down to 2 contestants......

Which 9mm would you choose?

  • Sig 228

    Votes: 51 56.0%
  • CZ 75b

    Votes: 40 44.0%

  • Total voters


New member
Thanks to all who have had great input up to this point. I have been searching for a new 9mm and have narrowed my decision down to 2 contestants: the Sig 228 and the CZ 75b. Now I know that these 2 handguns are very different, but after test firing all of the candidates, these 2 felt the best in my hand, had great accuracy, and had no failures or stoppages. In another life, I could get both. But right now I can only afford one. I know the Sig is more expensive and many would tell me to buy the cheaper CZ and use the rest to buy spare ammo, more magazines, etc., But please cast your vote on which one you would actually prefer and then if you want to post why you chose one over the other, that would be great. Thanks in advance.


New member

I would say a cz since I have had both and the cz is a much better buy IMOP. You can get the cz and the 22 cadet conversion for the same price as the Sig and it is the best gun in my stable and I have plenty of customs. It may not be the best but I shoot it the most and have so much fun. Good luck and best wishes.


New member
I have a personal preference for SIG Sauer pistols, so I voted for the P228. The other option is to just get them both.:D


New member
Get the CZ

The Sig will have higher resale value, and more prestige. I expect that it will have a nicer trigger out of the box as well. Its clearly a good gun.

BUT - get the CZ-75B, get a CZ-USA trigger job and get a pair of Hakans - it will still cost less than the Sig. It won't have the same resale value, and nobody will have heard of it. But you'll have a more robust gun, that will feel and shoot right up there with the best of them.

I finally slapped a pair of Spegel presentation grips on my BHP, and you know what? It feels just like my old CZ PCR with Hakans. That's high praise for Hakans on a CZ.


If you can buy a used CZ, it is an even better bargain.


New member
I just bought a CZ 75 a month ago and I made my decision between that and a Sig P220.. apples and oranges I know. I wanted a gun that was stone cold reliable and as accurate as I could get without sacrificing the former. I'd be lying if I said that price didnt factor in to it, but then again I'm a college student.

I'm a die hard 45 fan, and still am, but after having shot both guns several times the CZ gets my vote. It is just as accurate, and to me its ergonomics are more correct (John Browning of course). With the two particular guns i shot, the CZ did have the better trigger as well.

I definately will own a sig and they do have an incredible reputation, but I am perfectly happy with my little CZ (even though its underpowered). I feel that both guns serve a different niche and for what I bought it for, the CZ has no equal

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Both Are Excellent Pistols, but

if limited to one, I would definitely choose the Sig-Sauer
P228 based on craftsmanship, reliability, and accuracy;
as Sig's "classic P-series" pistols are very hard to beat!

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
I voted for the CZ. I have owned Sig compacts in the past, including the 228. They are excellent weapons. But I never could shoot them very well.

Don't take our word for it. Every gun feels/shoots differently in every hand. Shoot both before you purchase either, if you can.


New member
You don't say what you'll use it for? There's a significant difference in size and weight.

Many don't realize that the SIG P228 is fielded by the U.S. Military as their compact semiautomatic pistol - the M11. It's designed to be carried with a round in the chamber and hammer down, and is proven safe in a wide range of law enforcement and military applications. The government pistols come standard with Siglite night sights. If M1911A1's and Beretta 92's are any indication, this pistol will retain popularity for a long time. It is far more suitable as a CCW weapon and in most tests, significantly more accurate than run-of the-mill 9mm's - 2.4" average in a Guns & Ammo test.

In government testing, three P228's were fired 5,000 rounds each They were allowed 17 stoppages to pass. One of the pistols had a single malfunction....

For the price of $625-675, SIG owners expect them to be perfect, and SIG customer service treats them that way. SIG owners aren't stupid and expect to receive value for the money. The 228 has been very hard to impossible to find on the civilian market, because of government and LEA orders, did you find a used one?
M11 article

The CZ 75 is a good shooter for the money. If you are buying the standard version, 75B, it has a manual safety and firing pin block, which many people prefer for a range pistol. It does not come standard with a decocker, though a model is available. As an all steel pistol, it's large and heavy, which helps reduce felt recoil. Now that CZ has a U.S. operation, parts are readily available and there are also a few holsters available and gunsmiths who will work on them. Despite some claims to the contrary, this pistol has no significant Western hemisphere military or law enforcement users, but have proven reliable and decently accurate over the many years they've been on the market and have many gun board fans. In a comparison test with the Beretta 92comparison test with the Beretta 92 it recorded average 3.2" groups at 25 yards - not as good as the Beretta or SIG, but very good for a $350 pistol. It points naturally and if you can find some replacement sights, might do better.

wild billz

New member
I have a CZ 75B and love it, especially since its totally reliable, great looking and 15 rnd mags are available for it. OIts a knock off of Browning High Power. My brother in law has one of those, and its a near twin in appearance and feel. I've shot the Sig, my neighbor has one. I shot the CZ better because I wasn't use to the Sigs sights. I'm totally happy witht he CZ, and it does looks great, but the Sig has the name recongition, quality and probally more worth in the resale than a CZ that only enthusiast who read these boards seem to know about. I do have to say that after I bought mine for 350 last Oct, they have gone through the roof in price and i see them for nothing less than 400 bucks, usually 450, so a following is developing. Depends on the price, the CZ is a sleeper.

Go CZ, and save up for a 40 cal Sig.


New member
I always get a kick out of these threads. They usually boil down to “Buy this because it’s what I have and it’s the best” or “Buy this because it’s what I want (but can’t afford right now)”.

I’ve owned at least six Sigs, several of which are still occupying space in my safe and four (five if you count the 22 conversion) CZs. So I’ll try to offer a logical perspective. (Or as logical as gun buying can be.)

Both the Sig and CZ are 9-MM bullet launchers. Both can be and have proven to be 100% reliable. Both are accurate with the statistically differences between individual guns probably greater then between each other.

So the decision comes down to one of purpose and price.

As to purpose, if you plan on carrying it, the Sig is probably the better choice (there are many better options, but that opens another can of worms). If it’s for HD or range use either will perform well.

As to price you can spend $650-$700 on the Sig and have bragging rights to owning a top shelf gun. OR, you can spend $550-$600 on the CZ (plus a Kadet 22 conversion) and have TWO excellent guns.

BTW, take the $100 you save and get 3 factory 15 rd mags for the CZ. Try that with the Sig.

Eric Larsen

New member
Rough choice..really. I like the criteria in all of the replies so far..alot of truth being stated. The Sig is an excellent of the best. The CZ is also up there IMO. Either way you wont lose.

Just from looking around at local stores, checking dealer vs retail pricing and surfing on the net. I would have to say resale is actually better on the CZ one relevant way.
Percentage of money you can sell them for as compared to what you paid for them. The Sig is more of an initial investment and will sell it for less than you paid for it, typically. The CZ does cost less but will resell for closer to what most new guns are going for. As always...YMMV.

Aftermarket support is easily on the side of the Sig, which is really to be expected. CZ aftermarket support is gaining ground and alot of functional and great stuff is becoming more available.

Night sights are very common to find from every major maker for both guns and can help with a better sight picture. The OEM sights on both are quite good and will do just fine for most shooters. Also, both OEMs offer Nights as an option on every gun they sell.

The CZ gun in regards to "official sidearm issue", is used by military/police/special ops units in:

Czech Republic (duh?)
Germany (Ministry of Def Spec Forces)

Sri Lanka

Also, according to what Ive been able to gather so far...with the release of the PO1 (the newly revised PCR of sorts) it should gain more interest as a duty weapon.

Thought it was worth noting.

Shoot well


New member
Here's another question. The local gun shop has the CZ 75bd (which is the decocker model) on sale w/ one hi-cap and one ten rounder for 379. I always thought that this model didn't have as good a trigger as the standard CZ 75b and that the decocker was more prone to breakage. Is this true? Or is the CZ 75bd just as good as it's sibling?


New member
I don't have either one, so I'm not biased that way. But if all objective things about them are equal except price as you indicate, my consumer personality would prevail.

While I can easily afford a Lexus, Mercedes, BMW, etc., I own a Ford because of its subjective advantage -- it's cheap to buy and own. That is an objective advantage, and I say it's also a subjective one because I like having equal performance and features for less money.



New member
Sounds like you did well with the research... good on you! Both fine choices. Boils down to issue of money really. Personally, I'd go Sig beause I tend to favor good craftmanship and having examined both closely, Sig is better than CZ.


New member
The CZ gun in regards to "official sidearm issue", is used by military/police/special ops units in:
Hmmmm, well, CZ has been in business for a long time, and Ceska Zbrojovka BRNO has exported pistols since the end of WWII. So counting such classics as the vzor 36, 45, 50 and 52, there were lots of police and military who used them. But forces using CZ-manufactured CZ 75's is a shorter list, perhaps?

Then again, there's an Air Force I'd like to learn more about....

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
WOW! Eric, I didn't realize that the list was so long!:cool: :D

But, the Sig-Sauer M11 is in use by America's elite units.
* The M11 is better known as the P228, for those that did
not know.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
Thanks for all the great replies. I went to the gun shop today to fondel them both again. And the winner was..... the Sig 228. It was NOT an easy choice. The Sig fit my hand a little better and just seemed so right. I tell you what though, that CZ 75 is awesome too. The Sig also won out because I like the idea of it being more compact, so that when I move to a state that allows concealed carry, I could possibly use it for that as well. Plus, I know this may sound trivial, but it seems to me that Sig has better aftermarket support, although CZ's is growing. Thanjs again.