Dropped the hammer on a pink rifle today!


New member
Didn't want a pink rifle but bought it anyway.:rolleyes: I’ve got a Seven year old girl who thinks that anything pink is great. So I've been looking for a good deal on a Chipmunk with a laminated stock and finally bought one for her at Bud's Gun Shop. Bud's was the cheapest I could find $139 delivered even with FFL fees that puts it about $20 less than what I could buy one local for after tax.

At least she has been after me for a rifle and bugging me to take her shooting! She is dying to go hunting with me when she turns 12. She wants to bag an elk for her first big game animal because they have "Fuzzy Jowls!" I told her a few prairie dogs and varmints first, maybe then a pronghorn or deer next.

I think I'm going to have a lot of fun. :D


New member
Good for you! Few things we can do are more imortant than bringing along the next generation.
Come to think of it, some of my favorite things are pink.


New member
Take a child shooting, great idea

Good for you. If you get the chance please take a couple pictures to post here. I'm sure you'll have as much fun teaching her as she'll have learning and shooting.


New member
thats great! i am getting so excited about getting my daughter one. She is 6. I almost bought her one last week and just stash it away. i bought a full size .22LR instead so my nephew could go shoot with us.

Santa brought my daughter a bb gun the Christmas..... Mommy was not too excited about it, but i told the mommy that Santa knew she was ready for it!


New member
Great idea!!I went Chipmunk,its walnut,not pink!! But I have a grandson and a grandaughter,and my daughter has a youth size Rem 31.
If you get another,you can have Cricket class duelling tree matches.
About a 3/8 deep table saw kerf down a piece of 2x4 holds the edge of a ritz cracker real well.Cheap lollipops already have a tee attached.
Yup,probably the most critical part of passing on Liberty is what you are doing.Thank you.


New member
If it gets your daughter interested in the shooting sports the rifle could be chartreuse and it wouldn't matter. I saw a dad at my gun club last summer with his little girl that was about 7 and she was proudly shooting her pink shingle shot with a smiley face sticker on the stock. They both were having a great time and the young lady was shooting pretty well at 25 yards. Good on you for taking an interest in your daughter. Some guys wouldn't bother.


New member
My son bought a Pink Cricket for his daughter when she was 5 days old...

I'd have done the same but I only met this little girl in 2008, and her Mom and I are gettting married in September of this year. I decided to wait and see if she was going to show an intreste in my hobbies. She loves to help me at the reloading bench, I let her seat the bullets after I get every thing set up.

We even pronghorn hunted together last year and she stole my binos!:D


I may not have been her Dad for the first five years, but I'll be that man the rest of her life.
you're a lucky man... & from what I know of you on this forum... she's a lucky girl... have fun... & don't foget to include momma in on your shooting sessions as well...


New member
I dont plan on having kids, but my niece is about to turn 2 in july and am planning on buying her a pink cricket as well for her birthday. Will keep it stashed in my safe (never to be seen by any of my friends) until she is of age to shoot!!


New member
you're a lucky man... & from what I know of you on this forum... she's a lucky girl... have fun... & don't foget to include momma in on your shooting sessions as well...

Momma's having a tough time warming up to rifles. She likes to shoot but she prefers pistols, she hates having to work an action to get it to shoot. She likes to pull the trigger though and shoot reactive targets. She just doesn't get trying to shoot itty bitty groups from the bench. She says she can't hunt game but she'll plug prairie dogs all day.

She does own a Ruger GP100 .357 Mag that she carried as a Private Security in the Broadmoor (BIS), and inherited her fathers S&W 9mm pistol. She has her EX's Colt AR-15 M4 clone, he just left it when he moved out? I told her as far as I was concerend it was her rifle and I'd teach her to shoot it as long as she bought the ammunition for it. I could reload it for her, but I want her to realize how much it costs to feed an AR. I sold my AR because I didn't like to feed it anymore when ammunition and reloading componets went through the roof.


New member
rjrivero, nice rifle you built for your Daughter. Mine wants a less noisy rifle however. She didn't like shooing my Stevens 6x47 I built because of the noise even with her earmuffs on.


New member
taylorce1 said:
rjrivero, nice rifle you built for your Daughter. Mine wants a less noisy rifle however.

Her rifle is a dedicated .22LR built on a spikes tactical lower, with a Tactical Solutions .22LR upper. It has a 1:16 twist.


New member
you talked about that 22 Hornet the other day... might make a good "next step" rifle

I'll have to think about that one, could definatly rebarrel one of my H&R UV's into a .22 Hornet for cheap. However her first big game rifle will be a .250-3000 Savage, already procured an action Zastava Mini with standard boltface. Been talking with the Smith who is going to do the work since he is already building a .250 on the same action. Going to let her pick out the stock, but I'm going to show her only fancy wood stocks and blanks to pick from. No more Pink rifles for this build. Plan a 2-7 Leupold compact to top it off.


New member
I may not have been her Dad for the first five years, but I'll be that man the rest of her life.

Hats off to ya'

Looks like you have a new huntin' buddy for a long time to come.
My daughters both want a pink .22, what ever they want, pink, blue, green I don't care as long as they want to spend time with dad I'm OK with it.:D

I have 5 kids, one adopted, he is probably the most interested of the bunch in hunting and shooting. Now I know why my dad always took us even when we were a pain in the @$$ sometimes, sharing time and interests with your kids cannot be replaced.
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