Don't you just hate it when you are going through the gun safe


New member
Well I have been buying firearms since 1978. They tend to stack up on you. I have outgrown the first safe and now the second one is full :eek:

All of my firearms except the 12 ga with double aught buck for home defense is secured in a safe.

I have adopted the Stainz policy on buying. I have four that are headed out the door to update the stock. I recently got rid of two to purchase a newer pocket pistol. I dont have any kids just two nephews I have an eyball on to see if they are worthy.

However the S&W 586 is not one of those leaving.

Prof Young

New member
I do have this problem . . .


I do have this problem . . . but not with my guns. It's with my books. I own five hand guns, eight long guns, and a couple thousand books.
Live well, be safe.
Prof Young


New member
Dont even mention books... I am thankful for the resale bookshop right down the road saves me some serious $$$. In fact my Mom who lives with us is bugging me about making a run to the store to trade some in for store credit.
I now have a Sony E-Reader which can hold a couple of hundred books.


New member
that would be nice

I can't say that I have ever had that trouble with firearms. However I recently cleaned out and reorganised the man cave and was amazed at the amunition that I had stacked up.

better get to shootin!


New member
ha! Just happened to me too!

I got permission to hunt grouse on my friends family ranch, only shotguns I own are a Win 1300 defender 9 shot and an LC smith SxS 12 32" full choke. So i went gun shopping, couldn't find anything in my price range and went home dejected that I couldn't go hunt without blowing up a grouse with my LC Smith. About two weeks later, dscovered a Winchester model 12 16 gauge IC choke in my closet that I've owned for 18 years and totally forgotten about!


New member
It wasn't in the gun safe,,,

It was in a box in my Sister's attic,,,
I packed it up when I left for Basic Training in Nov, 1970.

It also wasn't as nice a gun as you found,,,
Here's a pic of it.

.22 Short only,,,
Stop Laughing!



New member
Well I had a .45 Kimber that I have not shot in years and my Old Ruger Super BlackHawk 44 mag that I used to shoot in IMHSA in the 80s w/ s 10 3/4" barrel. Had added a Leupold scope for hunting but never used it for hunting. They gave birth to a FNH .45 Tactical today. ;)

I find 15+1 rounds of .45 ACP an amazing


New member
About two weeks later, dscovered a Winchester model 12 16 gauge IC choke in my closet that I've owned for 18 years and totally forgotten about!

Now that is funny!

I would like to start taking the Stainz approach. But it is so hard to implement.... I'm not particularly concerned about the lethality of our hobby relative to stored firearms. If you steal something, you're the criminal, not me.

Books? Oh don't even go there.... I have so many I can't even put them on shelves anymore. When I left my office, I had a pickup truck load of just reference books. The book shelves at home were filled years ago with hardbacks. Many have been moved to the garage in boxes. Then I go to the book store and see something.... buy it...... get home and either discover I had already read it or I have another copy. I occasionally take some back to the store to return them if I discover that I have a duplicate. I'm still buying. Won't stop that interest.

Art work is also a major money pit. I really like good art. Some of it is gun art or generic to firearms.
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New member
I searched for a long time for a Savage 24 combo in 22 mag / 20 ga. I finally found one that needed work, so I spent months scrounging up all the parts, fixing and refinishing. When it was done I decided to do an inventory and found that I already had, not one, but two Savage 24s in 22 mag / 20 ga, the first bought 20 years ago and the second 12 years ago. :eek:

The good news is that I was able to sell the two lesser specimens at a profit, but it was still pretty embarrassing. That inventory was way overdue.


New member
Additionally, our hobby interests are potentially lethal - I have to be more responsible than to 'forget' I own one. To do so would mean I could 'lose' it - and not 'miss' it - and a bad guy could 'find' it - and use it - in an illegal fashion.

Lighten up Francis. :D

cole k

New member
If you collect firearms and live long enough, it is not question of if its going to happen but when it’s going to happen. I’ve found pistols, rifles, shotguns, and ammo I forgot I had.


New member
Woooooo! Don't let "Francis" hear that or he will lecture you on forgetting it being equal to losing it which means that a Bad Guy could find it and then use it and well you get the pciture...


New member
Well I policed up some more firearms that were underutilized in the safes and put them on consigment at the local store along with my wishlist and lowest price. My agreement was that if I get what I want they get to keep anything over the cost of my stuff at retail prices.