Does Trump support Gun Control?

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As an aside.

March 20, 1961, JFK became a life time NRA member. A lot of people, nowadays, would have a hard time believing a Democrat President as a life NRA member.


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"Psuedo-conformist middle-of-the-road MugWump"
Priceless! Thanks for the chuckle wogpotter! ;)

One way to protect the gun rights is to put one party in the big chair and put the other party in congress. Then nothing they can't both agree on gets done. That would include gun control. Unfortunately it would also include some other things that are even more important.
Sad, but unfortunately very true MurBob.

Put the wrong party in the big chair, and kiss the whole kit & caboodle adios when that party's choice of justices are appointed to the Supreme Court.

I don't believe that Trump would be a sound choice, though I don't believe that he would be the worst choice either when weighed against some possible alternatives from both 'parties'.

I can't really answer your question Skans, but I can offer a quick view of an article from May 15th of last year which certainly raises some question and tends to support wogpotter's view.
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jj45 said:
JFK became a life time NRA member.

JFK supported Nixon in taking Alger Hiss out of circulation, and also ran against Nixon with a promise to build more nuclear tipped missiles.

Things change.
And, we know that Obama has taught everyone to just use executive orders to move the gun control agenda forward.
Except he hasn't really done much of anything at all with those executive orders in regards to gun control. A lot of talk and very little action. Yells, "look everybody I'm doing something," as he proudly watches a video of a guy twiddling his thumbs on youtube.

Split control is best. It is difficult to predict the supreme court judge appointment timings. Most of them could keel over at any moment. One in 50s, 4 in 60s, 3 in 70s, and one in 80s. Any decisions going against recent court victories can be overturned as easily as those recent victories. The Supreme Court has traditionally stayed away from acting as such, but it seems to be changing that somewhat recently to a very limited degree.


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Except he hasn't really done much of anything at all with those executive orders in regards to gun control. A lot of talk and very little action. Yells, "look everybody I'm doing something," as he proudly watches a video of a guy twiddling his thumbs on youtube.

You're absolutely right! I wasn't going to say anything for fear of being jumped on in here.. glad you noticed that little fact.

Any why should he do anything about gun control?? From a perspective comparing the relative importance of gun control to other issues, I'd say that gun control is on par with computer malware control. Nothing that is done is going to actually result in any meaningful changes in any direction.

We have more important issues to deal with.. Education, health care, poverty, etc etc.. the list is long.

I know gun control is a big issue in this forum because it directly relates to our constitutional rights, but in the bigger picture of what our society needs for our own health and prosperity, gun control rates down there with fertilizing the lawn. Of course, you can't say that to someone who just lost someone they love to an act of violence.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
We are moving to a discussion of general political issues and candidates. This is not the mission of TFL. While that rule is strongly stated in the L and CR stickies, it applies here.

I also note some trolling to get a rise out of other posters and inappropriate analogies. I caution against that.

Thus, closed.
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