Dogs on public trails

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It does seem like there are quite a few people with itchy trigger fingers!

I think it's safe to say that most people can identify signs of an aggressive/defensive dog. Give it a wide berth if possible and practical. If not, be prepared to defend yourself, but don't shoot a dog just for baring its teeth.

In public places, if it doesn't specifically say keep dogs on a leash, expect to find free-running dogs. We're all taxpayers, we all are allowed to enjoy the land we pay for.

As for myself, I wouldn't hesitate to shoot an attacking dog. But, if I'm just walking and come upon a dog who begins to act aggressively, I just leave it alone. Maybe its family is nearby, and it is merely doing what it knows to do best: defending its family.


New member
We wereone a trail in the Smokies. Passed 3 "NO DOGS" or DOGS on LEASH" signs. 1/4 mile down the trail passed dude w/ unleashed dog, 5 min later a second.

It boils down to horrah for me-to hell w/ you..

OR the best one "He/She is part of the family"
I agree completely with younggun, if we all went around shooting things that showed signs of agression it just makes all us gun owners look bad, especially when someone sees their dog get unloaded on then that someone will most likely not be very fond of what guns are, the best tactic in all encounters from wild animals to humans is avoidance to the best of your abilities, killing something should be a LAST RESORT.


New member
The best example I ever saw of how to deal with a dog was in a movie, into the night. An old man was shown a half dozen times with his german shepherd. That dog went bananas every time it encountered a human, and he always gave the same BS, "don't worry, he's really a sweetheart"

An elevator door opened, his dog went ballistic, and the gang of criminals emptied their guns into it before he even got past "don't"

What "most people" know, or most people do is irrelevant. If it is "public land" the public owns it, not just the dog owners, and the PUBLIC has rights not to be accosted by aggressive animals. It is the law in numerous municipalities, because the public has that right, whereas the dog owners are infringing on that right.

It should be illegal world wide, because it is such a clear and blatant violation of the rights of every member of the public.

My personal experiences alone are enough to prove that it is wrong to expose the public to uncontrolled dogs.


New member
BTW,let it be on record that I think that immediately macing a menacing dog is the first step. Then mace the owner if he gets menacing. I don't necessarily advocate shooting every barking dog, but NOBODY should have to try and judge whether an animal is going to attack or not. it ain't necessary to kill them.

Maybe 1% of the population could make that sort of judgement call on even a large number of situations, and nobody could do it every time, without a single error.


New member
I'm not saying it should be acceptable for people to let their dogs run wild if they've shown signs of aggression in the past.

I've grown up with countless mutts that under many circumstances would just walk up, tail a-wagging, and let people pet them. If I or my grandpa were around, and you came up too quick, different story altogether.

That being said, we've always taken our dogs out and let them run. They've never been an issue. They just like to go on their own thing do some exploring and get out of the backyard. Had any of them ever seemed to be problematic, they wouldn't leave the leash. And if they were out and got onto anyone, if that person didn't put them down, my grandpa surely would have. Sure, I'd have been a heartbroken kid whose dog was dead, but I'd have understood. You can't let aggressive dogs be.

As was said, guns should be the LAST RESORT, not the first solution that comes to mind.


New member
She gets close enough for me to poke her in the mouth/nose area with walking stick.

The same thing happened to me while hiking with my grandfather when I was a teen. We had just come down a hill and we were about 100 yards from where we had parked the truck. Suddenly, from out of nowhere a rottweiler ran up on us, it jumped up at me nearly knocking me over. I took several steps back to get my footing as it stood there with its ears lowered, teeth showing and growling. My granddad without hesitating took his right foot and gave it a swift kick right in the jaws.

The dog yelped and started to trot off when suddenly the dogs owner came running up and apparently had seen my granddads handiwork. She started screaming about us hurting her dog and she was gonna kick my granddads ass, she was gonna sue, call the police, dogs have a right to run free, her dog never hurt anyone, blah, blah, blah.

As she was letting loose with her diatribe my granddad conspicuously pulled his jacket back as he put his hands on his hip exposing the .357 Ruger Blackhawk he always carried with him in the woods and kindly explained to her to her that her dog was lucky, as 10 years earlier her dog wouldnt have gotten a kick to the face. ;)

Probably not the best way to deal with the dogs owner, but it worked, she quickly shut up, made a remark about my granddads need to carry a sidearm to make up for his lack of genitalia and went back to her truck and left.

I've had a few more confrontations with dogs both in the woods and in my neighborhood and I agree with most everyone on here. Put your goddamn dog on a leash and keep control of them at ALL times. No, your dog does NOT have a right to "run free". Human rights will ALWAYS trump whatever "rights" you think your dog has.

If your dog runs up on me in a threatening manner while out in the woods, he ceases being a pet and is now just another wild and dangerous animal that I will put down. :mad:


New member
I think it's safe to say that most people can identify signs of an aggressive/defensive dog. Give it a wide berth if possible and practical. If not, be prepared to defend yourself, but don't shoot a dog just for baring its teeth.

In public places, if it doesn't specifically say keep dogs on a leash, expect to find free-running dogs. We're all taxpayers, we all are allowed to enjoy the land we pay for.

I should wait until this dog showing it's teeth, growling,ears pinned back, tail down,hair up on back and bites me? I hope you meet this dog.Your dog is not a taxpayer and neither is "we all are".

Sorry you had a bad experience with the dogs.
If I bring mine there, I will leash them while on public trails.
If for some reason though someone shoots at them, I will shoot back.
Fair eneough? Glad we got that streight.

You and I have no problem with your dog controlled in a responsiable manner.

I have a problem with these folks who think it's O.K to turn loose their untrained,unsocialized dogs to our woods and expose unsuspecting families/hikers to the potential of being bit or worse.It is very rare to see a dog that has a rock solid WHOA,Hunting dogs from 15 weeks of age learn WHOA,that means stop what you are doing NOW.They learn this very quicly if taught,it is not reserved for holding birds.It means stop what you are doing now and they know who is in charge.Wild dogs do nothing unless permitted by the Alpha male or female.In human/canine relationship the owner/handler is the Alpha not a pack member.Your dog should never show any unprovoked aggression to people in public places and you should have 100% control over your dog.Vast majority are as ill behaved as their children with no control.


New member
City Folks Move to the Country and complain about the Smell of Cow Manure, animal sounds, and dust from farming equipment.
I think they just need to stay in their own element, and shut up.

This is also very true.

Sorry you had a bad experience with the dogs.
If I bring mine there, I will leash them while on public trails.
If for some reason though someone shoots at them, I will shoot back.
Fair eneough? Glad we got that streight.

No problem with that.


New member
Oh Ya, it says east coast right near my name, that would add with the fact that I have not posted anything about hunting in WY that would tell any logically thinking human that it was not me in the parking lot!

I guess you folks in the east don't get out much,no vacations? Who said anything about hunting? I'll check license plates the next time.Are you so logicall that you think your dogs running through the woods bumping the country is a good thing? Use private property to run ill behaved dogs.

City Folks Move to the Country and complain about the Smell of Cow Manure, animal sounds, and dust from farming equipment.
I think they just need to stay in their own element, and shut up.

Yes, I agree the "Flatlanders" should keep their dogs home.


New member
So she said If you gotta kick a dog you must have a little we we.

I'd say that kicking a Rottweiler right in the face should have proved to that rocket scientist that he has one of at least average size.

As I once heard from my wife after grabbing an aggressive dog and throwing it 20 feet, "how do you ever sit on those balls?"

It was in my yard, not on a leash, it got free, and it attacked mine. It went off of the deck like a rocket, landed hard, and never came back. I'm still glad that it was too centered on my dog to realize what happened, it probably thought that the devil himself reached out of hell and got him. I'm one of the few people who has broken up numerous dogfights and never been seriously injured.


New member
Let me get this right

All dogs that bark get shot?

a dog 50 ft from it's owner is out of control?

We should go get bit?

The ignorance is astounding! Yes, I mean you guys who say things like I restated above!

Next time your kid is fifty feet away I hope CPS is called and your children are taken from you for "being out of control":eek:!! The bad part is that you are in-capable of grasping the fact that you are stereotyping all dogs and owner's. Don't worry I am used to dealing with people who randomly and ignorantly stereotype me like you, I Own Firearms;)! probably not capable of comprehending that statement either OH well.

Oh yeah and I have been the Meat Puppet more than once, so what is your next one...
I agree with Kaylor, not in this thread but Ive been called a Liberal Law Student who suppports obama majory, why? Because I said that not everyone should have access to a full auto fire arm and that it just happens to say that I live in Illinois, from that post that key pieced that spewing sentence of hate together and basically came off as being massively rude, you all need to chill out and stop bashing everyone who isnt you.
Sorry to get off topic btw :D


you cant go around shooting random dogs and I think your way over reacting,

...go around shooting random dogs? That's a most unfair supposition and infers the wrong thing. The dog doesn't have any rights and people have no duty to retreat from an attacking animal. And how could any of us suppose that he over-reacted as we were not there? Have you ever had a dog snarl & bark and false charge you before? I have and it's unsettling! Poking the dog in the mouth instead of braining it sounds like restraint to me.

Getting mad and vowing to carry a gun and willfull intent to shoot any future attacking animals sounds like a reasonable response for someone that has been attacked. Let us not forget that the human life is worth more than the animals by far. It would be good to not have to shoot the animal...but as long as there is enmity between animals and humans it's going to happen. Turning on the guy who was attacked like he did something wrong is losing perspective because sometimes animals will be animals.


New member
All dogs that bark get shot?

a dog 50 ft from it's owner is out of control?

We should go get bit?

The ignorance is astounding! Yes, I mean you guys who say things like I restated above!

Next time your kid is fifty feet away I hope CPS is called and your children are taken from you for "being out of control"!! The bad part is that you are in-capable of grasping the fact that you are stereotyping all dogs and owner's. Don't worry I am used to dealing with people who randomly and ignorantly stereotype me like you, I Own Firearms! probably not capable of comprehending that statement either OH well.

Oh yeah and I have been the Meat Puppet more than once, so what is your next one...

Bogus response TRY thinking it thru.


New member
So she said If you gotta kick a dog you must have a little we we.

No no, it wasnt the kicking part that got him accused having small genitals it was the carrying of a revolver. Apparently in her world, having a firearm means your tiny. :rolleyes: :D

All dogs that bark get shot?

No one here has said anything of the kind.

a dog 50 ft from it's owner is out of control?

As a matter of fact, is. If it's not on a leash, the dog is not under your control therefore the dog is in fact "out" of control.

The ignorance is astounding!

Agreed! :rolleyes:


New member
The bad part is that you are in-capable of grasping the fact that you are stereotyping all dogs and owner's.

there is no stereotype in saying that a dog is unpredictable, and frequently cause physical harm to people; it is a solid fact that can only be denied be being either totally in denial, or stupid.

Why don't you say that taking a handgun along when confronting the public, in case one of them becomes violent is stereotyping people?

If a large and frightening person, armed to the teeth and brandishing a weapon confronted a person with obvious malice and danger, would it be stereotyping to suggest taking armed action? No, it would be considered self defense, and if the victim failed to do so, he would be excoriated as being stupid.

But, in your own words, lf, if I take a weapon and plan to either mace or even shoot any dog that presents a serious threat, I am engaging in profiling or stereotyping, and just being an idiot?

I don't think so. People who insist that their dog's right to freedom trumps the rights of any person who is walking in public need to grow up and develop some empathy for the people with whom he is sharing these public places.


New member

1. I agree that any dog that attacks should be put down! I will take out my dog if that is what is needed to sustain life in any human. I never said that dogs rights trump the rights of any Human. Read again, my dogs have a right to life a happy, healthy, free life, do I leash mine...

A. No one ever asked!

B. The word used was "might"

2. A dog 50 ft from its owner it not necessarily out of control, or better turn-of-phrase, not being controlled. Just because the Jack Russel next door does not obey commands, does Mine...

A. No one ever asked!

B. Read and learn how to and how they are controlled

3. Do I think you should have mandatory training for owning Dogs similar to some jurisdictions handgun laws...

A. No one ever asked!

4. Do I think you are with-in your rights to use Deadly Force to protect yourself from Death, Substantial risk of death, or Serious Bodily Harm...

A. Already answered!

5. Since a dog is Deadly Force and so are guns we should Ban all of them Right?

A. Since we have a right do as we chose so long as it does interfere with your right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, just like you and I owning guns, I have a right to own dogs of whatever breed I choose. I am responsible to society and whatever Deity you believe in for the care and use of that item. Do not make the mistake that just because I support an individuals right do own dogs that I believe my dog has more rights than any human, but I am not under the ill-conceived notion that a dog is responsible for its defensive acts or lack of being controlled by the alpha in his pack or more likely he is the alpha because his owner is not capable of being one!

Crazy Carl

New member
I love dogs. I like most dogs more than I like most people. But..... any unleashed dog, off its owner's property that gets aggressive with me is about to have an extra large problem.

Don't care how "good" a dog it is, don't care how near or far away the owner is. I ain't runnin', I ain't backin' down & I ain't playin' the "submissive puppy" routine.

Unleashed, out of control, aggressive dogs are inexcusable & I won't tolerate 'em. If the dog's owner has a problem with that I'll get over it, 'cos I ain't getting bit/attacked to appease some hippy chicks butt-hurt feelings or to provide amusement to the local thugs.
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