Does Trump support Gun Control?

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Active member
Here's what I've been able to find about Trump on gun control:

"I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun. With today’s Internet technology we should be able to tell within 72-hours if a potential gun owner has a record." Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.102 , Jul 2, 2000

More recently he said:

“I certainly stand by my opposition to Gun Control when it comes to taking guns from law-abiding citizens. You mention that the media describes the AR-15 as an “assault rifle,” which is one example of the many distortions they use to sell their agenda. However, the AR-15 does not fall under this category. Gun-banners are unfortunately preoccupied with the AR-15, magazine capacity, grips, and other aesthetics, precisely because of its popularity.”

So, where does this guy really stand on gun control? Is there anything else out there other than what he said in 2000 and what he's said since he wants to be president that would give us some deeper indication?


New member
It seems like just about everyone who becomes rich and famous is in favor of gun control, to some degree.
Maybe the idea lets them sleep better.
Being in the spotlight must make them nervous.


New member
So, where does this guy really stand on gun control? Is there anything else out there other than what he said in 2000 and what he's said since he wants to be president that would give us some deeper indication?

If there were other statements he'd made on the topic, do you think it would tell you where "this guy really stand on gun control"?


New member
"Psuedo-conformist middle-of-the-road MugWump" would be my guess.
He wants VOTES right now, he'll probably semi non-disagree with whatever he thinks you want him to say without actually committing either way.


New member
Trump is a life time member of the NRA and concealed carry permit holder. This is according to Brietbart.... Don't argue with me:) I could hardly beleve it either. Just google " is trump an NRA member?"


New member

Shazbot! This is really interesting. I heard him say on O'Reilly that he is a concealed carry permit holder.


New member
SKANS; Correct definition of "Assault Rifle" as originally conceived.

1.Weapon must be a CARBINE for handiness.
2.Weapon must be SELECTIVE FIRE to replace the submachine gun.
3.weapon must fire from a LOCKED BREECH.
4.Weapon must utilize an INTERMEDIATE POWERED cartridge. That is, a cartridge powered somewhere between a full powered rifle cartridge and low-powered pistol cartridge used in the SMG.
5.Weapon must use a LARGE CAPACITY, detachable box magazine. This allows the high volume of fire critical to the "storm gun" concept.

The first "assault rifle" was the German MP44 7.92X32MM Kurz.... Supposedly the first person to coin the term "assault rifle" was Adolf Hitler (Sturm Gewehr or storm rifle).

If you don't own a full auto (select fire) capable rifle then you don't own an assault rifle and this is only ONE of the criterion.


New member
IMHO Wogpotter nailed it, and rather humorously. :D
JJ45 said:
Trump is a life time member of the NRA and concealed carry permit holder.
Both of which may symbolic and obtained for purposes of political expediency.

Also, recall how many times you're heard something like this from numerous other politicians... "I'm a gun owner and an NRA member, but I support common-sense gun laws like requiring universal background checks and outlawing military grade ammunition." Uh huh. :rolleyes:
JJ45 said:
SKANS; Correct definition of "Assault Rifle" as originally conceived... SELECT FIRE... LOCKED BREECH... INTERMEDIATE POWERED... yadda yadda...
That ship sailed a long time ago. This line of argument is like trying to convince people that Mustangs and Camaros aren't sports cars; it won't work and you'll just puzzle them. Suggest looking up some of Glenn L. Meyer's posts on the topic.


Active member
Trump is a life time member of the NRA and concealed carry permit holder.

This may be, but when did he become a life member? If it some time before he even thought about running for President, that would resonate with me.

JJ45, I know that many in the gun community define "assault weapon" to mean full-auto. But, I feel confident Trump was not referring to machineguns when he made his statement in 2000. It wouldn't make sense talking about "banning assault weapons / machineguns" in the context of the assault weapon ban that had more recently recently been passed. There are so few pre-86 machineguns and they are prohibited in New York anyway, that I doubt Trump even knew people in other states could own one.

Besides, the term "assault rifle" has morphed to mean military-style semi-auto rifles. And, the term "assault weapon" has been defined by a number of State and US laws - so it doesn't really matter that its origins come from a particular German made WWII gun. Some folks don't like this (I really don't know why), but it's kind of futile to try and explain to the non-gun community why an AR-15 isn't an "assault rifle". Especially when you can put a bump-fire stock on it, or use the F.A. Binary Firing system legally - aren't we just splitting nat-specs?
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New member
In my opinion:

Assault Weapon = Full auto or at least 3 round burst. When the military executes a ground assault, they do so with fully automatic weapons. When a swat team busts down the front door to a dangerous drug dealer, they do so with fully automatic weapons.. (at least as far as I know).

Putting spoilers and racing strips on a vehicle does not make it a race car.. Installing a powerful engine, drive train, and suspension does.

The definition of an assault weapon should be based solely on its functional capabilities, not if its provocatively dressed up.

TRUMP: Like any other politician, he is going to tap dance any way he needs to in order to get the votes.
As much as I agree with many of the things he says, (and I love his total lack of political correctness) the fact that he came from a privileged super-wealthy family scares the heck out of me.

Whether I agree with their views or not, I would rather vote for someone who scratched and clawed their way up and has experienced the challenges that face normal people, as opposed to someone who was handed wealth and a worry free life on a silver platter.
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New member
Yep the word "assault" in front of anything gives it the ominous, danger to society, menace that the left wing media can't resist even if it's not technically correct.

When the 2nd Amendment was ratified the Continental Army was armed with flintlocks. So to be evenly matched, the militia (meaning the common citizenry) also could legally own a flintlock.....

So to be evenly matched today, we can "pick our own nits" and demand that we have the right to be armed as our military is armed.

Anyone price an M1 Abrams lately? :)


New member
GW said he would sign the "assault weapons ban" if it reached his desk. Look it up. Many members here supported what we have now and believed the lies.

I say Trump is learning about the way things really are outside New York City, at least he's talking the talk, I just hope he's for real. If both parties are agarinst him, there's a chance that he's he real deal, or as close to that, as we're apt to find. So far at least, he has my support , but things may change.


Vote Trump. You only other choice is Hillary who is rabid anti-gun. If you remember Romney in was anti semi-auto until he was running for President the 2nd time in 2012.


New member
Here's what I've been able to find about Trump on gun control:

"I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun. With today’s Internet technology we should be able to tell within 72-hours if a potential gun owner has a record." Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.102 , Jul 2, 2000

More recently he said:

“I certainly stand by my opposition to Gun Control when it comes to taking guns from law-abiding citizens. You mention that the media describes the AR-15 as an “assault rifle,” which is one example of the many distortions they use to sell their agenda. However, the AR-15 does not fall under this category. Gun-banners are unfortunately preoccupied with the AR-15, magazine capacity, grips, and other aesthetics, precisely because of its popularity.”

So, where does this guy really stand on gun control? Is there anything else out there other than what he said in 2000 and what he's said since he wants to be president that would give us some deeper indication?

He stands wherever get him elected


New member
Or vote neither and put an independent in there.

One way to protect the gun rights is to put one party in the big chair and put the other party in congress. Then nothing they can't both agree on gets done. That would include gun control. Unfortunately it would also include some other things that are even more important.


New member
MurBob said:
The definition of an assault weapon should be based solely on its functional capabilities, not if its provocatively dressed up.
Perhaps, but I think that the concept of legally defining the term "assault weapon" based on cosmetic features has become so ingrained in existing law that we're unlikely to see that change.

Besides, as I've argued in past threads, the argument that "it's stupid to ban guns based on cosmetic features" is inherently weak because, by arguing that the features are trivial, it implies that we're obsessed with trivialities. We need to do better than that.
pnac said:
Many members here supported what we have now and believed the lies.
Huh? :confused: What we have now is no federal AWB. I support the status quo. :)
peggysue said:
Vote Trump. You only other choice is Hillary who is rabid anti-gun.
We haven't even cleared the primaries and you're arguing that we have no other choice? :confused:

Furthermore, IMHO both of these candidates have a strong chance of crashing and burning (albeit for different reasons), even well before the crucial "SEC primary".
peggysue said:
If you remember Romney in was anti semi-auto until he was running for President the 2nd time in 2012.
This argument is a non sequitur, because we really don't know how Romney would have voted if elected, because he wasn't. Furthermore, IMHO his lukewarmness on a variety of issues—particularly this one—was the #1 reason he didn't make it. Nobody really knew how Romney stood on a lot of things.
stonewall50 said:
Trump was a long time democrat. I'd rather vote for a real conservative.
The one thing we can be sure about is that Trump is an opportunist. I don't find this reassuring.

MurBob said:
One way to protect the gun rights is to put one party in the big chair and put the other party in congress. Then nothing they can't both agree on gets done.
IMHO this is one thing we should all be able to heartily agree on. :)


New member
Most politicians don't get it.
The whole idea of the Constitution was to hamstring the power hungry who would want to control the government through Congress.
It's still a valid concept.


Active member
IMHO this is one thing we should all be able to heartily agree on.

So assuming the R's keep the House and the Senate, are you really advocating for either Bernie or Hillary as president? Both are rabbid anti-gun. And, we know that Obama has taught everyone to just use executive orders to move the gun control agenda forward.

No, I don't heartily agree on this at all.

But, I'd like to keep this on track - I'm just trying to flush out what else, if anything Trump has said on guns - pro or against before he decided to run.
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