with them.