Don't routinely lube a pistol for defense? Try this.



People, for crying out load lube your pistols up per the manufacturer's recommendations with the manufacturer's recommended lubricant, or at least something you know works. Don't drown the thing in oil.


There is.

To it.



New member
For many years I've put 4-5 drops of gun oil on a revolver and about 6-7 on a pistol. If I think many months will go by without my shooting a particular gun I'll run a lightly oiled patch down the bore. I've done this for a few decades with no problem.

Excess oil will run off but all you need will remain. It will remain that way for a few years if need be. Longer than that, do something else.



New member
The point of oil, or grease, is to lubricate the area where one piece of metal rubs against another. Why do this? Because two pieces of unlubricated metal rubbing against each other create friction. The friction creates heat. The heat enhances and advances wear.

Experiment: Take two pieces of smooth steel and rub the clean surfaces together. They will get warm quickly and begin to rub less smoothly.

Now take the same two pieces of metal and place one or two drops of oil (or a small dab of grease) between them. Rub them together. The oil will spread across the surfaces. The same two pieces will glide smoothly against each other and less heat will be generated, less wear.

If instead of one or two drops of oil you place 10, or instead of a small bit of grease you slather it on, what happens to the excess oil? It runs off the sides. Once the surface of the pieces has a thin coat of oil the rest becomes wasted oil or grease that serves no purpose. It can be wiped off. It will fling itself off the action on your shirt and hands.

So a lot of oil or grease on a gun does nothing useful.

If you go to the range once a week and put two hundred rounds down range a few drops of oil or dab of your favorite grease, is all you need.

Competitive shooters with high round counts will want more and another regimen.
