Does your spouse go shooting with you?

Does your wife go shooting with you?

  • Yes

    Votes: 59 68.6%
  • No

    Votes: 27 31.4%

  • Total voters


New member
We went together for the first time on Friday and it was great! Mrs. Tuna plans to obtain her CCW as soon as we can schedule her for the gun class. The perfect woman! ;)

Malone LaVeigh

New member
I took my ex-wife shooting a couple of times before we were married. After marriage and with kids taking all our time and energy, we both lost interest for a long time. That changed when my son got old enough to start showing strong interest in guns. I mean, before we thought he even had heard of guns, he used to eat his toast in the shape of a pistol and play shooting it. I decided that the best response was to teach him how to use the real thing safely, rather than giving him toy guns, which we were both pretty against. So I started taking him and my daughter out and teaching them to shoot. This was during our breakup period, so my ex didn't participate.

So, to make a long story short, I have gotten back into guns in a big way, and my son is only slightly less interested than I. My ex is uncomfortable with our interest; she doesn't say much about it, but I can tell she thinks it's strange and maybe a bit dangerous. I think with a little persuasion, she would be an "anti," but knowing us probably moderates her views.


New member
She is totally convinced that the Anaconda I bought is all hers. Except when it needs cleaning.

She only shoots a few times a year now, but she is impressive to watch with the Anaconda or the snubby that she carries.


New member
It's been a long time since she went, but she wants to go again. Originally, I started her with a Ruger Mark V, but she quickly wanted something that went "boom." She enjoyed shooting my 586 with full .357 magnum loads. :cool:

Reading this thread, I think it's time I took her out again.


New member
She isn't my spouse (at least yet) but she goes shooting with me often... so I said "yes" but that should read "significant other" as there are alot of attached, but not married folk on this board..


New member
The spousal unit loves to go shooting with me and a buddy. She gets a kick out of emabarrasing us on the range. It took many years to get her to go but now she is an avid fan and supporter of firearms.
No spouse currently.

Old spouse went with me a couple of times.

Now days, if she wanted to go, I'd not be opposed as long as she was willing to go downrange and shag bullets for me.


New member
My wife goes with me out to the range, but won't shoot.

But she is gun friendly and supports the 2Nd ammendment rights.



New member
I agree with Hemi , No spouse yet but working on that ( in due time ) but she wants to learn how to shoot and she wants my LDA and Coonan , we are waiting for some time to get to the range when it is open ..:rolleyes:


New member
Hmph, thread title doesn't match poll question. I'll answer the title question and leave the poll alone.

My spouse goes shooting with me, when I drag him to the range. He's not an anti, just not enthusiastic.



New member
The first time out she shot about a 3" group at 100 yds with an HK-91.

This past weekend she overcame a Yugo SKS with a misadjusted front sight, Yugo Mil. surplus ammo, and crosswinds to put a round in the EXACT center of a 25 yard slow-fire pistol target at 50+ yards.

I now call her 'the sniper'.:D

ugly cassanova

New member
She shoots the HS2000 better than I do, and got pissed the last time we went the range because I shot all the .45 ammo without letting her run a mag through the 1911 she bought me for Christmas.

We're getting married in October. :D


New member
Mike...Sounds like your ex is related to my ex...Luckily I haven't heard from or seen her in 12 years!

My SO (significate other) is a self-professed redneck. She loves shooting her Stevens 820 12ga and since I started into handguns she bought a Taurus 605CH for her nightstand. She loves shooting any of my wheelguns, but is not comfortable with the bottom feeders yet. She goes to the range with me whenever she can...sometimes she invites me to go!

Yeah! She's a keeper! She even bought me my Para 7.45 LDA!



New member
The Wife

Just yesterday she was practicing shooting her Mauser 96 straight-pull (30-06) offhand so that she is ready for her moose this year. Last year I got the moose as her sub-permittee and this year I got drawn for a permit so I reckon it is her turn. She also has, for defense of her and the kids, a Sig 239 9mm that she handles quite proficiently. She ain't a big woman but she is tough and is persistent at the range. She also likes to shoot our friend's 44mag, 454 Casull, and 480 Ruger. I would not have imagined her enjoying the hand cannons but she never ceases to surprise me. Needless to say she is very involved with teaching our kids to shoot and we all have a great time together at the range.

Jesse H

New member
no way.

spouse = bad word. similar to gf, marraige, relationship, committment, etc...


But then what do I know, I'm a 23 year old poor undergrad that prefers to spend my paychecks on MY cars and MY guns. Way in the future, though, I'd hope to find a nice girl that enjoys it.

Mr. James

New member
Mike Irwin, lol

As for no....never....ick, get that thing out of the don't need another gun...GUNS ARE EEEEEEEVIL.

I've tried. I've failed. I'd shoot myself, but that would just give Tom Diaz another statistic. ;)


New member
My wife goes about 90 % of the time. Went to a gun show and saw a Baby Eagle in 9mm she liked, bought it and she's been shooting ever since. Bought me a Mossberg 590A1 for Father's Day and she likes shooting that one too